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Medical Aspects of Work Involving Confined Spaces
Published in Neil McManus, Safety and Health in Confined Spaces, 2018
Urine tests provide indications about kidney and other functions (Forland 1990). Color can provide a useful diagnostic clue about disease in other systems, as well as food and drug consumption. Elevated specific gravity reflects the presence of high molecular weight species, a possible indicator of kidney damage. Elevated pH can indicate kidney damage as well as urinary infection. Elevated protein in urine is indicative of primary renal disease or renal involvement in systemic illness. Elevated glucose can indicate renal or pancreatic disease. The appearance of bile in urine is a potential indication of liver damage or disease. The presence of acetone and other ketone bodies in urine is evidence of faulty metabolism of fatty acids in the liver and other tissues. Blood or blood pigments in urine are indicative of potential kidney damage. Centrifuged sediment can include blood cells, bacteria, and other invaders of the urinary tract, cell fragments, crystals, and fat globules. Presence of blood cells is indicative of kidney disease or infection.
Solid-State Gas Sensors for Clinical Diagnosis
Published in Krzysztof Iniewski, Biological and Medical Sensor Technologies, 2017
Breath acetone concentration is higher in diabetics than in healthy peoples and has been found to correlate with plasma-ketones and β-hydroxybutyrate concentration in venous blood [72]. The increase of ketone bodies in the blood results in ketoacidosis, a severe clinical condition in diabetics. Therefore, breath acetone is a suitable marker to monitor frequently and in a noninvasive way diabetics at risk for ketoacidosis [73,74]. An MOS sensor based on indium oxide for breath acetone detection has been found promising for the control of therapeutic ketogenic diets [75]. Pratsinis’ team built an extremely sensitive acetone detector based on a thin film of semiconducting, mixed ceramic nanoparticles as sensing element between a set of gold electrodes. It is sensitive enough to detect acetone at 20 parts per billion, a concentration that is 90 times lower than the level at which it can be found in the breath of diabetic patients [76].
Treatment Options for Chemical Sensitivity
Published in William J. Rea, Kalpana D. Patel, Reversibility of Chronic Disease and Hypersensitivity, Volume 5, 2017
William J. Rea, Kalpana D. Patel
In addition to being directly catabolized to yield energy, the liver can convert nucleosides, amino acids, and lipids into glucose and ketone bodies for distribution elsewhere in the body (Figure 6.32). Ribose-phosphate from nucleosides can be converted into glucose through the nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). Amino acids feed into central metabolism at multiple points, including pyruvate, tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) cycle intermediates, and acetyl–coenzyme A (CoA). Pyruvate and TCA cycle intermediates are substrates for gluconeogenesis. In contrast, mammals cannot convert acetyl-CoA into glucose. Because lipid degradation yields mostly acetyl-CoA, ketone bodies are essential for feeding the brain and other vital tissues during prolonged starvation.
Effect of acute ingestion of β-hydroxybutyrate salts on the response to graded exercise in trained cyclists
Published in European Journal of Sport Science, 2018
Mark Evans, Ella Patchett, Rickard Nally, Rachel Kearns, Matthew Larney, Brendan Egan
Ketone bodies [namely β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB) and acetoacetate (AcAc)] are produced in the liver during periods of low glucose availability such as during fasting, starvation, and ketogenic diets (Balasse & Féry, 1989; Laffel, 1999; Robinson & Williamson, 1980). Although principally acting as an alternative fuel source for the brain when glucose concentrations are diminished, ketone bodies are also used by skeletal muscle to provide up to 10% of energy during exercise in the fasted state (Balasse, Fery, & Neef, 1978; Féry & Balasse, 1983; Fery, Franken, Neef, & Balasse, 1974; Wahren, Sato, Ostman, Hagenfeldt, & Felig, 1984). However, the direct contribution to energy provision may be secondary to the potential metabolic action of supplemental ketones. For instance, ketone bodies have wide-ranging metabolic effects on peripheral tissues such as glucose sparing, anti-lipolytic effects, and stimulation of muscle protein synthesis (Maizels, Ruderman, Goodman, & Lau, 1977; Mikkelsen, Seifert, Secher, Grøndal, & van Hall, 2015; Nair, Welle, Halliday, & Campbell, 1988). During moderate intensity exercise, infusion of sodium AcAc after an overnight fast attenuates the rise in plasma lactate (Féry & Balasse, 1988), whereas sodium βHB infusion similarly alters the metabolic response to very intense exercise in rats (Kamysheva & Ostrovskaia, 1980) and ischemic forearm exercise in humans (Lestan, Walden, Schmaltz, Spychala, & Fox, 1994).