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Introduction to Two Problems in Cellular Biology
Published in Raimund J. Ober, E. Sally Ward, Jerry Chao, Quantitative Bioimaging, 2020
Raimund J. Ober, E. Sally Ward, Jerry Chao
Recent progress in the antibody engineering field has led to the exploitation of such processes for drug design. Here antibodies are “designed” in the laboratory and produced with the aim that they bind to specified targets, such as cancer cells. The cancer cells that are bound by the engineered antibodies (Fig. 2.1(b)) are then also attacked by the body's own immune cells and destroyed. This and similar approaches have led to promising new antibody-based drugs for the treatment of different diseases, such as various types of cancers that include breast and colon tumors. In the field of immunotherapy, antibodies can also be used to block immunoregulatory molecules and stimulate the immune response against tumors. An additional area of active interest is to generate antibodies for treating infectious diseases caused by bacteria or viruses. Furthermore, antibodies can be used to remove or change the activity of cells that cause autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases occur when a person's immune system goes awry and attacks one or more components of the body (e.g., myasthenia gravis and systemic lupus erythematosus).
Molecular and Cellular Pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Published in Richard K. Burt, Alberto M. Marmont, Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Disease, 2019
George C. Tsokos, Yuang-Taung Juang, Christos G. Tsokos, Madhusoodana P. Nambiar
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an idiopathic autoimmune disease characterized by disorders of cellular and humoral immune response leading to autoantibody production. SLE predominantly afflicts women (9:1 compared to men) in their child-bearing years. People of African, Afro-Caribbean, Asian, Native American and East Asian descent are more likely to develop SLE and may have more severe course of disease and prognosis than Caucasians. The autoimmune response leads to abnormal production of a wide spectrum of autoantibodies forming immune complexes that deposit on tissues propagating a chronic inflammatory process that destroys organ parenchyma and results in end-stage organ failure. The precise pathogenic mechanisms leading to abnormal T cell functions in SLE remain incompletely understood. Although tissue bound antibody and immune complexes are the principal effectors of this inflammatory process, currently it is held that fundamental abnormalities of the immune system exist at the cellular level that authorize the improper production of autoantibodies. The current treatment of SLE centers on refined regimens of corticosteroids and cytotoxic drugs.
Epigenomics, Epithelial Plasticity, Clinical Genetics, and Rare Diseases
Published in Moayad N. Khalaf, Michael Olegovich Smirnov, Porteen Kannan, A. K. Haghi, Environmental Technology and Engineering Techniques, 2020
Francisco Torrens, Gloria Castellano
It is important to distinguish traditional from epigenetic ages. Applications of epigenomics in cancer follow: diagnostic makers, makers of prognosis, makers of response and therapeutic targets. Genetics and epigenetics: People cannot change genetics but epigenetics via healthy food and physical exercise. A rotation of 1 month is proposed for the internal resident physician in family medicine. The weird is significant. Research in the most RDs has the capacity of benefiting all people. Together, people are stronger—patients–physicians-researchers–science journalists. The aetiology of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is multifactorial and includes contributions from the environment, stochastic factors, and genetic issues.
Hydroxychloroquine improves high-fat-diet-induced obesity and organ dysfunction via modulation of lipid level, oxidative stress, and inflammation
Published in Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2023
Mohamed A Hasan, Omar A. Ammar, Maher A Amer, Azza I Othman, Fawzia Zigheber, Mohamed A El-Missiry
The improvement in adiponectin levels in HCQ-treated obese rats has a fundamental and beneficial effect. The ability of adiponectin to control obesity consequences is attributed to several mechanisms [8]. It can suppress the induction of TNF-α and enhance the level of anti-inflammatory IL-10. Moreover, adiponectin decreases the amount of adipose tissue TG and improves insulin signaling and sensitivity. It also activates β-oxidation through enhancing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR-α) receptor phosphorylation and stimulating AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) cascade [8]. Thus, these findings indicate that the effect of HCQ on obesity is mediated by adiponectin. In patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, treatment with HCQ controls adipokines [39]. In general, obesity is characterized by hyperleptinemia and resistance to weight loss [40]. Thus, we suggest that HCQ might normalize leptin levels, suppress leptin resistance, and/or restore the balance between leptin and adiponectin in rats treated with HFD+HCQ. These data indicate that HCQ intervention in obese rats improved oxidative stress status, declined production of inflammatory adipokines and reduced fat storage.
Evaluation of the black soybean hulls agro-industrial waste for chloroquine removal from aqueous medium and treatment of multi-components
Published in Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2023
Eduarda Freitas Diogo Januário, Taynara Basso Vidovix, Camila Andressa Bissaro, Rafael Oliveira Defendi, Luiz Mário de Matos Jorge, Rosângela Bergamasco, Angélica Marquetotti Salcedo Vieira
Several types of pollutants are detected in surface water, such as heavy metals,[3] dyes,[4] pharmaceuticals,[5] and other emerging contaminants.[6] Chloroquine (CQN) is a drug known as an immunomodulator, as it provides an increase in the immune response against certain microorganisms. It has been the cornerstone of malaria treatment for several years, remaining so in many places of the world. Moreover, it is indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, various parasitic infections and extra-intestinal amebiasis.[7,8] It is noteworthy that the COVID-19 pandemic significantly increased the use of this drug, due to its putative benefit for the COVID-19 treatment.[9] However, the CQN presents high toxicity, and its presence in water bodies can cause worrying side effects to human health, such as cardiac arrhythmia, renal complications and damage to eye health.[10]
Hazardous dusts from the fabrication of countertop: a review
Published in Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 2023
W. Kyle Mandler, Chaolong Qi, Yong Qian
Silicosis has been associated with systemic inflammation and resultant autoimmune disorders for more than a century as cases of diffuse scleroderma were first described in a group of stone masons.42–44 Research has linked diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus,45–47 systemic sclerosis,48 and rheumatoid arthritis.42,49,50 The biologic mechanism underlying silica-induced autoimmune disorders is not clear. The presence of elevated antinuclear antibodies (ANA) is often reported in a subset of silicosis cases.51 In a group of 68 patients with silicosis of varying progression, lung antibodies were detected in 47. Of that antibody positive group, all expressed IgG lung antibodies, while 32 presented IgA, and IgM were detected in 15.52