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Published in Laurence J. Street, Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Technology, 2023
Fever increases the body’s temperature set point by a few degrees, thus initiating responses to bring core temperature up to the new set point. This is why people with fevers may feel chills (their actual core temperature is initially below the new set point) and experience shivering as their body attempts to raise its core temperature. As a benefit, higher temperatures seem to enhance immune system response and also seem to negatively affect some pathogens such as viruses. Excessively high fever temperatures can be harmful or even fatal and must be reduced by medication and/or external means.
Role of Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19
Published in Salah-ddine Krit, Vrijendra Singh, Mohamed Elhoseny, Yashbir Singh, Artificial Intelligence Applications in a Pandemic, 2022
S. Lalitha, H. T. Bhavana, K. N. Madhusudhan, Prascheth, Harshitha
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an inflammation infection originated by novel coronavirus. Cold, cough, fever, and loss of smell and taste are general symptoms of COVID-19 and, in critical cases, respiratory problems. It has been declared a worldwide pandemic. The important phases of human life, such as transportation, education, health sector, marketing have been changed due to the attack of COVID-19. Those infected with COVID-19 suffer from respiratory problems but can recovered with proper medical aid. The virus can easily transmit from human to human, hence, it is one of the most dangerous viruses among all virus families. A total of 214 countries have been suffering from this deadly disease. As of September 10, 2020, the worldwide confirmed coronavirus cases numbered 27.5 million, and 894,983 deaths have occurred. The United States had the record for the most cases of COVID-19, nearly 6.3 million confirmed, and 190,856 deaths. Italy, Brazil, India, Spain, and Russia are some other countries that are enormously affected. There are no clinical vaccines available to prevent and no drugs/medical procedures to cure this disease.
Common Sense Emergency Response
Published in Robert A. Burke, Common Sense Emergency Response, 2020
The incubation period for the EVD is 2–21 days from the time of infection to when symptoms appear. Humans are not infectious until they develop symptoms. Initial symptoms are the sudden onset of fever (>101°F/38.3°C), fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash, symptoms of impaired kidney and liver function and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding (e.g., oozing from the gums, blood in the stools). Laboratory findings may include low white blood cell and platelet counts and elevated liver enzymes. It may be difficult to distinguish EVD from other infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid fever, and meningitis. Confirmation that symptoms are caused by EVD are made using the following investigations: Antibody-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)Antigen-capture detection testsReverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assayElectron microscopyVirus isolation by culture
An efficient COVID-19 detection from CT images using ensemble support vector machine with Ludo game-based swarm optimisation
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 2022
Shiny Irene D, J. Rene Beulah, Anitha K., Kannan K.
COVID-19 is the short form of coronavirus disease 2019. It is the transferable disease which is produced by simple acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The name coronavirus was obtained from Latin factor ‘corona’ which means crown, meanwhile it is incorporated by looking like the royal crown of the sharp shell shape. The World health Organization (WHO) formally broadcasted that the novel virus detected is called 2019-nCoV on January 2020 (Ismael and Şengür 2021). COVID-19 was first reported in Wuhan, China and infected 7,711 people with 170 informed deaths before coronavirus was stated as international pandemic. The common symptoms of COVID-19 infected patients contain fever, breath shortness and cough. The other symptoms contain muscle pain, abdominal pain, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, runny nose, dry cough, infected person feel aches & aches, nasal congestion, diarrhoea and tiredness. When most of the cases finishes in minor symptoms, some contains pneumonia and several organs failure. In the 26 March 2020, the entire death rate is 4.5% but it is ranged from 0.2% to 15% due to the age group as well as the other health issues (Esbin et al. 2020).
A formally verified authentication protocol in secure framework for mobile healthcare during COVID-19-like pandemic
Published in Connection Science, 2021
Shaik Shakeel Ahamad, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan
As reported in various reliable sources from the medical community, COVID-19 patients can show various types of symptoms like fever, cough, muscle pain, sore throat, shortness of breath, etc. (Symptoms, 2020). Due to the nature of the disease, it is classified as highly contagious. In such case or similar disease condition, when a patient needs emergency treatment or in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), various types of bodily conditions need to be measured like low oxygen level in blood or hypoxia, high temperature, irregular pulse or heart rate, and so on (Wei-Hass, 2020), (Cardiac, 2020). A key requirement is as less physical contact with the patient as possible. Here, BSN could be very useful. Indeed, today there are various types of body sensors to automatically monitor body temperature, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, pulse rate, etc. (Khan & Pathan, 2018), (Zhang et al., 2020).
Battling COVID-19 using machine learning: A review
Published in Cogent Engineering, 2021
Krishnaraj Chadaga, Srikanth Prabhu, Bhat K Vivekananda, S. Niranjana, Shashikiran Umakanth
Commonly known as Coronavirus (SARS-COV-2), is a very infectious disease which has spread all over the globe. This virus belongs to the Coronavirdae family. Cough, fever, shortness of breath, headache, muscle ache, loss of smell and taste can all be symptoms of COVID-19 (Razai et al., 2020). The origin of this virus is still not known, but studies have concluded that it is linked to Beta-coV genera, a virus which infects rodents and bats (Cascella et al., 2020). Wuhan city, China reported the first case in December 2019. 182,276,267 cases have been confirmed and 3,947,630 deaths have been reported as of 29 June 2021. Various health industries are looking at new techniques and methods to tackle this pandemic. Data Science is currently one of the hottest trends in the modern era. It covers artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, algorithms, modelling, statistics and simulation. It has been argued that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a crucial role to help fight against this highly infectious virus. It also provides great support to academic and clinical studies (Browning et al., 2020). ML has a lot of scope in a variety of fields like engineering, interdisciplinary science, psychology, social analysis, earth observations, hazard mitigations, urbanized locations etc. Various implementations of Machine Learning (ML) ideas were used in applications like tracking people using facial recognition, disinfecting areas using drones (Estrada, 2020), medicines and food delivery by automated robots, detection of COVID-19, drug discovery etc. AI’s subset is ML.