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Hand eczema
Hand eczema, also known as hand dermatitis, is a prevalent condition characterized by symptoms such as itching, redness, scaling, and clustered papulovesicles that are primarily localized to the hands.From: Hand Eczema [2019]
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Occupational counseling is important in the prevention of hand eczema. The following recommendations are made based on the findings of two epidemiological studies on hand eczema in hospital workers.13,36Individuals with a personal or family history of atopic disease but no dry and itchy skin and no earlier hand eczema may be employed in such work.Individuals with a history of atopic dermatitis who have had hand eczema should be advised not to chose employment involving wet hospital work.Individuals with a history of atopic mucosal symptoms or a family history of atopy who have an atopic skin condition with a dry and itchy skin should be advised not to choose such work if they have had hand eczema during the last year.
Occupational dermatoses: knowledge, attitudes and perceptions among motor vehicle repair workers
An intervention based on a health educational program is effective for primary prevention of occupational hand eczema, suggesting that its implementation in regular vocational training may reduce the burden of the disease [9].