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Management of COVID-19 Rehabilitation Nursing
Published in Wenguang Xia, Xiaolin Huang, Rehabilitation from COVID-19, 2021
Avoid overtraining. Muscle training should be done painlessly. Training is advisable when patients do not feel tired or sore the day after training. The increase of pain or fatigue the next morning indicates that the exercise is excessive. According to patients’ general condition (quality, physical strength) and local condition (joint activity, muscle strength), select an appropriate training method. Patients can train one to two times a day for 20–30 minutes each time. They can be trained in groups with 1–2 minute breaks. The nursing staff should explain the exercise well and ask for the patient’s reaction at the time of training and the next morning to adjust the training plan.
Maximizing training
Published in Richard J. Butler, Sports Psychology in Action, 2020
Typically, when overtraining is suspected, the advice is to reduce training loads and encourage recovery through relaxation, sauna, massage and sleep. Overtraining might also be seen as a symptom of a training programme too forceful in design. It is thus a time for reflection and restructuring of the programme to ensure training sessions are maximized. As Douglas Wakiihuri, the famous marathon runner said, 'Preparation must be all as one. You need to run, to recover, to eat, to have shoes.'
Physiological Assessment and Determination of Overtraining
Published in Charles Paul Lambert, Physiology and Nutrition for Amateur Wrestling, 2020
Overtraining is a reduction in physiological performance brought on by a prolonged increase in training load. It is accompanied by a number of physiological signs and symptoms. Overtraining can occur from a lack of sufficient carbohydrate intake which results in glycogen depletion when training intensity and volume are high. Costill et al. (1988) reported that an intensified period of collegiate swim training resulted in a reduction of performance. A further analysis of the data revealed that the swimmers who could not maintain the desired intensity for the given volume of training were not eating sufficient carbohydrate and had low muscle glycogen concentrations. These data are supported in runners by Kirwan et al. (1988), who found that even 10 g of carbohydrate per kilogram body weight was insufficient to maintain running performance during a period of intensified training. For a remedy to this form of overtraining please see Lambert and Jones (2010). Clearly, eating insufficient carbohydrate can lead to overtraining but overtraining can occur in the face of sufficient carbohydrate intake (Snyder et al. 1995). According to Wilmore and Costill (1994) the symptoms of overtraining are as follows (Table 16.1).
Is self-regulation key in reducing running-related injuries and chronic fatigue? A randomized controlled trial among long-distance runners
Published in Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2022
Luuk P. van Iperen, Jan de Jonge, Josette M. P. Gevers, Steven B. Vos, Luiz Hespanhol
In addition to RRIs, runners may also be affected by chronic fatigue, defined in this study as severe and long-lasting physical and mental exhaustion (see Michielsen et al., 2004). Chronic fatigue is associated with long-term adverse effects on the physical and mental health of long-distance runners, including mood disturbances, lower sleep quality, immune suppression, performance reduction, and cardiovascular issues (Lock et al., 2018; Olson et al., 2018; Smith et al., 2015). Due to a lack of research on the topic, it is unclear to what degree chronic fatigue occurs specifically among long-distance runners. However, it has been estimated that 33% of recreational adult runners will experience at least one episode of overtraining syndrome during their running career (Meeusen et al., 2013), a concept that overlaps with chronic fatigue (Kreher & Schwartz, 2012). In addition, as with RRIs, psychological characteristics, such as an obsessive passion for running and low mental recovery from running, have been associated with higher levels of chronic fatigue (van Iperen et al., 2022).
“The forgotten session”: Advancing research and practice concerning the psychology of rest in athletes
Published in Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2022
David W. Eccles, Yannick Balk, Thomas W. Gretton, Nate Harris
Given this definition of rest as physical inactivity, the primary function of rest within the literature on recovery is to aid recovery from physical and psychological fatigue following training and competition (Kellmann et al., 2018; Loch et al., 2019). Insufficient recovery contributes to the onset of overtraining syndrome, where symptoms include fatigue, performance decline, and mood disturbances (Meeusen et al., 2013). Insufficient recovery can also lead to burnout, an experiential syndrome characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion, reduced accomplishment, and sport devaluation (Eklund & DeFreese, 2015). Rest is considered fundamental to the recovery process and thus to avoiding onset of the overtraining and burnout syndromes. In addition to its preventative function, rest is also proposed as the most effective therapy for remediation of these syndromes following their onset. For example, “complete rest” is proposed as “the only efficient remedy” for overtraining (Hausswirth & Mujika, 2013) and “genuine rest”, described as minimizing physical training and competitions, is considered an essential treatment for burnout (Goodger & Kentta, 2010).
Can listening-related fatigue influence well-being? Examining associations between hearing loss, fatigue, activity levels and well-being
Published in International Journal of Audiology, 2021
Jack A. Holman, Benjamin W. Y. Hornsby, Fred H. Bess, Graham Naylor
Numerous studies have examined the effects of physical activity on fatigue. The research is primarily divided between investigations into the effect of overtraining in athletes, and the effect of exercise in healthy or unhealthy populations. Here, the latter was of primary interest. This area is often studied by examining the effects of exercise interventions on energy and fatigue. In healthy but sedentary populations, chronic exercise (repeated sessions of exercise over a period of time) has been identified in several studies as increasing feelings of energy and reducing fatigue (Jette et al. 1996; Annesi 2002; Puetz, Flowers, and O'Connor 2008). However, this conclusion has not been reached by all studies, which may be due to initially high levels of energy and low levels of fatigue in some individuals (O'Connor and Puetz 2005). More conclusive benefits in terms of reduced fatigue have been identified when exercise has been used as an intervention for people with various fatiguing medical conditions (Dimeo et al. 1999; Quittan et al. 1999). On the other hand, experimentally induced physical inactivity has also increased ratings of fatigue (Mondin et al. 1996; Ishizaki et al. 2002). We thus find that the relationship between physical activity and fatigue is not montonic; fatigue is highest at both extremes of physical activity.