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Biological Basis of Behavior
Published in Mohamed Ahmed Abd El-Hay, Understanding Psychology for Medicine and Nursing, 2019
The parietal lobe is located above the occipital lobe of the brain and behind the frontal lobe. The parietal lobe is divided into three parts: (1) the postcentral gyrus; (2) the superior parietal lobule; and (3) the inferior parietal lobule. The postcentral gyrus receives sensory input from the contralateral half of the body. The sequential representation is the same as in the primary motor area, with upside-down reversal of sensations: the head is represented in inferior parts of the gyrus and sensations from the lower extremities are represented in superior portions. The primary somatosensory cortex, located in the postcentral gyrus, integrates somesthetic stimuli for recognition and recall of form, texture, and weight. The primary somatosensory cortex on one side receives all the somatosensory input from the contralateral side of the body. Lesions of the postcentral gyrus can cause difficulty in recognizing objects by touch (astereognosis). The superior parietal lobule is regarded as an association cortex. The inferior parietal lobule (composed of the angular and supramarginal gyri) is a cortical region involved with the integration of multiple sensory signals (K. Rogers, 2011).
Deficits in Three-Dimensional Limb Coordination in Parietal Patients With and Without Apraxia
Published in Michael Fetter, Thomas Haslwanter, Hubert Misslisch, Douglas Tweed, Three-Dimensional Kinematics of Eye, Head and Limb Movements, 2020
F. Binkofski, C. Dohle, H. Hefter, M. Schmitt, T. Kuhlen, R.J. Seitz, H.-J. Freund
In the case of reaching for grasping movements electrophysiological studies in non-human primates and kinematic studies in man showed that in order to generate these movements effectively the nervous system has to solve several computational problems related to reaching and grasping (Arbib, 1981; Jeannerod, 1988). Reaching requires the creation of a stable reference frame independent of eye and head positions and the transformation of visual information into body-centered coordinates. For grasping intrinsic qualities of the object have to be taken into account. The coordinate system used for grasping movements does not only relate to the body, but also to the object in space. Recent kinematic studies on patients showed that reaching for grasping movements can be disturbed by lesions in the parietal lobe (Jeannerod, 1986; Jeannerod, 1988). Lesions of the superior parietal lobule are associated with impaired manipulative hand movements (Pause et al., 1989). Damage to the posterior parietal cortex may cause the deficit of ideomotor limb apraxia (Liepman, 1920). This disorder is characterised by impaired execution of learned, skilled movements but not by weakness, ataxia, akinesia, dystonia, tremor, impaired auditory comprehension, or impaired visual or tactile perception (Geschwind and Damasio, 1985). Recent kinematic studies revealed that in ideomotor apraxia the basic kinematic properties of repetitive limb movements and joint coordination may be disturbed (Poizner et al., 1990; Clark et al., 1994; Poizner et al., 1995). The observations indicated defects of visuo-kinaesthetic motor representation of learned movements that are stored in the dominant parietal lobe, or alternatively a separation of these representations from premotor or motor areas (Heilman, 1979; Heilman and Roti, 1985).
Cognition, Language and Intelligence
Published in Rolland S. Parker, Concussive Brain Trauma, 2016
Visual information begins at the primary occipital area. It proceeds in two separate, parallel streams: Dorsal and ventral projections of the posterior cortex are continuous with the dorsal and ventral pathways of the frontal lobe. This functional continuity is maintained by WM. The ventral stream leading downward to the temporal lobe is involved in the “what” of recognition of facial patterns, including faces. Noting that rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is most sensitive to brain damage, and is reduced in all patients with nonspecific epileptiform changes in the electroencephalogram (EEG), and that reduction of REM sleep is a sensitive marker of epileptiform EEG changes is noteworthy (Busek & Faber, 2000). Possible epileptiform activity may explain why REM sleep deprivation is more potent in reducing perceptual learning than slow wave sleep (SWS) deprivation (Chokroverty, 2004). Inferior temporal cortex lesions produced deficits in visual discrimination, for example, shape and patterns. The dorsal stream, representing the “where” of perception, projects toward the parietal lobe. It contributes to conscious spatial awareness and spatial guidance of actions such as reaching and grasping. Parietal neurons construct a representation of space by combining multiple sensory signal modalities with motor signals. The transition from purely visual functioning to spatial awareness is accomplished gradually and terminated in the association cortex of the posterior parietal lobe. Damage may cause deficit of judging distance. The superior parietal lobule serves somesthetic or tactile perception; the inferior parietal lobule serves visuospatial cognition. Separate parietal centers are involved in spatial attention, and the coalescence of visual and somatosensory representations of space (Buschman & Miller, 2007; Tucker et al., 1995).
Cortical and cerebellar structural correlates of cognitive-motor integration performance in females with and without persistent concussion symptoms
Published in Brain Injury, 2023
Johanna M. Hurtubise, Diana J. Gorbet, Loriann Hynes, Alison K. Macpherson, Lauren E. Sergio
In addition, the volume and thickness of cortical regions of interest were examined. These regions were determined a-priori and known to be involved in the frontoparietal network for visually guided reaching (28,48,49). Regions in the parietal lobe included the right and left superior parietal lobe (SPL), inferior parietal lobe (IPL), and precuneus. In the frontal lobe, regions of interest included the right and left precentral, superior frontal, rostral middle frontal (rMFG), and caudal middle frontal (cMFG) regions. Finally, the cuneus, which is a region within the occipital lobe, was also investigated. Both the thickness and volume were extracted from each subject using the Desikan-Killiany cortical parcellation atlas (50). The cortical parcellation of the FreeSurfer template was mapped back onto the individual subject and adjusted for small variations. The values of each individual subject’s thickness and volume of the aforementioned regions were then extracted and structural volumes were corrected for TIV using a proportion method.
Increased cerebral blood flow in the right anterior cingulate cortex and fronto-orbital cortex during go/no-go task in children with ADHD
Published in Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2021
Muharrem Burak Baytunca, Blaise de Frederick, Gul Unsel Bolat, Burcu Kardas, Sevim Berrin Inci, Melis Ipci, Cem Calli, Onur Özyurt, Dost Öngür, Serkan Süren, Eyüp Sabri Ercan
We identified three right-sided core clusters in the superior parietal lobe (BA7), middle/inferior frontal gyrus, and temporoparietal areas – including the posterior transverse temporal lobule (BA42), inferior parietal lobule (BA40) and supramarginal gyrus – in children with ADHD during the go session. It should be cautiously noted that the two latter clusters are within the ventral attention network. The ventral network consists of the TPJ (at the intersection of the posterior side of the superior temporal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, and lateral occipital cortex), the ventral parts of supramarginal gyrus and middle/inferior frontal gyrus, as well as the frontal operculum and anterior insula. The ventral attention network is activated along with the dorsal attention network when a behaviorally relevant stimulus is presented [11,14]. In a visual sustained attention task-integrated ASL study, researchers have reported greater activation in the right middle frontal gyrus (BA8,9) bilateral occipital gyrus (BA18), right cuneus (BA18) and the left cingulate gyrus (BA32) when compared to the resting state in adults [9]. Additionally, a significant rCBF increase was reported in the right middle/inferior frontal gyrus, right inferior parietal lobe, bilateral supplementary motor area/anterior cingulate cortex, bilateral basal ganglia/insula and the left sensorimotor cortex during a sustained attention task in an ASL study.
Effect of object substitution, spontaneous compensation and repetitive training on reaching movements in a patient with optic ataxia
Published in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 2020
Josselin Baumard, Frédérique Etcharry-Bouyx, Valérie Chauviré, Delphine Boussard, Mathieu Lesourd, Chrystelle Remigereau, Yves Rossetti, François Osiurak, Didier Le Gall
The differential diagnosis between optic ataxia and apraxia (i.e., the inability to perform voluntary gestures in the absence of sensory or motor deficits; Rothi et al., 1991) is sometimes difficult. Optic ataxia can be unilateral – following left brain damage (Perenin & Vighetto, 1988; Revol et al., 2003) – and affects the spatial accuracy of reaching and grasping movements performed under visual control, following contralateral lesions in the superior parietal lobule and precuneus (area 7). In contrast, apraxia is generally a bilateral symptom that impairs either tool use or gestures performed without visual control (e.g., imitation of reflexive configurations), and results from lesions in the left inferior parietal lobe and parieto-occipital junction (areas 39 and 40; Goldenberg, 2009).