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The Head and Neck
Published in E. George Elias, CRC Handbook of Surgical Oncology, 2020
Tumors of the hard palate include epidermoid carcinoma, salivary gland tumors, cylindroma, and bone tumors. Wide resection is the treatment of choice for all malignant tumors. This may include partial or sometimes a total maxillectomy. Radical neck dissection is not carried out unless there is evidence of metastases in these lymph nodes. Postoperative radiation therapy should be administered to epidermoid carcinoma, cylindroma, and high-grade malignant salivary gland tumors. The overall 5-year survival for epidermoid carcinoma is 40%.26 Rehabilitation of the patient especially after a maxillectomy with upper dentures with obturator must be planned prior to resection.27
Facial Clefts
Published in Amar Bhide, Asma Khalil, Aris T Papageorghiou, Susana Pereira, Shanthi Sairam, Basky Thilaganathan, Problem-Based Obstetric Ultrasound, 2019
Amar Bhide, Asma Khalil, Aris T Papageorghiou, Susana Pereira, Shanthi Sairam, Basky Thilaganathan
Ultrasound recognition involves obtaining a coronal surface view of the face showing lips and nostrils. The defect in the alveolar ridge is demonstrable on a transverse view. A profile view shows “pre-maxillary protrusion” in cases of bilateral cleft lip/alveolus. The palate is not normally visualized on ultrasound; however, a defect of the alveolar ridge can be demonstrated, and in most cases, is associated with a defect of the hard palate.
Local anesthetic administration—a rare necrotic ulcer on the palate: A case report
Published in J. Belinha, R.M. Natal Jorge, J.C. Reis Campos, Mário A.P. Vaz, João Manuel, R.S. Tavares, Biodental Engineering V, 2019
João S. Marques, Diogo Soares, J.M. Rocha, P. Ferrás, J.C. Reis Campos, M.H. Figueiral
NS is a self-limiting, benign, inflammatory disease of the minor salivary glands. The majority of reported cases of NS affect the hard palate, while the other locations are along the upper respiratory tract, including major salivary glands, oral mucosa, and tonsils (Garcia et al. 2012). The lesion (1–3 cm) is normally painful with rapidly progressive swelling that becomes centrally ulcerated, frequently associated with erythema at the periphery of the lesion. The clinical presentation resembles a malignant salivary gland tumor of the palate, like mucoepidermoid carcinoma or adenoid cystic carcinoma, the history and rapid progression of NS helps in their diagnosis (Krishna & Bk 2011).
Critical roles of adherens junctions in diseases of the oral mucosa
Published in Tissue Barriers, 2023
Christina Kingsley, Antonis Kourtidis
The oral cavity serves as the entry point for the digestive system. As a part of the body directly exposed to environmental cues, to nutrients, and to pathogens, it plays critical roles in health and homeostasis. Anatomically, the oral cavity begins with the lips, which open to the vestibule, the area between the cheeks, teeth, and lips (Box 1; Figure 1). The main area of the oral cavity, or oral cavity proper, consists of the tongue and the alveolar processes containing the teeth. Anteriorly, the roof forms by the hard palate and posteriorly by the soft palate (Figure 1). The oral cavity is protected throughout by a mucous membrane known as the oral mucosa, which is composed of stratified squamous epithelium and constitutes the inner lining of the mouth (Box 1; Figure 1).
Polyamine biomarkers as indicators of human disease
Published in Biomarkers, 2021
Mohsin Amin, Shiying Tang, Liliana Shalamanova, Rebecca L. Taylor, Stephen Wylie, Badr M. Abdullah, Kathryn A. Whitehead
The oral cavity is of a unique design, whereby the juxtaposition of hard and soft tissues are continually exposed and challenged by numerous external material pressures (Taylor and Preshaw 2016). It is one of the most complex regions on the human body and plays a vital role in providing entry, transit and exit for the digestive and respiratory systems, and it aids in the mastication and chemical pre-processing of foods (Yven et al.2006). Within the oral cavity, there are hard tissues such as the teeth which are lined by the gingiva or the mucosa, and also soft tissue structures such as the cheeks, soft and hard palate and the tongue along with the periodontium. The periodontium is a collective term that describes the tooth-supporting and investing tissues such as the gingiva, root cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone (Cho and Garant 2000). This significant number and variety of structures within the oral cavity allow for the colonization of a substantial number of microorganisms on the oral surfaces.
Solitary neurofibroma of the orbit with intracerebral extension associated with ocular surface melanocytoma: a case report
Published in Orbit, 2020
Mansooreh Jamshidian-Tehrani, Raziyeh Mahmoudzadeh, Esmaeil Asadi Khameneh, Fahimeh Asadi Amoli, Morteza Faghih Jouibari, Abolfazl Kasaee, Hadi Ghadimi
The study was approved by ethics committee of our institute and adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki as amended in 2008. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for participation and probable publication of his photographs and medical data and the consent is archived with the authors. A 29-year-old man presented with chief complaint of deteriorating vision and progressive deviation of his left eye since six months ago (Figure 1a). Past medical history and drug history were negative. On ocular examination, the best corrected visual acuity of both eyes were 20/20. Left eye had large angle exotropia and mild hypertropia with restriction in adduction and depression (Figure 1b,c). A large superotemporal and a small inferonasal hyperpigmented subconjunctival lesion were observed in left eye (Figure 2a,b). Hertel exophthalmometer measured 16 mm on the right eye and 19 mm on the left eye. Slit and fundus examinations were unremarkable and relative afferent pupillary defect was negative. General physical examination revealed a hyperpigmented lesion of hard palate on the left side (Figure 2c), but there were no other abnormal findings.