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Thermal Physiology and Thermoregulation
Published in James Stewart Campbell, M. Nathaniel Mead, Human Medical Thermography, 2023
James Stewart Campbell, M. Nathaniel Mead
When a subject is cooled in a standing or sitting position, the muscles over the posterior neck and upper back are under constant tension. The atlas bone (first cervical vertebra) supports the entire weight of the cranium, face, and jaw on a pivot posterior to the balance point of the head. The inferior portions of the anterior skull also support the pharynx, larynx, and upper trachea. When the body is upright, the weight of these structures anterior to the atlas pivot would rotate the head forward if not for the pull of the posterior cervical muscles, mainly the trapezius. Any tension in the anterior neck muscles requires the posterior muscles to contract more, as does leaning the head forward.
Head and Neck Muscles
Published in Eve K. Boyle, Vondel S. E. Mahon, Rui Diogo, Handbook of Muscle Variations and Anomalies in Humans, 2022
Eve K. Boyle, Vondel S. E. Mahon, Rui Diogo, Warrenkevin Henderson, Hannah Jacobson, Noelle Purcell, Kylar Wiltz
Rectus capitis lateralis may be absent in individuals with atlas assimilation, or in individuals with a well-developed paracondylar process that articulates with the transverse process of the atlas (Rickenbacher et al. 1985).
Functional Rehabilitation
Published in James Crossley, Functional Exercise and Rehabilitation, 2021
The neck is composed of seven cervical vertebrae, the first two of which are of particular interest. The atlas (C1) holds the weight of the head, the boney articulation allows a slight nodding motion. The axis (C2) sits underneath the atlas and is almost like a circular disk with a vertical protuberance called the dens. The atlas spins on the dens creating a great deal of rotational motion.
Patient-specific instrumentation makes sense in total knee arthroplasty
Published in Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2022
Vicente J. León-Muñoz, Mirian López-López, Fernando Santonja-Medina
Recent studies have proposed alternatives to CT or MRI imaging. Therefore, Shetty et al. [62] proposed the use of the XrayTo3D® software application to recreate three-dimensional models of lower limb bones (femur and tibia) from conventional X-rays and plan the surgery on them. The authors affirmed that this alternative is an accurate, safe, and cost-effective than the CT-based method. Massé et al. [63] validated X-Atlas™ (a new imaging technology that uses standard frontal and lateral radiographs instead of CT or MRI scans to create 3D bone models) and evaluated the accuracy of this technology’s personalized guides. The accuracy of PSI guides created with X-Atlas™ (X-PSI™ guides) was evaluated during a validation study (16 specimen knees) and a clinical study (50 patients). The authors published the accuracy of X-PSI™ guides to reproduce the preoperative planned HKA within ± 3° in 100% and 86.1% of cases for the laboratory and clinical study, respectively [63].
Musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging and clinical reasoning in the management of a patient with cervicogenic headache: a case report
Published in Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2021
Muscle energy techniques focusing on contracting the left obliquus capitis inferior muscle to possibly have a de-rotation effect on atlas within the AA joint (Sillevis and Wyss, 2015). The patient was supine with the head in a slight extension and some left rotation with the patient looking left while the remainder of the neck remained in the midline. In this position, a 6-s light resistance was applied to the left temple to facilitate a contraction of the left obliquus capitis inferior muscle. This was followed by a 6 sresistance to the right temple to facilitate a similar left rotation of atlas by contraction of the right rectus capitis anterior muscle. This alternating sequence was repeated 6 times and palpation of the sub-occipital region was performed to ensure that contraction in the sub-occipital region was achieved. After this the head was placed in more extension and left rotation and the above-described sequence was repeated (Sillevis and Wyss, 2015). Figure 6 identifies the position of atlas after this intervention. The SC2TC1 left changed from 6.42 cm to 5.84 cm confirmed with ultrasound imaging, therefore indicating a more symmetrical positioning of atlas. Although this represents a 9% change in length, it has to be noted that there are no previous reports on the standard error of measurement using MSK US imaging. There is no information available in the literature to identify if this change in measure meets the minimal clinical important difference when using MSK US imaging for facet motion assessment.
Neurotoxic effects of nephrotoxic compound diethylene glycol
Published in Clinical Toxicology, 2021
Courtney N. Jamison, Robert D. Dayton, Brian Latimer, Mary P. McKinney, Hannah G. Mitchell, Kenneth E. McMartin
This protocol is a modified technique for collecting cerebrospinal fluid in the cisterna magna without previous surgery [23,24]. The rat was anesthetized with isoflurane, the back of the neck and base of skull was shaved, and the rat was placed in a stereotaxic device with an isoflurane-oxygen nose-cone. A depression of the skull between the ears, or rhombus area between the occipital protuberance and the spine of the atlas, was located and marked for needle placement. A 23 g needle with attached catheter tubing was placed perpendicularly at the marked location and pushed through the dura mater. At approximately 5 mm, a sample was collected with minimal pullback pressure. If blood contamination occurred, the tubing was cut above site. The resulting clear CSF was placed into chilled Eppendorf tubes, centrifuged twice at 14,000 RPM for 10 min to remove stray red blood cells, and stored at 4 °C until analyzed for total protein content via a bicinchoninic acid assay.