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Carbon Nanotubes as Sensors in Food and Agricultural Applications
Published in Soney C. George, Jacob Philip, Ann Rose Abraham, A. K. Haghi, Carbon Nanotubes for Energy and Environmental Applications, 2023
Binila K. Korah, Anu Rose Chacko, Sneha Mathew, Beena Mathew
There is a steep rise in the use of agrochemicals in modern agriculture in order to resist the attack of phytopathogens, plant diseases, and to increase the productivity of crops. And the result is the increased resistance of pathogens, pollution due to pesticide accumulation, and health risks to all living beings.65,66 The stability and high surface-to-volume ratio of carbon nanotubes have made them efficient in carrying nutrients in the agricultural sector. Agrochemicals usually include fertilizers which are substances added to soil to increase fertility and pesticides which are substances used for destroying pests that are harmful to cultivated plants. Both are used with a single aim that is to increase the productivity without causing any damage to the plant species.
Processes for the Treatment of Industrial Wastewater
Published in Sreedevi Upadhyayula, Amita Chaudhary, Advanced Materials and Technologies for Wastewater Treatment, 2021
Nimish Shah, Ankur H. Dwivedi, Shibu G. Pillai
For human beings and animals, a pollution-free environment is essential for a healthy life. Water and food are the most important part of human life, and that must be pollution free. One-sixth of the world population is facing the facing the problem of lack of access to fresh drinking water (Elimelech, 2006). Agrochemicals include fertilizers rich in potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus; insecticides; herbicides; and fungicides used to protect the crops from insects and pests and to increase the productivity of crops. Due to lax environmental laws, excessive use of agrochemicals has been found to be a major source of water and soil contamination (Pelig-Ba, 2011). Besides pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, synthetic fertilizers are also major contributors to water pollution. Moreover, atmospheric deposition and animals’ excreted waste in open land and water are also intensive donors in water and soil pollution (Tanko et al., 2012).
Soil: Spatial Variability
Published in Yeqiao Wang, Landscape and Land Capacity, 2020
Soil variability has practical consequences for experimental designs, farming, and the implementation and design of best management practices. For example, precision farming employs variable rate technologies that strive to apply agrochemicals to soils based on georeferenced spatial variations of field fertility parameters. This may save farm resources and improve the environmental quality by reducing inputs of fertilizers and pesticides. Yet, environmental and economic impacts of variable rate agriculture may depend on many factors and it is not clear whether this technology always leads to a reduction in application rate on the field scale.[12] In environmental application, land managers and soil evaluators often face questions associated with landscape-scale variations, such as how site-specific soil evaluations need to be when determining soil suitability for land use projects.
Chlorpyrifos Degradation in Semi-Arid Soil by Pseudomonas fluorescens Strain CD5 Isolated from Manured Soil
Published in Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 2023
India is predominantly an agriculture-based country since around 58% of Indian population depend on agriculture as primary source of livelihood (India Brand Equity Foundation, Government of India. 2020; Jena and Kanungo 2020; Marotkar et al. 2020). The agrochemicals play an important role in crop protection and help to meet the increasing food demand of the population. But the persistence of pesticides in the environment is of major concern (World Health Organization and Food and Agricultural Organization 2019). The insecticides are known as the dominant pesticide that is consumed in India (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry 2019; Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals 2021). The indiscriminate use of insecticides has resulted in residues that have been reported in soil, water bodies and various fruit, vegetable, blood and milk samples (Ariasestévez et al. 2008; Foong et al. 2020; Kalia and Gosal 2011) that cause health impacts inhibiting acetyl cholinesterase enzyme in human and animals (Jaga and Dharmani 2003; Ojha et al. 2013; Pathak et al. 2013; Sidhu et al. 2019).
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of herbicides from soil and rice using Response surface modelling
Published in Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 2023
Pervinder Kaur, Harshdeep Kaur, Navroop Kaur Kalsi, Makhan Singh Bhullar
The excessive and inappropriate usage of agrochemicals unfavorably affects the whole ecosystem by entering into the food chain and causing pollution to soil, ground and surface water. Herbicides represent 50% of the demand for agricultural chemicals and are applied directly or indirectly to increase crop yields (Aktar, Sengupta, and Chowdhury 2009). They protect the crops from undue competition from weeds and enhance the nutritional quality of food. However, their prolonged, repeated and indiscriminate usage might result in unintentional exposure of the ecosystem including crop phytotoxicity, residual effects on succeeding crops, aquatic life and other non-target organism and ultimately hazard to human health. Therefore, it is important to monitor the herbicides residues in soil and crop produce. The quantification of herbicide residues in various matrices is a challenging task due to the presence of residues at very low levels.
Use of Ozonized Water to Control Anthracnose in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) and its Effect on the Quality of the Fruits
Published in Ozone: Science & Engineering, 2021
André Rodrigues da Costa, Lêda Rita D’Antonino Faroni, Luiz Carlos Chamhum Salomão, Paulo Roberto Cecon, Ernandes Rodrigues de Alencar
The usage of agrochemicals poses severe risks to the environment and human health, especially because of the toxic residues they generate. Owing to this fact, it is indispensable to wait a certain period before the fruits are good for eating (Oliveira et al. 1995). Besides, some fungi pathogenic to papaya have already acquired resistance to traditional fungicides, which restricts the use of these products. These disadvantages encourage new research on integrated production employing alternative techniques for avoiding post-harvest diseases (Dantas et al. 2003; Zambolim et al. 2002). The goal is to develop processes that are simultaneously effective and less harmful to the environment. The repertoire of unconventional methods for controlling anthracnose include the application of plant resistance inducers (Dantas et al. 2003), essential oils (Carnelossi et al. 2009), and the ozone gas (Bataller et al. 2012; Ong et al. 2013).