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Gastrointestinal tract and salivary glands
Published in A Stewart Whitley, Jan Dodgeon, Angela Meadows, Jane Cullingworth, Ken Holmes, Marcus Jackson, Graham Hoadley, Randeep Kumar Kulshrestha, Clark’s Procedures in Diagnostic Imaging: A System-Based Approach, 2020
A Stewart Whitley, Jan Dodgeon, Angela Meadows, Jane Cullingworth, Ken Holmes, Marcus Jackson, Graham Hoadley, Randeep Kumar Kulshrestha
The large intestine is approximately 1.5 m long from caecum to anus, with a variable calibre from between 9 and 3 cm. It lies peripheral to the small intestine, with the more lateral structures being relatively fixed in position. From the right iliac fossa where the terminal ileum communicates via the ileo-caecal valve, the ceacum extends superiorly as the ascending colon before it turns abruptly to the left, beneath the liver, at the hepatic flexure. Crossing the abdomen, the transverse colon turns inferiorly at the splenic flexure, where it continues as the descending colon. The bowel loops to a variable degree at the sigmoid colon, passing along the posterior wall of the pelvis where it merges with the rectum at the recto-sigmoid junction. The rectum is 13 cm long and is a dilated part of the large intestine, continuous with the anal canal and anus. The large intestine displays large sacculations known as haustra that are thought to slow the passage of digested matter. The relations of the large intestine are complex and variable as the bowel traverses the different regions of the abdomen (Figs 5.52a–c).
The role of computed tomography data in the design of a robotic magnetically-guided endoscopic platform
Published in Advanced Robotics, 2018
Peisen Zhang, Jing Li, Yang Hao, Federico Bianchi, Gastone Ciuti, Tatsuo Arai, Qiang Huang, Paolo Dario
One of the major advantages of magnetically-guided capsule colonoscopy is that, unlike conventional colonoscopy, the colonoscope is not pushed from its distal side which can straighten the bends of the bowel walls [18]; rather, the proximal part of the colonoscope is guided along the intestinal lumen. In addition, magnetically-guided capsule colonoscopy is advantage in climbing out of folds of the large bowel because we can control the tip of capsule by EPM. The human large bowel is nearly 1.5-m long, with very complex structure and morphology [19]. The large bowel can be subdivided into five anatomical segments in order from the anus to the cecum: rectum, sigmoid colon, descending colon, transverse colon, and ascending colon [20]. The anus is the origin of the rectum, and the cecum is regarded as a part of the ascending colon for simplicity. Anatomically, the large-bowel segments are subdivided and localized as follows: the recto-sigmoid junction is located near the sacral promontory and is included in the sigmoid colon; the sigmoid-descending junction is located at the pelvic brim, and its distal-descending colon angles forward; and the descending-transverse and transverse-ascending junctions are located at the leftmost and rightmost cranial inflexion points of the colon, respectively [21].
Numerical evaluation of the efficacy of small-caliber colonoscopes in reducing patient pain during a colonoscopy
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019
To find the gender based structural difference in human large intestines, Saunders et al. (1996) investigated the colonic length and mobility for female and male colons. The experiments were independently taken by two physicians who were unaware of each patient's gender. The results showed that although there were no significant differences in rectum plus sigmoid, descending, or ascending plus cecum segmental lengths, women had longer transverse colons. At the same time, there were no differences in mobility of the descending colon and transverse colon between the sexes, but the transverse colon reached the true pelvis more often in women than in men.
Design of experiment for optimization of 3D printing parameters of base plate structures in colostomy bag for newborns
Published in Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 2021
Chia Hung Yeh, Chia Man Chou, Chien Pang Lin
According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 15% of patients with colorectal cancer must undergo colostomy surgery to prolong their survival [1]. The appearance of patients who undergo surgical enterostomy is no different from that of the average person. However, in everyday life, when the intestines are excreted, it is not possible to discharge the excrement through the anus after surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to provide assistance through an auxiliary bag. In this regard, an improper ostomy bag is likely to cause leakage of the excrement, thus causing allergies or damage to the surrounding skin [2]. These problems deeply affect the patient’s physical condition and quality of life and cause changes in the patient’s body. The individual’s psychological and social impact is more physiological than injury-based. A colostomy can be in the small intestine of the upper gastrointestinal tract or in the colon of the lower gastrointestinal tract. The type of enterostomy also varies depending on the location of the lesion and the location of the operation. The distinction is as follows: (1) Permanent stoma: surgical removal of the anus and rectum, pulling the end of the sigmoid colon or descending the colon out of the left abdomen to make a stoma to defecate, as shown in Figure 1. The patient must both learn the use of stoma products and stoma lavage during hospitalization. Among them, stoma lavage is implemented after surgery, which requires enema training to maintain regular bowel habits. (2) Temporary stoma: If there are traumas around the anus, severe anal abscess, or an acute intestinal obstruction caused by disease when a patient undergoes large intestine surgery, those with the three conditions mentioned above will have the abdominal wall of the transverse colon pulled out to create a temporary colon stoma. When the patient recovers, the transverse colon is returned to the abdominal cavity. (3) Urostomy, also known as an artificial bladder: Patients with bladder cancer need to undergo a total cystectomy because of the disease. An opening is made in the right lower abdomen to drain the urine.