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Textile and Other Odours: A Focus on Third-hand Smoke and Laundry Odour
Published in G. Thilagavathi, R. Rathinamoorthy, Odour in Textiles, 2022
R. Rathinamoorthy, G. Thilagavathi
Out of several potential environmental odours, tobacco smoke is of high interest as it creates serious health issues for nonsmokers. Tobacco smoke contains several carcinogenic chemicals that lead to cancer (U.S. EPA 1992). Cigarette smoke/odour harms the human lungs as it contains more than 4000 chemicals, out of which around 69 are carcinogenic and at least 250 chemical substances develop potential health hazards (Brunnemann and Hoffmann 1991). Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) generally indicates the tobacco content in the indoor air after the end of smoking, without any active smokers. It is known as second-hand smoking (SHS). The smoke or components of the tobacco further cling to the surfaces of furniture, walls, home textiles, and apparel and pollute the air for months, which is known as third-hand smoke (THS) (Chien, Chang, and Liu 2011: Nilsen and Nilsen 1997). THS further can react with the dust or oxidants in the atmosphere upon ageing and develop a secondary pollutant, which can also create serious health hazards (Matt et al. 2008). One of the most important pollutants that results from THS and atmospheric nitrous acid is tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA), which is very well known for its carcinogenic nature (Matt et al. 2011). Further, hydrogen cyanide, butane, toluene, formaldehyde, and even radioactive polonium-210 and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found and reported in THS (Talbot and Palmer 2013). Table 9.1 compares the various issues developed by SHS and THS (Chi-Yung Cheng et al. 2016).
Endogenous Formation of Nitrosamines and Oxidative DNA-Damaging Agents in Tobacco Users
Published in Roger O. McClellan, Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2017
J. Nair, H. Ohshima, U. J. Nair, H. Bartsch
Tobacco habits such as smoking, snuff dipping, and chewing of tobacco alone or with betel quid (BQ) ingredients have been causally associated in man with malignancies of the upper aerodigestive tract, pancreas, and renal pelvis.1,2 About one-third of all cancers worldwide can be attributed to various tobacco habits,3,4 and hence could be preventable by the cessation of the habits. Tobacco smoke contains several known classes of carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA), and aromatic amines,5 whereas in unburnt tobacco, very high concentrations (up to milligrams per gram of product) of TSNA have been reported.6–8 Based on rodent bioassays that demonstrated the carcinogenicity of TSNA9,10 and epidemiological studies that have causally associated tobacco habits to human cancer,1,2 it is strongly suggested that TSNA contribute to the causation of human neoplasms.11 In addition to the preformed nitroso compounds present in tobacco and tobacco smoke, nitrosamines could also be formed endogenously from nitrosatable alkaloids such as nornicotine, anatabine, and anabasine (present in hundreds of milligrams per gram of tobacco), and from nitrosatable amines such as pyrrolidine. Evidence is also accumulating for the endogenous synthesis of nitrosamines from nitric oxide (NO)-mediated reactions that are generated during inflammatory processes via nitric oxide synthase.12 In addition, nitrosation modifiers such as thiocyanate (in saliva) and aldehydes (in smoke) may catalyze the nitrosation process in the body. The formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been demonstrated from BQ ingredients such as areca nut and catechu, which are used frequently in India and other countries from Micronesia.13 Several experimental studies have demonstrated that ROS can lead to DNA-base damage such as 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (80H-dG) and thymine glycol, which are implicated in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.14 The following article reviews the current evidence for the formation of nitroso compounds in the human body, following the use of tobacco by various habits and by nitrosation processes that may also be enhanced during chronic cellular inflammatory conditions via the formation of NO. The role of endogenous formation of ROS and derived DNA damage, possibly acting synergistically with TSNA in the etiology of oral cancer, is also discussed.
Genotoxic effect induced by dried nicotiana tabacum leaves from tobacco barns (kiln-houses) in chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells (V79)
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2021
Daiana Dalberto, Caroline Cardoso Nicolau, Melissa Rosa De Sousa, Ana Letícia Hilário Garcia, Fernanda Boaretto, Jaqueline Nascimento Picada, Guilherme Maurício Soares De Souza, Paola Chytry, Johnny Ferraz Dias, Cleverson Costa Feistel, Alexandre Barros Falcão Ferraz, Ivana Grivicich, Juliana Da Silva
When dried leaves are processed, a lot of dust is generated releasing many compounds. Tobacco dust affects the respiratory tract in exposed individuals resulting in different forms of allergies, dizziness, and vomiting (Fiori et al. 2015; Riquinho and Hennington 2012; Saleeon et al. 2016; Umadevi 2003; Zaga et al. 2021). During the classification of the tobacco leaves, the producer has contact not only with nicotine but also with tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) (Hoffmann et al. 1994; Hoffmann; Hoffmann and Hoffmann 1997) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Alves et al. 2016; Hoffmann; Hoffmann and Hoffmann 1997). These compounds and some pesticides used in the cultivation of tobacco are classified as mutagenic, which lead to a significant contribution to human cancer (Hoffmann and Hoffmann and Hoffmann 1997; IARC (International Agency for Research on câncer) 2007). Tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) are generated from alkaloids including nicotine, nornicotine, anatabine, and anabasine during the healing, fermentation, and aging processes of tobacco leaves. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are released during tobacco curing associated with the combustion process with the use of wood to produce heat (Alves et al. 2016; IARC (International Agency for Research on câncer) 2007; Umadevi 2003). Several studies demonstrated cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and mutagenicity attributed to exposure to tobacco products, green tobacco, and occupational dust exposure (Da Silva et al. 2014; Gao, Prasad, and Zacharias 2014; Kahl et al. 2018; Moghbel et al. 2016); however, little is known regarding the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity induced by dry leaves of N. tabacum.
New functional materials derived from amorphous silica
Published in Environmental Technology Reviews, 2023
Zheng Wang, Ying Wang, Jian Hua Zhu
New adsorbents with high efficiency and low cost are extremely required to eliminate carcinogenic pollutants from the ecological environment, especially in everyday life. One remarkable case is the new additive material with a special selectivity in cigarettes to remove the nitrosamines in tobacco smoke [4–6]. Nitrosamines are the fearful teratogens and carcinogens for the vast majority of animals, from fish to mammals, and thus they are also dangerous for humans because of their potential carcinogenicity. There are two kinds of nitrosamines in tobacco smoke, tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA) in the particle matrix, and volatile nitrosamines (VNA) presented in the vapour or semi-volatile phase of the mainstream of cigarette that is inhaled by smokers, which is well known to constitute a serious health risk for the smoker and the persons around him/her. As the famous shape-selective adsorbent and catalyst, the microporous zeolite additive was tried to be dispersed on tobacco fibres to in situ capture and degrade VNA when the cigarette was lighting [4–7]. Since the main elements of zeolite are Si, Al and O can the simple combination of alumina and silica also possess a high adsorption capability for volatile nitrosamines as zeolites? To prepare the versatile trap of nitrosamines with a low cost through a concise route, an alumina layer would be coated on the amorphous silica to form a functional composite, in which the alumina guest would exert a special electrostatic interaction to attract the target and the amorphous silica host provided various pores or slits with a special wide size distribution to accommodate various compounds with different sizes, though both of them, amorphous silica and alumina, showed a weak ability to capture volatile nitrosamines in gaseous adsorption.