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Liver and biliary system, pancreas and spleen
Published in A Stewart Whitley, Jan Dodgeon, Angela Meadows, Jane Cullingworth, Ken Holmes, Marcus Jackson, Graham Hoadley, Randeep Kumar Kulshrestha, Clark’s Procedures in Diagnostic Imaging: A System-Based Approach, 2020
A Stewart Whitley, Jan Dodgeon, Angela Meadows, Jane Cullingworth, Ken Holmes, Marcus Jackson, Graham Hoadley, Randeep Kumar Kulshrestha
Splenomegaly is evident when the spleen measures greater than 13 cm in length. It is common to see rounding of the inferior pole of the spleen when splenomegaly is present (Fig. 6.28a; compare with Fig. 6.27b).
A Novel Multi-Neural Ensemble Approach for Cancer Diagnosis
Published in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2022
Surbhi Gupta, Manoj Kumar Gupta, Rakesh Kumar
These clinical features have been marked as important risk factors (B. M. Reid, Permuth, and Sellers 2017). The target variable is ovarian code that determines whether a person has ovarian malignant growth or not. Lung Cancer Dataset (Bhat et al. 2019): The lung Cancer dataset was first used in the study (Bhat et al. 2019). Then we incorporated new records in the dataset, and the final dataset comprises 225 lung cancer patients. Out of 225, 10 patients belong to Stage 1, 69 to stage II, 96 to stage III, and 50 to Stage IV. Out of 225, there were 187 males and 38 females identified with Lung Cancer. Clinical information about lung cancer patients (mean age 61 years, mean BMI 22 kg/m2) was registered. The age range of onset of cancer is [29, 84]. The risk factors or symptoms of lung cancer included in creating the dataset are weakness or weight loss, hoarseness of voice, pain in the chest, dyspnea, cough, fever, and tobacco intake (Cruz, Tanoue, and Matthay 2011). Other factors included in the dataset are the age of onset of cancer, duration of onset of cancer, Gutkha, and alcohol intake (Tumors 2008). These clinical features have been marked as significant risk factors in the research studies (Cooley 2000; Skaug, Eide Msci, and Gulsvik 2007; Monila 2008). Table 4 depicts the statistical description of the dataset. Smoking and age of onset are expressed in terms of years. Duration is defined in terms of months. Cough is recorded in terms of days. The target variable is “Stage,” which determines the cancer stage of the patient. Due to inadequacy in stage-I records, we have excluded stage-I patients from further analysis. As most rows are missing from a few of the predictors like cough, hoarseness of voice, dyspnea, and fever, these features are excluded from the future analysis.Leukemia Dataset (Bhat et al. 2019): An absolute record of 613 members was made containing 207 Leukemia patients (mean age 40.47 years, run 3–93) and 407 healthy people (mean age 49.18 years, extend 14–89). Out of 207, 140 males and 67 females were determined to have leukemia, i.e., More records of male leukemia patients are included in the dataset. The hemoglobin tally differs from 8.6 (mean) in cases to 9.7 (median) in controls. Gathered information incorporates the smoking status, the alcoholic propensities, the proximity of fever, unusual augmentation of spleen or liver (Splenomegaly/Hepatomegaly), and hemoglobin tally of the patient. These clinical highlights have been set apart as significant hazard factors in prior studies (Davis, Viera, and Mead 2014). Dataset description is given in Table 5.