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The Lower Extremities
Published in Melanie Franklyn, Peter Vee Sin Lee, Military Injury Biomechanics, 2017
Three gluteal muscles, the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus, reside posteriorly on the pelvis and act to rotate the thigh region. The gluteal muscles originate from the ischium and ilium and attach to the proximal femur. The muscles are supplied by the internal iliac arteries and are innervated by the superior and inferior gluteal nerve (Moore et al. 2011).
Effectiveness of a core strength training program on male college tennis players’ skills
Published in Smart Science, 2023
Hsu-Chun Huang, Han-Wu Cheng, Chia-Chin Chiang, Wei-Ting Lin
In recent years, the core muscles have been commonly discussed in sports training. Developments in core strength training have matured over the years, evolving from applications in rehabilitation medicine to high-performance sports training. Core strength training is commonly used in other countries to enhance professional players’ performance. In human anatomy, the spine supports the body and is protected and stabilized by muscles surrounding it, termed the core muscles. The core muscles can be categorized as superficial or deep based on location. The deep core muscles (e.g. the multifidus muscle, transversus abdominis, and some parts of the internal oblique abdominal and quadratus lumbar) are located in the deep layer of the trunk and are directly attached to the spine. They provide static local stabilization by controlling spinal extension, lateral bending, and rotation and supporting the organs in the pelvic cavity. The superficial core muscles are located in the shallow layer of the trunk. They include the rectus abdominis muscle, external oblique abdominis, erector spinae, gluteal muscles, and most parts of the internal oblique abdominis and quadratus lumbar. These muscles control pelvic and spinal flexion, spinal extension, lateral bending, and rotation. The gluteal muscles facilitate hip extension, abduction, and rotation to offset the impacts caused by external forces [8]. The core muscles are mainly responsible for providing stability, maintaining trunk balance, and supporting the extremities, enabling individuals to engage in daily activities and sports [9]. Their importance is similar to building foundations since they transfer energy between the upper and lower body. Core muscle stability is the body’s ability to control movements in the waist, pelvic girdle, and hip [10]; that is, the body’s ability to control the position and motion of the trunk [11].