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Monographs of fragrance chemicals and extracts that have caused contact allergy / allergic contact dermatitis
Published in Anton C. de Groot, Monographs in Contact Allergy, 2021
Concomitant use of topical analgesic preparations containing methyl salicylate and oral warfarin (an anticoagulant) may result in prolonged international normalized ratio (INR) (a measure for clotting time of blood) with or without bleeding (12). Topical and oral administration of oil of wintergreen, containing 35% methyl salicylate, may have led to coma, seizures and death in an old man with end-stage renal disease (21).
Adverse Effects and Intoxication with Essential Oils
Published in K. Hüsnü Can Başer, Gerhard Buchbauer, Handbook of Essential Oils, 2020
Wintergreen essential oil is usually obtained from the leaves of Gaultheria species, and in trace amounts, wintergreen is used as a food flavoring. The main constituent of the essential oil of wintergreen is methyl salicylate.
Acetaminophen, Salicylates, and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
Published in Frank A. Barile, Barile’s Clinical Toxicology, 2019
The American Association of Poison Control Centers guideline (AAPCC; Chyka, et al., 2007) lists graded treatment recommendations for victims of salicylate toxicity. The recommendations are tabulated in Table 18.3 according to likely clinical use. Unless otherwise noted and as justified previously, most E.D. referrals do not rely on serum salicylate levels as a monitor for salicylate toxicity. For instance, acute ingestion of more than 150 mg/kg or 6.5 g of aspirin equivalent warrants referral to an E.D. Also, ingestion of greater than a taste (children under 6 years) and more than 4 ml (children over 6 years of age) of oil of wintergreen could cause systemic salicylate toxicity and warrants referral to the E.D. (Grade C). Routine referral to an E.D. for immediate care is not required in women in the last trimester of pregnancy who ingest below the dose for E.D. referral and who do not present with other referral conditions. Instead, these patients should be directed to a nonemergency health care facility for the evaluation of maternal and fetal risk. Asymptomatic patients with dermal exposures should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Eyes should be irrigated with tepid tap water for 15 minutes following ocular exposure to methyl salicylate or salicylic acid.
Risk of toxicity from pediatric topical salicylate ingestions
Published in Clinical Toxicology, 2021
In 2018, U.S. poison control centers received approximately 4500 reports of children aged five years and younger being exposed to topical salicylate-containing products, according to the Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS) [1]. Although the dangers of children consuming liquid preparations of salicylates intended for topical use (e.g., Oil of Wintergreen, OoW) is well established [2–4], the risk of toxicity from ingesting non-liquid formulations such as gels, pastes, ointments and creams is not well described.