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Published in Charles Theisler, Adjuvant Medical Care, 2023
Antacids are rarely used as primary therapy for PUD but antacids neutralize existing stomach acid and can provide rapid pain relief.3 Over-the-counter products that neutralize stomach acid include aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel, AlternaGEL), magnesium hydroxide (Phillips' Milk of Magnesia), aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide (Maalox, Mylanta), calcium carbonate (Rolaids, Titralac, Tums), and sodium bicarbonate (Alka-Seltzer).4
Neuropsychiatry in Film
Published in Eelco F. M. Wijdicks, Neurocinema—The Sequel, 2022
There have been several other portrayals of functional neurology. Functional seizures are most prominent in Drugstore Cowboy (1989) . Here, the pseudoseizures are deliberate, and in the film, the “seizing” person takes Alka-Seltzer to fake foaming at the mouth. The attention to the “seizing” person allows others to steal prescription drugs in the drugstore. The functional seizure is surprisingly accurately done, with thrashing movements, moaning, and tightly closed eyes. When it is over, she suddenly walks away with bystanders asking, “Are you okay?” A pseudoseizure is also seen in The Intouchables (2012), where it also is intended as a deliberate deceit — and thus more malingering than functional.
Medicines for Weakness: 1900 to c. 1950
Published in John K. Crellin, A Social History of Medicines in the Twentieth Century, 2020
No discussion on stomach preparations can omit reference to antacids, the various alkalis used to treat ulcers, heartburn, and dyspepsia. Although references to weakness were rare in their promotion, claims were made in 1932 to restore "normal functioning" and to overcome such problems as sleeplessness and nervousness.180 At the time, however, confusion existed between antacids for the stomach acidity and the need to treat "excess acid in the system"—the fourth toxin theory mentioned as a cause of countless ailments. However, some preparations referred to both, as did 1930s' advertisements for Alka-Seltzer for "headache-sour stomach'" or to "knock out that stomach acidity" to treat "ACID mornings—caused by excess accumulation of acid in your system."181
What the lab can and cannot do: clinical interpretation of drug testing results
Published in Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 2020
Bhushan M. Kapur, Katarina Aleksa
Urine pH (<5.0 and >8.0), in the absence of urinary tract infection, may be an indicator of sample tampering. However, it is important to note that certain diets can also inadvertently result in high urine pH. Storage can also affect the pH of urine. The pH values of specimens stored at -20 °C are relatively stable, whereas pH results >9 can be achieved at storage temperatures of room temperature or higher [18]. It is common for methadone patients to take bicarbonate of soda or antacids (e.g. Alka Seltzer™) to alkalinize their urine. At alkaline pH >7.5, methadone is renally reabsorbed. Body clearance decrease from 134 ± 21 ml/min (acidic) to 91.9 ± 9.1 ml/min (alkaline) and the elimination half-life increases from 19.5 ± 3.6 h (acidic urine) to 42.1 ± 8.8 h (alkaline urine). Increase in half-life allows the patients to divert part of their methadone treatment drug to the street. Increased half-life allows the patient to divert part of his/her methadone dose for illicit sale. Typically, EIA results will give a negative or a barely positive result for methadone. In such cases, chromatography will typically show the presence of EDDP and trace amounts or no methadone in the urine. Alkalinizing or acidifying the urine pH in vivo can also change the excretion pattern of other drugs such as amphetamines [105]. Thus, it is important to measure urine pH for all samples coming from the opiate treatment program.