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Diseases of the Aorta
Published in Mary N. Sheppard, Practical Cardiovascular Pathology, 2022
The media consists of multiple layers of elastic fibres admixed with fibroblasts, collagen and smooth-muscle cells as well as mucopolysaccharides which stain slightly blue/purple with haematoxylin and eosin (Figs. 8.5, 8.6a). With elastic Van Gieson stain, the numbers of elastic fibres are highlighted (Figs. 8.6, 8.7a,b, 8.8). The media consists of several concentric lamellar units bound together. Each of these units consist of the elastic fibre with adjacent zone containing the smooth-muscle cells with their radially tilted longer axes oriented in the circumferential direction, surrounded by collagen fibres embedded in the extracellular matrix. The parallel elastic lamellae are more numerous in the ascending aorta, usually 55 units, while the descending aorta has less with an average of 28 units. The media should not be regarded as a static structure. The number of parallel elastic lamellae is 35 at birth and increases to 55 in adulthood. Note the differences in the number of lamellae between children and adults. Children have fewer elastic fibres with less collagen (Figs. 8.7a,b). After the age of 60, the actual number of lamellae is difficult to count because each unit reduplicates finer elastic lamellae alongside the major one (Fig. 8.6b).1 Small vessels penetrate into the outer fifth of the media from the adventitia and form a capillary arcade which breaks up the pattern of parallel lamellae, so do not mistake these vasa vasorum for medial degeneration (Fig. 8.9). The inner four-fifths of the normal aortic media is avascular.
Head and Neck Pathology
Published in John C Watkinson, Raymond W Clarke, Terry M Jones, Vinidh Paleri, Nicholas White, Tim Woolford, Head & Neck Surgery Plastic Surgery, 2018
Ram Moorthy, Adrian T. Warfield, Max Robinson
Histochemistry is used to highlight a variety of biological substances in the tissue. Sometimes referred to as ‘special stains’, there are numerous methods based on chemical reactions that can be visualized by a specific colour change in the tissue sections. For example, Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain can be used to highlight carbohydrates, which stain deep purple; pre-treatment of the tissue section with the enzyme diastase removes simple carbohydrate moieties leaving mucins, which are found in glandular secretions and fungal hyphae. Elastic van Gieson stain is used to appreciate tissue architecture, especially blood vessels; elastin fibres stain black and collagen red. Ziehl Neelsen stain is used to detect bacteria and identify acid-fast bacilli in tuberculosis.
Association between coronary artery vitamin D receptor expression and select systemic risks factors for coronary artery atherosclerosis
Published in Climacteric, 2022
M. Nudy, R. Xie, D. M. O’Sullivan, X. Jiang, S. Appt, T. C. Register, J. R. Kaplan, T. B. Clarkson, P. F. Schnatz
The cross-sectional area of coronary artery plaques (intimal area in mm2) and the maximal intimal thickness (MXIT; in mm) were measured for the left circumflex artery (LCX), the right coronary artery (RCA) and the left anterior descending artery (LAD) obtained from the proximal portions of the arteries at necropsy. Segments of each artery, 0.5 cm in length, were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 h and then transferred to 70% ethanol prior to embedding into paraffin blocks. Blocks were cut into 5-μm sections, and then deparaffinized and stained with Verhoeff and Van Gieson stain. Plaque size (IA) and plaque thickness were measured by computer-assisted histomorphometry using Image Pro Plus software (Media Cybernetics, Inc., Silver Springs, MD, USA). Measurements were made by an experienced technician using a previously reported protocol [25]. Given that the data are non-normally distributed, the median and interquartile range (IQR) for IA and MXIT are reported for each artery. Also, the median MXIT and IA for each artery will be calculated based on diet assignment and the Kruskal–Wallis H-test will be used to test for differences in plaque size between diet groupings.
Optimization of routine microscopic and molecular detection of parasitic protozoa in SAF-fixed faecal samples in Sweden
Published in Infectious Diseases, 2020
Jessica Ögren, Olaf Dienus, Andreas Matussek
The remaining filtered faecal suspension was analysed by analysing at least one drop of the unconcentrated material (400×). D. fragilis, G. intestinalis and Entamoeba spp. trophozoites were detected in wet mounts based on the characteristic appearance, shape and size. A van Gieson stain was used to verify D. fragilis nuclei appearance. Entamoeba spp. trophozoites with intracellular erythrocytes were considered E. histolytica, Entamoeba spp. trophozoites with no intracellular erythrocytes were not differentiated with microscopy. The unconcentrated sediment was put on the same slide as the concentrated and a 24 × 60 mm cover glass was used.
Biochemical, Histopathologic, and Genotoxic Effects of Ethanol Extract of Salvia hypargeia (Fisch. & Mey.) on Incisional and Excisional Wounded Diabetic Rats
Published in Journal of Investigative Surgery, 2021
Yusuf Ozay, Sevda Guzel, Ebru Gokalp Ozkorkmaz, Meltem Kumas, Cosar Uzun, Zuhal Yıldırım, Ayla Celik, Yusuf Camlıca, Onder Yumrutas, Gizem Guler, Nurten Erdal, Bahar Tasdelen, Havva Didem Celikcan, Ahmet Kahraman
On the 14th day, represented in Figure 4b, epidermis (e) was formed as a thin layer, papillae were shallow and hair follicles were seen in the deep parts of dermis in diabetic control group on the loosely distributed collagen fibers in dermis (d) were seen. Well-developed dermis (d) containing numerous hair follicles (hf) in fito group was visible. Epithelialization was completed and epidermis (e) was observed as a thin layer. Papillae are quite sparse with a shallow distribution and were completely formed in SH-0.5 group and well-developed in SH-1 group k; keratin (H&E Stain). Re-epithelization has started but not completed yet in diabetic control group. Dermis (d), papillae and reticular dermis cannot be distinguished. Intense collagen fiber deposition in the connective tissue under epidermis (e) was observed. Epidermis (e) was formed with rare papillae in fito group. Intensive collagen fiber accumulation in connective tissue of dermis was observed. Epidermis (e), papillary dermis (pd), and reticular dermis (rd) were well developed in SH-0.5 group. Hair follicles were seen. Epidermis (e) and dermis (pd) were completely developed, papillae (arrows) were deep and abundant in SH-1 group. Mild collagen fiber accumulation in the dermis layer was seen. Local loss of collagen fibers in dermis was observed (Verhoeff-Van Gieson Stain). Reticular fibers (for type III collagen) were observed in connective tissue, around fat cells and capillaries in diabetic control group. A weak reticular fiber staining in dark stained areas between the collagen fiber bundles was observed in fito group. The black areas painted around the hair follicles belong to the reticular fibers. Weak staining in the dermis of SH-0.5 group and SH-1 groups were observed (Reticulin Stain).