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Brazilian Bryophytes and Pteridophytes as Rich Sources of Medicinal Compounds
Published in Luzia Valentina Modolo, Mary Ann Foglio, Brazilian Medicinal Plants, 2019
Adaíses Simone Maciel-Silva, Lucas Vieira Lima
Mosses (Bryophyta) have leafy gametophytes with leaves arranged in spiral rows (Figure 7.3D). In sporophyte, complete seta development is prior to sporogenesis and elevates a terminal sporangium. Dehiscence occurs through an operculum in the majority of mosses. Stomata may occur on the sporangium wall. No elaters are found inside the sporangium, and spores generally germinate into filamentous sporelings called protonema, which can develop into several leafy gametophytes (Goffinet et al., 2009; Vanderpoorten and Goffinet, 2009). Brazilian mosses are currently represented by 276 genera and ca. 890 species (Flora do Brazil, 2020).
Sexual Reproduction in Bryophytes in Relation to Physical Factors of the Environment
Published in R. N. Chopra, Satish C. Bhatla, Bryophyte Development: Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019
In Pogonatum aloides it was shown124 that timing of the switch from the vegetative to the reproductive phase at 27°C is independent of photoperiod; the rate of capsule development is greatest in short days, but capsules are eventually formed under long days. Setae are longer in plants raised under long days than short days, but this is due to greater cell elongation and not to increased numbers of cells. In the field the capsules normally reach maturity in late summer as natural day length shortens, and Hughes124 viewed the quantitative photo-periodic effect on capsule development in P. aloides as an adaptation facilitating rapid growth of late starters.
Redressing Social Injustice
Published in Audrey Di Maria, Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Art Therapy, 2019
The Health Professions Council of South Africa provisionally accepted Lefika’s Art Therapy curriculum in 2005; however, only within the context of a tertiary educational structure. This was a tautological bind, as most of the students did not have undergraduate degrees, due to past educational inequality, and would, therefore, not be allowed entry to a university. Alternative methods of accreditation and recognition were sought. In 1998, the South African government introduced the Sector and Training Authority (SETA) and the Skills Development Act to redress inequality of opportunity as a result of the policy of apartheid. In 2000, the Lefika Training Programme was amended to comply with the SETA requirements and lodged for accreditation. The foreignness of the content and the challenges of presenting coursework that straddled arts and health sectors resulted in the submission being rejected, lost, and resubmitted over many years at great cost. In 2017, accreditation was granted by the Health and Welfare SETA as an NQF 5 (post Grade 12) qualification within an existing category: the “Certificate in Methods of Counselling,” granting Lefika the status of an accredited training institution. Alumni have the opportunity to fulfill the assessment criteria to gain accreditation through recognition of prior learning.
An update on late-stage functionalization in today’s drug discovery
Published in Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 2023
Andrew P. Montgomery, Jack M. Joyce, Jonathan J. Danon, Michael Kassiou
From an initial panel screen of 79 bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes, three microorganisms were identified to produce unique loratadine analogs (76–79, Figure 8C). Analog 76, a known metabolite of 20, was produced from microorganism C. elegans ATCC 8688a. Analogs 77 and 78 were isolated from S. violascens ATCC 31560 and were demonstrated to be less potent than 20 (Kd = 454 nM and 257 nM, respectively). Additionally, they exhibited lower human hepatocyte stability (CLint = 61.5 and 40 μL/min/million cells, respectively, vs 6.1 μL/min/million cells). Finally, analog 79 was isolated from S. setae ATCC 33774 and was found to have a four-fold improvement to potency (Kd = 51 nM) and improved stability in human liver microsomes (CLint = 21 μL/min/mg vs CLint = 137 μL/min/mg) compared to 20 .
Effect of Tagetes minuta oil on larval morphology of Plutella xylostella through scanning electron microscopy and mechanism of action by enzyme assay
Published in Toxin Reviews, 2022
Shudh Kirti Dolma, C. S. Jayaram, Nandita Chauhan, S. G. Eswara Reddy
After 24 h of treatment, setae of thoracic leg initiated to deform followed by rudimentary growth of thoracic leg and extra cuticular growth observed on thoracic legs which are modified into slender and elongated. Initially, the larvae treated with T. minuta oil showed shattering of crochets in pro-legs followed by separation of fleshy two segments of prolegs (planta). Later (72 h), legs of the cuticle initiated to lose granulation and third segment of the proleg were separated. After 96 h of treatment, granulation of the cuticle is fully crumbled and the first pair of the pro-leg is broken. Seta modified into clubbed/globose shaped after 24 h and then broken from the tip (48 h). The clubbed seta has swollen to a higher extent and left with broken bloated seta (after 72 h) and finally, setae fragmented from the hair socket. Similar setal modifications in the vicinity of stemmata, posterior abdominal segments, and ventral part of the mouthparts were also observed. In a similar study, significant deformation was observed on antennal segments after 96 h of treatment. In the flagellum, deformation seen in third flagellar segment which presented filamentous and knotted (Jayaram et al. 2020).
Human exposure to larvae of processionary moths in France: study of symptomatic cases registered by the French poison control centres between 2012 and 2019
Published in Clinical Toxicology, 2022
Pauline Vasseur, Sandra Sinno-Tellier, Jérôme Rousselet, Jérôme Langrand, Alain Roques, Juliette Bloch, Magali Labadie
People can be exposed to urticating larvae of pine processionary moth from January to May and to those of oak processionary moth from April to July. Both larvae are characterized by a rather similar venomous stinging device that is considered to represent a defense against their vertebrate predators [1]. Microscopic-sized urticating setae (40–400 microns) with a sharp spicule shape are inserted next to each other in articulated structures regularly placed on the backbone of the larva, and where glands produce urticating proteins that would be released when the seta breaks [11]. Broken setae of pine processionary larvae release several substances, including thaumetopoein [12] while those of oak processionary larvae release a thaumetopoein-like protein. The pathophysiological mechanism for urticating setae involves allergic and non-allergic components. Immediate reactions may occur by mast cell degranulation while IgE-mediated sensitization may occur in the event of repeated exposure [13]. When disturbed, processionary larvae actively release their setae into the atmosphere. Wind and ambient currents can easily disperse the setae that can crash into the skin and the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth…), break and release urticating proteins.