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Published in Anton Sebastian, A Dictionary of the History of Medicine, 2018
Odontology [Greek: odontos, tooth + logos, discourse] Science of teeth. Richard Owen (1804–1892) discovered the connection between the vascular and soft parts of the tooth tissue and the hard substance in 1839. He published one of the first illustrated books in 1840, Odontology. See dentistry.
Radiographic Applications in Forensic Dental Identification
Published in Michael J. Thali M.D., Mark D. Viner, B. G. Brogdon, Brogdon's Forensic Radiology, 2010
Dental identifications should be made by an experienced dentist with additional training and experience in forensic odontology, which is normally absent in dental school cur-ricula. Such training is available through several courses given annually throughout the United States and Canada and by attending annual meetings of forensic odontology groups. These meetings include excellent scientific sessions in which many highly experienced individuals present state- of-the-art information and case studies. If at all possible, medical examiners should attempt to form working relationships with forensic odontologists who have been certified by the American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO). Diplomates of the ABFO are initially required to demonstrate a substantial body of work and undertake a challenging and extensive examination with written, practical, and oral components. Diplomates must also be recertified every five years. The most recent checklist for accreditation by the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) includes the question as to an affiliation with an ABFO Diplomate.16
The Radiological Autopsy
Published in Julian L Burton, Guy Rutty, The Hospital Autopsy, 2010
Forensic odontology is an established means of identification. The dentition of the deceased may be correlated with prior dental records or photographs of the deceased smiling. This is traditionally achieved by physical examination of the dentition by an odontologist and contemporaneous or subsequent comparison with available dental records. In mass fatality situations, the use of conventional x-rays to record dentition can be particularly timeconsuming, with radiography becoming a rate-limiting factor in body processing. It is important to remember that all modes of dental identification are, of course, fundamentally dependent on the existence of dental records for comparison. The absence of prior dental records caused significant difficulty in the identification of the victims of the Asian tsunami on 26 December 2004 (Petju et al., 2007).
Gram-negative quorum sensing signalling enhances biofilm formation and virulence traits in gram-positive pathogen Enterococcus faecalis
Published in Journal of Oral Microbiology, 2023
Ana Parga, Daniel Manoil, Malin Brundin, Ana Otero, Georgios N. Belibasakis
Five E. faecalis strains were investigated here; collection strains ATCC 29212, the type strain ATCC 19433T, along with three isolates from infected dental root canals labelled UmID4, UmID5 and UmID7. Root canal isolates were obtained from Umeå bacterial collection (Division of Endodontics, Department of Odontology, Umeå University, SE). Clinical isolates were originally collected from both untreated and previously infected dental root canals ongoing endodontic treatment. In brief, root canal samples were plated onto bile/esculin/sodium azide agars dedicated to group D streptococcal isolation. Among the group D streptococci isolated (black colonies positive for esculin hydrolysis), E. faecalis cells were further sorted by testing for pyroglutamyl-aminopeptidase (PYR) and leucine-aminopeptidase (LAP) activities using methylumbelliferyl-associated substrates. PYR/LAP positive isolates that are taxonomically classified as E. faecalis, were additionally confirmed by species-specific quantitative PCR using the primers F: 5’-CCGAGTGCTTGCACTCAATTGG-3’ and R: 5’-CTCTTATGCCATGCGGCATAAAC-3’ that amplify a 138 bp amplicon on the 16S rRNA gene [21]. All E. faecalis strains and isolates were routinely cultured on Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) agar plates at 37°C.
Association between dental and skeletal maturation in Scandinavian children born between 2005 and 2010
Published in Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2023
Astrid Rathcke Poulsen, Liselotte Sonnesen
The data consisted of hand-wrist radiographs and OPs from 117 Danish children, consisting of 70 girls (mean age 11.28 years, range 8.0–13.85 years at OP and hand-wrist) and 47 boys (mean age 11.98 years, range 9.66–14.75 years at OP and hand-wrist). The subjects were systematically collected from a group of 468 children born in the period between 2005 and 2010 (cf. Figure 1) prior to orthodontic treatment at the Postgraduate Education of Orthodontics, Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (UC-ODON). The data was obtained between 2013 and 2020 and included all children that satisfied the inclusion and exclusion criteria outlined in Figure 1. The inclusion criteria were: healthy; ethnic Scandinavian in the age between 7 and 15 years [5,32]. The exclusion criteria were: growth anomalies; dentition abnormalities; crowding; children in current or previous hormone treatment; yet to reach SM stage PP2= were in the SM stages PP3u and MP3u; insufficient radiograph quality [31,33] (Figure 1). The applied inclusion and exclusion criteria followed previous specified criteria for use of the methods in this study [31,33,34]. The additional exclusion criteria with regards to SM stages were applied to ensure clinical relevance.
Facilitators for use of oral healthcare services among people with substance use disorders: a qualitative study in Norway
Published in Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2022
Siv-Elin Leirvaag Carlsen, Katja Isaksen, Anne Nordrehaug Åstrøm, Lars Thore Fadnes
During the data collection period, the researchers met regularly to discuss their perceptions of the recurring themes identified in the focus group and individual interviews. When the researchers determined that no new themes were arising in the interviews, they agreed to stop the data collection. Thereafter, they familiarised themselves with the data by listening to and reading all the transcripts. Based on their analysis, they independently identified the dominant themes and developed code descriptions. When the initial coding had been completed, they compared and discussed their respective codes. The consensus was reached by consolidating related themes and removing or recoding others. In addition, to ensure that no aspects were overlooked during the process, codes and themes were discussed with other experienced researchers with knowledge of the fields of odontology and SUD. A final codebook was applied to the data and NVIVO 12 [26] was used to generate the main categories and subcodes. Figure 1 illustrates the analysis process.