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Upper limb
Published in Aida Lai, Essential Concepts in Anatomy and Pathology for Undergraduate Revision, 2018
Attachments of biceps brachii muscle– origin (long head): supraglenoid tubercle of scapula (passes through transverse humeral ligament)– origin (short head): coracoid process of scapula– insertion: bicipital tuberosity of radius– nerve SS: musculocutaneous n. (C5 and 6)– function: flex elbow, supinate forearm when elbow is flexed
Suprapectoral biceps tenodesis
Published in Andreas B. Imhoff, Jonathan B. Ticker, Augustus D. Mazzocca, Andreas Voss, Atlas of Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy, 2017
The biceps brachii muscle has a long head and a short head. The long head of the biceps brachii originates from both the supraglenoid tubercle and superior aspect of the glenoid labrum. This bifurcation is sometimes incomplete and may be misinterpreted as a tear on axial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. In shoulders with associated rotator cuff tears the tendon may appear to be flattened and hypertrophied.
The neurological examination
Published in Michael Y. Wang, Andrea L. Strayer, Odette A. Harris, Cathy M. Rosenberg, Praveen V. Mummaneni, Handbook of Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Spinal Medicine for Nurses and Advanced Practice Health Professionals, 2017
Biceps brachii muscle (Figure 11.1h) Innervation: Musculocutaneous nerve (C5 and C6).Function: Flexion at elbow joint and supination at forearm.Physical examination: When the patient flexes (arrow) the supinated forearm against resistance, the muscle can be seen.
Spastic muscle stiffness evaluated using ultrasound elastography and evoked electromyogram in patients following severe traumatic brain injury: an observational study
Published in Brain Injury, 2022
Jun Matsumoto-Miyazaki, Shogo Sawamura, Yumiko Nishibu, Maki Okada, Yuka Ikegame, Yoshitaka Asano, Hirohito Yano, Jun Shinoda
Reports have shown that secondary changes in mechanical muscle fiber properties play a major role in spasticity, whereas exaggerated reflexes serve a minor role (2). Recently, ultrasound (US) elastography, including US shear wave elastography (SWE) and strain ratio elastography, has been used to assess changes in muscle properties that may induce spasticity and contracture in neuromuscular disorders (17–19), including stroke (17,20), cerebral palsy (21), and multiple sclerosis (22). SWE induces lateral shear waves using acoustic pulses of the transducer. During this process, shear wave speed is quantitatively measured to evaluate tissue stiffness. Studies have also reported that US SWE had good to excellent intra- and inter-observer reliability for assessing biceps brachii muscle (BBM) stiffness in healthy adults or those had suffered a stroke with and without spasticity (23–25). However, whether US elastography could help assess SMO in patients following severe TBI remains unclear.
Brachial distal biceps injuries
Published in The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 2019
Drew Krumm, Peter Lasater, Guillaume Dumont, Travis J. Menge
The biceps brachii muscle is made up of a short head and a long head. The short head originates on the coracoid process, while the long head originates on the supraglenoid tubercle. They each insert on the radial tuberosity. This muscle’s main action is to supinate the forearm, but it also assists in elbow flexion. Since the short head has a more distal attachment on the tuberosity than the long head, it is a greater contributor to elbow flexion. The long head attaches to the apex of the tuberosity and is a greater contributor to supination than the short head. The biceps is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve and receives its blood supply from branches of the brachial artery. On clinical exam, the distal biceps tendon may be mistaken for the lacertus fibrosus, also known as the bicipital aponeurosis, which originates from the short head of the biceps and helps protect the neurovascular bundle in the antecubital fossa. The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (LABCN), which is the terminal cutaneous branch of the musculocutaneous nerve, is at risk for injury in operative repair of distal biceps avulsion injuries. It is located between the biceps and brachialis muscles and pierces the deep fascia just lateral to the distal biceps tendon. The nerve is located in the subcutaneous tissue of the antecubital fossa and supplies sensation to the lateral aspect of the forearm. The radial nerve is also at risk for injury. The radial nerve is located between the brachioradialis and brachialis near the distal humerus. It bifurcates into the posterior interosseous nerve and radial sensory nerve in the antecubital fossa [6].
The phrenic nerve transfer in the treatment of a septuagenarian with brachial plexus avulsion injury: a case report
Published in International Journal of Neuroscience, 2018
Active contractions of the biceps brachii muscle were perceived at the 18-month follow-up visit. At 3.5 years after neurotization procedure of musculocutaneous, the strength recovery of biceps brachii muscle increased with subtle elbow flexion related to deep inspiration. At 4.5 years after the operation, it was observed that there was flexion of M3 for the biceps brachii muscle according to a British MRC scoring scale, still related to respiration. In the latest follow-up, 5.5 years after the phrenic nerve transfer operation, elbow flexion scored M3+ and became independent without facilitatory respiration (Figure 1). Other functional recoveries of injured upper extremity were not satisfactory, including 30° of shoulder abduction, slight wrist flexion elicited by assistant shoulder adduction of contralateral limb, and no active elbow extension (Figure 2). In the EMG study, the biceps brachii muscle and infraspinatus muscle showed successful electromyographic reinnervation with CMAP reaching mono-mix phase and monophase, respectively. The patient, however, had poor reinnervation in the rest of the reconstructed muscles. The EMG results basically corresponded to physical results.