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Animal Source Foods
Published in Chuong Pham-Huy, Bruno Pham Huy, Food and Lifestyle in Health and Disease, 2022
Chuong Pham-Huy, Bruno Pham Huy
Egg is one of the most important allergens in childhood feeding, and egg allergy can pose quality of life concerns (124). Most of the allergenic egg proteins are found in egg white, including ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, and lysozyme. Although ovalbumin is the most abundant protein comprising hen’s egg white, ovomucoid has been shown to be the dominant allergen in egg. Egg allergy is closely associated with atopic dermatitis and was found to be present in about two-thirds of children (124). Processed foods containing egg such as cookies must signal its presence to consumers on the labels.
Infection and immunology
Published in Jagdish M. Gupta, John Beveridge, MCQs in Paediatrics, 2020
Jagdish M. Gupta, John Beveridge
5.20. Live measles vaccine should not be given to childrenwith leukaemia on chemotherapy.on large doses of oral corticosteroids.under the age of 3 months.with egg allergy.with HIV infection.
Food allergens
Published in Richard F. Lockey, Dennis K. Ledford, Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy, 2020
Allen et al. [31] reviewed and identified key points of egg allergy. It primarily affects preschool children. Life-threatening reactions are less common with egg than with peanut or tree nut allergy, and heat and digestion alter the allergenicity of egg proteins. Heating reduces the allergenicity of ovomucoid and ovalbumin but does not affect lysozyme. Ovomucoid allergenicity may also be reduced by gastric pH. It is possible that the age and/or the use of inhibitors of gastric acid secretion in young children promotes egg protein food sensitization. As with baked milk products, baked egg products are tolerated by a majority of egg-allergic patients. Sixty-four of 117 subjects with confirmed egg allergy tolerated baked egg products (muffins or waffles) according to the results of one trial [32]. These clinical findings are consistent with the reduction of egg allergenicity by heating and may reassure select patients of the safety in consuming foods with baked egg.
Patterns of Nutritional Supplement Use in Children with Tourette Syndrome
Published in Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2023
Bobbie L. Smith, Amanda K. Ludlow
Of the 15 children with TS using special diets, 8 (53%) caregivers reported at least one positive change. The most common reported changes were improved vocal tics (n=8) and improved motor tics (n=8), attributed to gluten-free (motor = 3, vocal = 2), dairy-free (motor = 3, vocal =4), and sugar free (motor = 2, vocal =2) diets. Gluten-free diets also improved social interaction (n=1), sleep (n=1) and behavior (n=1). Dairy-free diets also improved social interaction (n=1) and behavior (n=1). Sugar-free diets also improved social interaction (n=1) and behavior (n=2). Additional observed changes reported include: “Less agitated and less tummy issues”, “better mood”, “Slight improvement in nasal congestion”, “new tastes aggravated him and made tics worsen” and “happier and calmer”. All caregivers of children with TD reported a positive change which was the absence of an allergic reaction. Dairy-free was reported to improve skin irritation caused by eczema, improved sleep and reduced pain caused due to intolerance. An egg-free diet was stated as preventing anaphylactic shock due to an egg allergy.
The baculovirus expression vector system: a modern technology for the future of influenza vaccine manufacturing
Published in Expert Review of Vaccines, 2022
Claudia Maria Trombetta, Serena Marchi, Emanuele Montomoli
Despite being the most widely used system for vaccine manufacture, egg-based production has some limitations. First, a large number of eggs are needed in a short-time period, one or two eggs are required for each dose of vaccine, the process is labor-intensive and cumbersome, and the eggs need to be from specific pathogen-free flocks [5,26,27]. Moreover, the purification process is difficult, yielding a partially purified vaccine that could contain small amounts of egg protein. In addition, as allergy to eggs is one of the most common allergies in the pediatric population, and given the theoretical risk of an anaphylactic reaction, these vaccines have been not recommended to subjects with egg allergy [5,28–31]. Specifically, influenza vaccines have been contraindicated in subjects with severe egg allergic reaction. On the contrary, studies have shown that subjects with egg allergy can receive influenza vaccines since the amount of egg protein present in the vaccine is insufficient to trigger an allergic reaction [28,32–35]. Finally, antibiotics and preservatives are often used in the process, in order to maintain adequate sterility [36].
Food allergy severity predictions based on cellular in vitro tests
Published in Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 2020
Betul Buyuktiryaki, Alexandra F. Santos
Egg allergy is seen mostly in childhood and may cause mild to severe allergic reactions. In Turkey, 203 children with IgE-mediated egg allergy were followed up until 6 years of age and underwent open or DBPCFC tests; logistic regression analysis yielded that the natural algorithm for egg white sIgE and gastrointestinal symptoms at onset were major factors for high risk of anaphylaxis [48]. Similarly, in a retrospective cohort study, Benhamou et al. [49] analyzed the data of 51 oral challenge tests to egg in a pediatric population. Children under 3 years old with IgE-mediated food allergy underwent open food challenges, the ones with atopic dermatitis or with equivocal symptoms (e.g. pruritus) had double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC) tests. Median levels of egg-white sIgE were 1.17 kU/L (0.35–6.41), 2.47 (0.35–14.90), and 3.70 (1.18–11.0) kU/L for negative, mild to moderate, and severe reactions, respectively (p = 0.006). In line with this study, some other studies also supported the association between SPT and/or sIgE and severity of reactions to egg [23,30,35,50]. Nevertheless, other studies did not show any association [43–45].