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Research Issues and Solutions in Agro-IoT
Published in Saravanan Krishnan, J Bruce Ralphin Rose, N R Rajalakshmi, Narayanan Prasanth, Cloud IoT Systems for Smart Agricultural Engineering, 2022
This technology provides solutions for smart agriculture developments by providing the following promising services [12]. LPWAN offers high data reception rate by operating in licensed or license-free spectrum. LPWAN ensures high Quality of Service and reliability.Day by day usage of IoT devices is getting increased; hence network expansion and addition of IoT devices are more essential. LPWAN ensures high scalability by providing a large network capacity.LPWAN offers the integration of low-cost battery constraint sensor devices which consume low power to achieve more environmentally sustainable architecture.LPWAN offers mobility by providing high-speed data transmission between the edge nodes and sink nodes in precision farming.LPWAN offers high security by providing multilayer encryption solutions. It also provides secure authentication, end-user identification, secure data transmission, and high-level data integrity.
Fundamentals of Internet of Things
Published in Bhawana Rudra, Anshul Verma, Shekhar Verma, Bhanu Shrestha, Futuristic Research Trends and Applications of Internet of Things, 2022
Sarthak Srivastava, Anshul Verma, Pradeepika Verma
These are low-power WAN technology very prominently used for connecting low bandwidth and battery-powered devices that have low bit rates over quite long ranges, from 2 km to 1000 km. If compared to the cellular networks, LPWAN can be operated at lower cost and with greater power efficiency. The number of connected devices supported and the area of connectivity is also bit larger than the cellular connectivity. Most of the LPWANs also use star topology where each end point has a direct connection with the central access point [38] (Figure 1.13). The accommodated packet size lies in the range of 10–10,000 bytes with uplink speed up to 200 kbps. Sigfox, RPMA (random phase multiple access), LoRa, Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT), DASH7, WAVIoT are some very popular and efficient LPWAN technologies used in different applications according to their specifications.
IoT Architecture
Published in Abhik Chaudhuri, Internet of Things, for Things, and by Things, 2018
It is a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) for battery operated wireless devices with features like bi-directional communication, localization services and mobility. It can be used in regional, national or global networks. Long Range Low Power Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN)12 uses gateways to relay messages between end devices and a central network server. On LoRaWAN, the end devices use single-hop wireless communication, while gateways connect using standard IP connections. LoRaWAn utilizes an unlicensed radio spectrum for communication and AES128 encryption for the security of transmitted data. This network can be used in smart city applications such as low-power tracking applications that are GPS-free and cloud-based data delivery to mobile devices and smart systems.
Smart networks of autonomous in-situ soil sensors
Published in European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2023
Xavier Chavanne, Jean-Pierre Frangi
Network and Wireless technology are still in development since the advent of Internet and mobile cellular in 90 s (or Global System for Mobile). Of relevance to connect to Internet from anywhere simple objects like a fire detector, a water-meter or a soil sensor, is the recent emergence of dedicated modes of communication, the Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) [Mekki et al. (2018)]. One of the most popular is the Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), we have adopted for our own development. These modes compromise on sensor data rate and its latency to offer long range (more than several km), low consumption and low cost of communication. Relative to broadband modes of transmission LPWAN ones operate with narrow-band modulations, which permit to increase Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) using very narrow band-pass filters to keep only frequency of interest, in addition of the use of modern electronics. Long range permits the simple star topology to connect up to more than one thousand sensors to one base station or gateway. These modes benefit from industrial support and development. Thus, commercial networks of LPWAN with large coverage are already available.
Big data analytics for manufacturing internet of things: opportunities, challenges and enabling technologies
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2020
Hong-Ning Dai, Hao Wang, Guangquan Xu, Jiafu Wan, Muhammad Imran
Recently, Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) essentially provide a solution to the wide coverage demand while saving energy. Typically, LPWAN technologies include Sigfox, LoRa, Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) Mekki et al. (2018). LPWAN has lower power consumption than WiFi and mobile communication technologies. Take NB-IoT as an example. It is shown in Xu et al. (2017) that an NB-IoT node can have a ten-year battery life. Moreover, LPWAN has a longer communication range than RFID, bluetooth and 6LoWPAN. In particular, LPWAN technologies have the communication range from 1 km to 10 km. Furthermore, they can also support a large number of concurrent connections (e.g., NB-IoT can support 52,547 connections as shown in Xu et al. (2017)). However, one of the limitations of LPWAN technologies is the low data rate (e.g., NB-IoT can only support a data rate upto 250 kps). Therefore, LPWAN technologies should complement with conventional RFID, 6LoWPAN and other wireless technologies so that they can support the various data acquisition requirements.
IoT-based automated water pollution treatment using machine learning classifiers
Published in Environmental Technology, 2022
The sensor data collected from different sensors are stored in the IoT device through a NMCU-LPWAN network. The features of the Node MCU are 128 KB RAM with 4 MB flash memory, in which, we can store the values and program. The processing power is high because it is made up of an in-built Wi-Fi connection. Low-Power-Wide-Area-Network (LPWAN) is also a wireless wide area network that can send a small amount of data to a long distance with the power of a single battery. It has many years of lifetime. In this proposed work, we implement a NMCU-LPWAN network because it can communicate directly with each sensor node and send / receive the sensor values at a long distance of transmission at low power consumption. Its speed of accessing data is higher than the sensor nodes.