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Emerging Contaminants
Published in Maulin P. Shah, Sweta Parimita Bera, Günay Yıldız Töre, Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment, 2022
Nouha Bakaraki Turan, Hanife Sari Erkan, Guleda Onkal Engin
Personal care products consist of fragrances, insect repellents, sunscreens, shampoos, cosmetics and preservative-like products. Paraben is one of the antimicrobial agents used in deodorants and shampoos found at varying concentrations between 2 ng L−1 and 2500 ng L−1 in raw wastewaters of Spain. Paraben was reported to be successfully removed in WWTPs up to more than 95%. On the other hand, N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) compound used as an insect repellent showed a removal efficiency between 10% and 99% based on the WWTP type, noting that this compound has low volatility with low sorption characteristics and that biodegradation is the only effective removal process [1]. These products enter the human body by their direct application to the human body and not by ingestion, as pharmaceutical compounds do. Disinfectants such as triclosan and chloroprene are categorized under personal care products. They are released into the aquatic environments through showering, bathing and other recreational activities. A large number of these products have been detected in wastewater treatment plants. Some of them are harmless and degrade into carbon dioxide and water, while others known as endocrine-disrupting compounds persist in the environment, posing a serious risk to human health [10]. Papageorgiou et al. (2016) reported low and high removal efficiencies for different pharmaceuticals and personal care products in WWTPs, reflecting the fact that these products are not efficiently removed and may persist untreated in the effluent with a concentration varying between 18 ng L−1 and 9965 ng L−1, according to their study [11].
Microplastics and NanoplasticsOrigin, Fate and Effects
Published in Leo M. L. Nollet, Khwaja Salahuddin Siddiqi, Analysis of Nanoplastics and Microplastics in Food, 2020
Vividha Dhapte-Pawar, Piyush Mehta, Prathmesh Kenjale
Dermal contact may take place when an individual interacts with water polluted with micro/nanoplastic particulates during bathing, washing or via facial/body scrubs containing micro/nanoplastic particulates. However, owing to size of micro/nanoplastic particles, their uptake across skin needs penetration through stratum corneum, which is limited to particles below 100 nm, so absorption via the skin is unlikely to arise. Yet, nanoplastic could easily penetrate into the human skin. Additionally, the excess use of cosmeceuticals or personal care products may also causes harm to human skin [48,49].
Indoor Air Quality
Published in Dorothy Gerring, Renewable Energy Systems for Building Designers, 2023
Personal care products include everything you use for personal hygiene, skin care (including sunscreen), fragrances, and make-up. Many of these products fall into a cosmetics category that has few regulations or oversight on their content, besides color additives. There can be concerns about skin absorption, breathing in sprayed product, and ingestion. Product that gets airborne can combine with particles and water vapor in the air. Run the bathroom exhaust vent to help move air out of circulation. Read product labels and be aware of what the health impacts of ingredients are.
Brief insights of various adsorbents utilized for the sequestration of toxic pollutants from aqueous phase: a review
Published in Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2023
Nida Fakhar, Weqar Ahmad Siddiqi
Personal care products usage in form of skin care products can be considered as emerging pollutants and eventually enter the atmosphere level which could be detrimental to people.[28] A variety of personal care products are found to use their usage as chemicals ordinary household for beauty, cleaning as well as health. Personal care products cover cosmetics, skin products, cleaning products, hair care products, and perfumes. These products without denying have found massive usage around the globe and are discharged into air in huge volume in constant manner.[29] In personal care products the most common emerging pollutants are as follows: nano titanium dioxide, UV Filter, butylated hydroxyl anisole insects repellents, microplastics, hydroxytoluene, nano zinc oxide, parabens, benzophenone, butylparabens, preservatives diethyl phthalate.[24] There implementation is outside of skin that increases its occurrence higher throughout the atmosphere without any change metabolically.[30]
Low-cost adsorbents for environmental pollution control: a concise systematic review from the prospective of principles, mechanism and their applications
Published in Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2022
Personal care products are a class of emerging pollutants from urban sources, contaminating soils and aqua-sphere. Such products are including diverse types of chemicals that are in our daily use such as soaps products, lotions, toothpaste, fragrances, cosmetics and sunscreens.[166] Most of such products are chemically classified as environmental persistent, bioactive, bioaccumulative and endocrine disrupting compounds.[10] Although they are essentially needed, the improper disposal after use causing a threat to the water system, hence, efficient treatment is needed. A rising number of studies are present dealing with the personal care products and their negative influence on human beings and environmental matrices. However, few studies are reported regarding their analysis and removal from wastewater streams.[166] Few investigations suing low cost adsorbents for removing personal care compounds are displayed in Table 5. It is noted that the adsorption capacities of the perflournated-based compounds are less than the other products that don not have perflournated combinations. This could be related to the hydrophobic tendency of the substances. Also, smaller molecules have quicker diffusion in the porous adsorbents than the bigger ones, leading to higher adsorption capacities.[5,33]