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Fundamentals of Heavy Oil Recovery and Production
Published in Cesar Ovalles, Subsurface Upgrading of Heavy Crude Oils and Bitumen, 2019
There are many classes of w/o demulsifiers [Kelland 2009]. The most commonly used are polyalkoxylate block copolymers and their ester derivatives, alkylphenol-aldehyde resin alkoxylates, polyalkoxylate of polyols or glycidyl esters, and polyurethanes (carbamates) and polyalkoxylates derivatives. These demulsifiers are oil-soluble and are deployed as a solution in hydrocarbons solvents (diesel). Additionally, alcohol (butanol) is used as co-solvent to improve the transportation of the amphiphile to the water/oil interface, especially for high viscosity crudes such as HO/B. Bottle testing is the most accepted method to evaluate demulsifier performance, but more advanced analytical techniques have been used such as interfacial tension, dielectric constant, and electric field measurements [Kelland 2009].
Preliminaiy Treatment
Published in Paul N. Cheremisinoff, Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology, 2019
Determination of the effectiveness of demulsifiers is normally carried out by jar testing. A representative waste sample is split into several aliquots, each of which is reacted with a known quantity of reagents. After each addition, the cells are examined to note any reaction. Breaking of the emulsion into separate surface-active properties tends to alter the surface wetting properties of the coalescing fibers, which usually lends to “poisoning” of the media. In addition, the effectiveness of the system depends on, among other things, the mechanical forces of the influent passing through the filter. If the volume and/or force of the pumping is too great, the oil droplets tend to be prematurely carried into the mainstream flow and are insufficient in size to gravity-separate from the effluent. Despite drawbacks, filter coalescers are quite effective. The effluent quality achievable with such devices is in the range of 1–50 ppm oil depending on such factors the surfactant content, loading conditions, and oil type.
Nanoiron for Site Remediation: Bench- Scale Assessment and Field Applications
Published in Marta I. Litter, Natalia Quici, Martín Meichtry, Iron Nanomaterials for Water and Soil Treatment, 2018
The key factor for dealing with MFT is to break the stable multiphase emulsion. Chemical demulsifiers are amphiphilic compounds having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, which allow them to adsorb and interact at the oil-water interface that surrounds inorganic particles of sand and the like. To break the stable oil-water interface around emulsified fine solids, chemical demulsifiers are required to be more surface active than the mechanisms acting as emulsion stabilizers. Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are of great interest for this function because of their response to an external magnetic field for quick and easy isolation from the complex multiphase systems by magnetic separation. The interfacial activity of MNPs on the surface of micron and submicron particles has been found to allow them to be effectively attached to otherwise stable emulsified water droplets in diluted bitumen emulsions.
Insight into the influence of morphology and structure of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on demulsification efficiencies
Published in Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2023
Xiaolong Zhao, Yizhong Zhao, Zenglin Wang, Bin Chen, Shenwen Fang, Peng Li, Gang Chen, Xiaqing Li, Wei Liang, XueFeng Gao, QingCai Wei
Demulsification is one of the most important issues in the interface science, which plays an important role in many industrial demulsification processes.[1] Utilizing demulsifiers for crude oil dehydration possesses many advantages, such as low cost, easy operations and so on. Therefore, this method has been widely used in produced liquid treatment in oilfield. The demulsification mechanism of conventional demulsifiers, which are mainly the amphipathic compounds, is as follows: they can attach to the oil-water interfaces of emulsified droplets automatically because they have both hydrophilic structural unit and structural unit; after the attachment, the stability of these interfaces can be destroyed, resulting in separation between the oil and water phases.[2]
Application of a novel surface modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles as chemical demulsifiers for breaking water-in-crude oil emulsion
Published in Petroleum Science and Technology, 2022
Forough Mohammadi, Haleh Sanaeishoar, Elham Tahanpesar
The main objective of the current study is to introduce new materials to get rid of problems arose by W/O emulsions by applying of nanotechnology. Conventional demulsifiers are expensive and harmful components for the environment, thus reducing their usage or replacing them with eco-friendly and cost-effective materials is essential. Nanotechnology is a novel technology which is proposed nanoparticles for the enhancement of conventional demulsifier performance and decreasing their consumption. In this study, MSNs were first synthesized via a simple and efficient sol-gel method. (Kamarudin et al. 2013). Then they were functionalized with organic moieties by post-synthesis procedure to obtain better demulsification properties. Basorol P DB-9955 was selected as commercial demulsifier and the impact of functionalized MSNs with (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES) and phenyl triethoxysilane (PhTES) on the performance of the commercial demulsifier was studied. To the best of authors’ knowledge these materials have not been investigated previously as crude oil demulsification agent. We thus commenced an investigation in this realm so as to enhance our understanding of different concentration of salt and temperature on the DE.
Demulsification of crude oil-water emulsion using naturally formulated demulsifier
Published in Petroleum Science and Technology, 2021
Biswadeep Pal, Rahul Kumar, Tarun Kumar Naiya
Temperature is one of prime element to separate the emulsion. At higher temperature, viscosity of emulsion decreased. On the other hand, increase in temperature slack the attractive forces which bind oil and water. It is inferred from the figure (Figure 2B) that with increasing in temperature from 30 °C to 45 °C, volume of separated water increases from 2.6 ml to 4.4 ml at 2000 ppm DEMLOCS concentration. Increase in temperature resulted more rigorous vibration. Interfacial tension decreased and stability of emulsion affected with temperature which is one of the important factors that are responsible for reduction in viscosity of the emulsion (Fortuny et al. 2007). Decrease in viscosity and high applied energy due to temperature increase are two vital parameters required to improve the efficiency of the demulsifier to separate water from emulsion. Coalescence was developed due to higher temperature which promotes Brownian effect and inter-facial mass transfer between two liquid molecules. As a result water molecules lump together and separated from emulsion due to difference in specific gravity and polarity which promote mobility and settling time also (Hajivand and Vaziri 2015).