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Duration of Exposure and Dose in Assessing Nonthermal Biological Effects of Microwaves
Published in Marko Markov, Dosimetry in Bioelectromagnetics, 2017
Esmekaya et al. exposed human peripheral blood lymphocyte to GSM-modulated MW radiation at 1.8 GHz and SAR of 0.21 W/kg for 6, 8, 24, and 48 h (Esmekaya et al., 2011). The authors reported morphological changes in exposed lymphocytes. Longer exposure periods resulted in destruction of organelle and nucleus structures. Chromatin change and the loss of mitochondrial crista, which occurred in cells exposed to MW for 8 and 24 h, were more pronounced in cells exposed for 48 h. This effect was not thermal as exposure did not increase the temperature. The authors concluded that greater damage occurred after a longer duration of MW exposure.
The Medical Implications of Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
Published in W.A. Crosbie, J.H. Gittus, Medical Response to Effects of Ionising Radiation, 2003
It is of interest to note that simple haematological evaluation by peripheral blood lymphocyte count appeared to be the best single laboratory tool for ‘triage’ in deciding where medical resources would require to be allocated in the recent Chernobyl accident. Further, the use of allogenous bone marrow transplants proved particularly disappointing in the management of these patients.
Genotoxic risk in occupational exposure to petrol and its amelioration by vitamin C and vitamin E
Published in Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 2022
Amrin Shaikh, Puranjay Chandel, Divya Chandel
Micronucleus (MN) frequency in cytokinesis-block Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Culture (PBLC) has become one of the best-established biomarkers for studying DNA damage occurring in vivo in humans7 and any compound which can induce chromosomal aberrations can lead to induction of micronuclei (MN). The observed highly significant increase in MN frequencies in present study can be attributed to exposure of complex chemical mixtures of petrol and lack of protective measures which can also lead to predisposition to cancer. Previous studies indicate that micronuclei frequency increased significantly in cancer patients14,15 and also in smokers leading to cancerous condition.16 Studies on various occupational workers exposed to aromatic hydrocarbons showed notably increased MN frequency.17,18 The MN assay can be used as a crucial biomarker for genotoxicity analysis in individuals occupationally exposed to petrol for long-term risk management.
Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE): integration of rat and mouse carcinogenicity data with mode of action and human and rodent bioassay dosimetry and toxicokinetics indicates MTBE is not a plausible human carcinogen
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 2022
James S. Bus, B. Bhaskar Gollapudi, Gordon C. Hard
Schreiner et al. (2014) studied micronucleus (MN) induction in bone marrow and sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of rats exposed to gasoline vapor condensate containing MTBE (GMVC). Schreiner et al. (2014) reported increases of up to 1.2-fold in SCE in groups exposed to up to 20 g/m3 of GMVC compared to gasoline vapor condensate (GVC) alone; no change in MN was observed. This is not an especially useful study to assess MTBE in vivo genotoxicity because the test material evaluated was a mixture and not MTBE alone. Further, the biological significance of SCE-induction is not fully understood, and consequently this endpoint is no longer considered as a bona fide genotoxic endpoint as reflected in the recent decision by the OECD to delete the test guidelines for this assay (http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/9747901e.pdf?expires=1380202705&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=A908EDE6C9CCF59D6A7AA446B4D5E289).