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OverStitch Sx Endoscopic suturing system in minimally invasive endoscopic procedures: overview of its safety and efficacy and comparison to oversticthTM
Published in Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2022
Tara Keihanian, Mohamed O Othman
Krishnan et al., in a single center retrospective trial, reported the outcomes of 37 patients who underwent endoscopic stenting for management of anastomotic leak post bariatric surgery. The incidence of stent migration without anchoring was 41.18% versus 15% only with OverStitchTM stent anchoring [29]. There are multiple case reports demonstrating OverStitchTM success in stent fixation in the esophagus and stomach for uncommon indications such as relieving malignant gastric outlet obstruction with a stent-within-stent approach with OverStitchTM fixation [30]. Figure 5 shows esophageal stent fixation using OverStitchTM device.