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Advances in Hip Arthroscopy
Published in K. Mohan Iyer, Hip Joint in Adults: Advances and Developments, 2018
Bony structural abnormalities usually identified with CT scan include loose bodies. On the femur the CT scan helps measure the alpha angle, reduced or exaggerated femoral neck version angles, and coxa valga and coxa vara. On the acetabular side a CT scan helps in identifying anteversion/retroversion and inclination. A CT scan also helps in identifying a combination of these abnormalities. Ninety per cent of the patients with labral pathology show structural abnormalities that can be identified on the CT scans, and these structural abnormalities frequently occur in combination.
Impact of sedentarism due to the COVID-19 home confinement on neuromuscular, cardiovascular and metabolic health: Physiological and pathophysiological implications and recommendations for physical and nutritional countermeasures
Published in European Journal of Sport Science, 2021
Marco Narici, Giuseppe De Vito, Martino Franchi, Antonio Paoli, Tatiana Moro, Giuseppe Marcolin, Bruno Grassi, Giovanni Baldassarre, Lucrezia Zuccarelli, Gianni Biolo, Filippo Giorgio di Girolamo, Nicola Fiotti, Flemming Dela, Paul Greenhaff, Constantinos Maganaris
This section will cover the consequences of inactivity on glucose homeostasis and provide advice on simple measures to offset the negative effects of physical inactivity. The first study demonstrating the deleterious effect of physical inactivity on glucose tolerance was published 75 years ago in patients confined to bed for various length of time, such as patients with hip or femoral fractures, multiple sclerosis, hemiplegia, coxa vara etc. (Blotner, 1945). It is now well established that sedentary activities such as desk work, TV viewing, sitting (Dunstan et al., 2005; Katzmarzyk et al., 2009; Van der Ploeg, Chey, Korda, Banks, & Bauman, 2012) are associated with increased all-cause mortality and increased morbidity (metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease). The association is summarised in a recent review that concluded: “Higher levels of total physical activity, at any intensity, and less time spent sedentary are associated with a substantially reduced risk for premature mortality, with evidence of a non-linear dose–response pattern in middle aged and older adults” (Ekelund et al., 2019).