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Uptake, Accumulation, Biotransformation, and Excretion of Xenobiotics
Published in Alan G. Heath, Water Pollution and Fish Physiology, 2018
Most if not all metals are probably carried by the blood bound to protein (Roesijadi and Robinson, 1994). For example, the plasma protein ceruloplasmin binds copper in mammals. Copper and zinc-binding proteins have also been found in fish (Fletcher and Fletcher, 1980). There may be a different protein for each essential trace metal, and presumably non-essential metals use one of the already existing proteins. Some metals may also bind to amino acids (Stagg and Shuttleworth, 1982). Methylmercury is rather unique in that it binds to the protein of hemoglobin inside the erythrocytes (Massaro, 1974). What effect, if any, the mercury has on hemoglobin function is apparently unknown.
Quantum Dots: Light Emitters for Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Published in Ana Rute Neves, Salette Reis, Nanoparticles in Life Sciences and Biomedicine, 2018
Joao L. M. Santos, Jose X. Soares, S. Sofia M. Rodrigues, David S. M. Ribeiro
By combining QDs and a lateral flow test strip Li et al. [80] developed a portable fluorescence immunosensor for the quantitative detection of ceruloplasmin, a biomarker for cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and stress response to smoking, in human plasma. The obtained results confirmed the potential of QD-based lateral flow tests for biomarkers screening in point-of-care analysis (Fig. 16.8).
Ozone-induced acute phase response in lung versus liver: the role of adrenal-derived stress hormones
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2021
Devin I. Alewel, Andres R. Henriquez, Catherine H. Colonna, Samantha J. Snow, Mette C. Schladweiler, Colette N. Miller, Urmila P. Kodavanti
For infection-induced APR, it is known that, through paracrine and endocrine signaling, cytokines act on hepatocytes to induce APP synthesis and release (Carrillo et al. 2017) and eventual clearance of infectious pathogens through various molecular pathways. CRP, which increases by up to 1000-fold following pathogen detection, is a pro-inflammatory APP that aids in complement activation and promotes phagocytosis (Gulhar, Ashraf, and Jialal 2020). Serum CRP assessment immediately following Day 2 of exposure exhibited a significant O3-induced rise. However, it is noteworthy that, in the case of inhalant-induced injury, there was no lung or liver Crp induction of gene expression, suggesting that the mechanism and characteristics of an O3-induced APR are likely different than those associated with infections. In addition, where A2M and ORM-1 are strongly reactive APPs in rodents, CRP is a major human but not rat APP (Schreiber et al. 1989). During bacterial infection, ceruloplasmin (CP) and HP bind copper and hemoglobin, respectively, to inhibit the utilization of host resources for pathogenic growth (Gulhar, Ashraf, and Jialal 2020; Jain, Gautam, and Naseem 2011). Similarly, since iron (Fe) is a micronutrient for bacterial growth, hepcidin (HAMP) and TRF modulate ferroportin internalization to inhibit pathogenic Fe scavenging (Kuscuoglu et al. 2018). With O3 exposure, only modest decreases in TRF were noted. As TRF is highly abundant in the circulation, it is possible that O3-induced lung injury that does not involve pathogen-mediated signaling might not result in significant changes in these proteins.