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Dentin-Pulp Complex Regeneration
Published in Vincenzo Guarino, Marco Antonio Alvarez-Pérez, Current Advances in Oral and Craniofacial Tissue Engineering, 2020
Amaury Pozos-Guillén, Héctor Flores
Different factors are involved in the initiation of tertiary dentinogenesis and could be related to harmful agents such as acids and bacterial metabolic products, or by leakage from the restorative material used to fill a cavity. Tertiary dentinogenesis has been described in relation to the nature of the injury. This has led to adoption of terms like ‘reactionary’ and ‘reparative’ to subdivide tertiary dentinogenesis into the responses seen after survival and death of the primary odontoblast population, respectively. The reactionary dentinogenesis represents the focal up-regulation of a group of primary odontoblasts surviving injury to the tooth, while reparative dentinogenesis represents the response of tertiary dentin secretion by a new generation of odontoblast-like cells after death of the primary odontoblast cells (Smith et al. 2001).
Oral and craniofacial disorders
Published in Angus Clarke, Alex Murray, Julian Sampson, Harper's Practical Genetic Counselling, 2019
The most common of the defects of dentine is dentinogenesis imperfecta. This may occur in isolation, inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, or in the various forms of osteogenesis imperfecta. The teeth are opalescent with an amber or grey colour. The teeth may be subject to attrition and chipping, most probably due to fractures within the dentine. Dentinogenesis imperfecta occurring alone is determined by the DSPP gene on 4q. When associated with osteogenesis imperfecta, there may be more variation in the severity of involvement, with some teeth being clinically normal, although radiographically and histologically they may show abnormalities.
Tooth Whitening, the Microabrasion Technique, and White Spot Eradication
Published in Linda Greenwall, Tooth Whitening Techniques, 2017
Microabrasion cannot be used for the following conditions: Age-related staining.Tetracycline staining.Deep enamel hypoplastic lesions.Some concentric areas of hypocalcification that extend to the dentin.Some amelogenesis imperfecta.Most dentinogenesis lesions.Carious lesions underlying regions of decalcification (Croll 1997).Areas of deep enamel and dentin stains.
Reduced mesiodistal tooth dimension in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta: a cross-sectional study
Published in Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2021
L. Staun Larsen, K. J. Thuesen, H. Gjørup, J. D. Hald, M. Væth, M. Dalstra, D. Haubek
In addition to OI, some individuals are diagnosed with dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) as part of the same genetic disorder. A diagnosis of DI is established clinically by a characteristic greyish-blue to brown discolouration (opalescent) as well as pulp obliterations of the teeth [7,8]. The discolouration is due to the underlying affected dentine only, though, the enamel is fragile given this abnormality. Structurally, dentine is composed of hydroxyapatite crystals and an organic phase composed almost entirely of collagen type-1 and water. Depending on the impact of DI, the impaired collagen may affect the outer contours of the tooth and the dimension of the tooth crown. Furthermore, malocclusion in terms of mandibular overjet and open bite is a common trait in patients with OI [9–12]. In a recent study, individuals with OI were shown to have more severe malocclusions than a control group, including a potential increased risk of crowding of maxillary incisors [13]. Previous studies have demonstrated crowding in the dental arches to be positively correlated with mesiodistal dimension of teeth [14–17]. Thus, it might be hypothesised that the mesiodistal dimension of teeth is increased in patients with OI, compared to healthy individuals. This is in contradiction to the hypothesised reduced tooth dimension due to the impaired collagen. Potentially, deviations in dimension might have restorative implications.
Vacuolar protein sorting 4B regulates the proliferation and odontoblastic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells through the Wnt-β-catenin signalling pathway
Published in Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 2019
Yuhua Pan, Ting Lu, Ling Peng, Zhao Chen, Meiyi Li, Kaiying Zhang, Fu Xiong, Buling Wu
Dentinogenesis is a complex process that involves the precise and time-dependent orchestration of multiple genetic, molecular, and cellular interactions. During this process, dentin is formed via the progressive proliferation and differentiation of hDPSCs into mature odontoblasts [21]. It is well established that the most critical step for cell proliferation is progression from the G0–G1 transition of the cell cycle to the S phase through the G1–S checkpoint [22]. Therefore, faster G1–S transition results in an increased rate of cell proliferation, which has important implications for dental development and repair. Our findings revealed that shRNA-mediated downregulation of VPS4B markedly reduced the proliferation rate of hDPSCs, with fewer cells reaching the S phase and the G2–M transition of the cell cycle (Figure 4B). Furthermore, our western blot analyses showed that VPS4B downregulation decreased the cellular levels of the essential cell cycle regulators: PCNA and cyclin A (Figure 4D). Moreover, we found that the protein levels of VPS4B, PCNA, and cyclin A concomitantly increased after serum starvation and refeeding (Figure 4C). Of note, other studies have also shown that VPS4B depletion is associated with a marked reduction in the proliferation rate of various cell types including multiple myeloma cells, hepatocellular carcinoma cells, HT-29 colon carcinoma cells, and A549 lung carcinoma cells [5,6,8,23]. Our results are consistent with these findings and show that an impairment of VPS4B function can influence the proliferation of hDPSCs.
A bibliometric analysis of the 103 top-cited articles in endodontics
Published in Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2019
Bülent Yılmaz, Muzaffer Emir Dinçol, Turgut Yağmur Yalçın
The finding that basic science articles (53%) were the most common type of article is consistent with the result of Fardi et al. [15]. However, citation analyses performed in the fields of orthodontics [16] and general dentistry [17] found that clinical articles were dominant. The fact that there were more basic science articles than clinical articles in our list might be due to ethical concerns prohibiting experiments on humans, a lack of comparable alternatives to root canal treatment [41], the research-field effect making some types of articles advantageous [42], or the presence of some studies in which extracted teeth could be used. Contrary to the previous study by Fardi et al. [15], our list featured a greater number of narrative reviews (23%) than clinical articles (21%). One of the reasons for this might be that four reviews related to dentinogenesis, which could also be classified into the field of oral embryology, were included in our list. Similarly, in other analyses performed in the fields of periodontology [14,18,19] and orthodontics [20], approximately 25–30% of the articles were reviews. The significant proportion of narrative reviews among top-cited articles may indicate that expert opinions in these fields are still preferable with regard to being cited.