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Tyrosine Phosphatases as New Treatment Targets in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Published in Gertjan J. L. Kaspers, Bertrand Coiffier, Michael C. Heinrich, Elihu Estey, Innovative Leukemia and Lymphoma Therapy, 2019
I. Hubeek, K. Hoorweg, J. Cloos, Gertjan J. L. Kaspers
The second category of PTPs is the class II cysteine-based PTPs. This type of phosphatases is widely distributed in living organisms especially bacteria, in humans however only one gene, ACP1, has been identified. ACP1 encodes for the low molecular weight PTP (LMPTP). Although its function is still unclear, there is evidence linking LMPTP to several common diseases, including allergy, asthma, obesity, myocardial hypertrophy, and Alzheimer’s disease (23).
The biological bases of personality
Published in Philip N. Murphy, The Routledge International Handbook of Psychobiology, 2018
Of course, the relationship between personality and health is likely to be complex. Though personality influences health, the likelihood of ill health may also influence personality. In conjunction with the biological immune system that acts directly on infection, the behavioural immune system serves to facilitate avoidance of infection (Schaller, 2011). In a range of species, bolder individuals are more likely to investigate their surroundings and are hence more likely to encounter parasites (Gyuris, Hankó, Feró, & Barta, 2016). In humans, extraversion and openness to experience are associated with infection, and those living in areas with high levels of historic infection report lower levels of extraversion and openness to experience (Schaller & Murray, 2008). It appears that the relationship between these personality traits and infectious diseases may be mediated by polymorphisms on the acid phosphate locus-1 (ACP1) gene, which is known to modulate immune function (Napolioni et al., 2014), though further research is required to identify specific genes influencing health behaviours.
Genetics of the Serotonergic System and Implications for Suicide Research
Published in John R. Cutcliffe, José Carlos Santos, Paul S. Links, Juveria Zaheer, Henry G. Harder, Frank Campbell, Rod McCormick, Kari Harder, Yvonne Bergmans, Rahel Eynan, Routledge International Handbook of Clinical Suicide Research, 2013
Brandon Pierre, Vincenzo De Luca
Willour et al. (2012) compared bipolar subjects with and without a history of attempted suicide to produce 2507 SNPs associated with suicide attempt history. Results could not be replicated; however, combining the samples produced marginally significant data for the chromosomal region 2p25 (associated with the ACP1 gene). ACP hydrolyzes tyrosine phosphate to tyrosine, the substrate for tyrosine hydroxylase, which is the synthesizing enzyme of L-DOPA. Other GWAS on suicidality have linked chromosome 2p12 and suicidality. Willour et al. (2007) provided suggestive evidence for chromosome-wide linkage of chromosome 2p12 and attempted suicide in bipolar subjects. None of the markers surpassed the genome-wide significance threshold; however, subsequent research on mood disorders and suicidality provided suggestive evidence for linkage to 2p12 (Butler et al., 2010).
Analytical review on the biocompatibility of surface-treated Ti-alloys for joint replacement applications
Published in Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2022
Santos et al. [97] used a Yb: YAG laser beam to modify the surface of Ti-15Mo alloy samples and a biomimetic approach to install calcium phosphate bioactive ceramics using a modified Synthetic/Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) solution. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the uncoated and coated samples and X-ray diffraction examination. Surfaces made of calcium phosphate heated to 350°C and 600°C. After that, they correlated four fluency situations (1.91, 3.17, 4.16, and 5.54 J/cm2, respectively). Formation of stoichiometric (TiO2) and non-stoichiometric (TiO, Ti3O, Ti3O5, and Ti6O) titanium oxides with varying oxide percentages due to laser beam irradiation. From the different studies and evaluations, it is clear that The Physico-chemical characterization displays multiphase coating results that differ depending on the thermal treatment temperature, which ranges from 350°C (ACP1-2, CDHA, HA phases) to 600°C (CDHA, HA, and -TCP phases). Irradiation with a laser at 5.54 J/cm2 improved the physicochemical characteristics. In therapeutic settings, laser modification is beneficial.
Proteomic and bioinformatic analysis of condyloma acuminata: mild hyperthermia treatment reveals compromised HPV infectivity of keratinocytes via regulation of metabolism, differentiation and anti-viral responses
Published in International Journal of Hyperthermia, 2019
Yu-Zhe Sun, Jia-Feng Li, Zhen-Dong Wei, Hang-Hang Jiang, Yu-Xiao Hong, Song Zheng, Rui-Qun Qi, Xing-Hua Gao
To explore possible interactions in the relationships of the 102 DEPs, the STRING online database was utilized to calculate protein-protein interaction (PPI) scores. After establishing a threshold interaction score of 0.4 (by default), a PPI network containing a total of 49 nodes with 68 interactions were identified (visualized by Cytoscape 3.5.1 software in Figure 6(A)). Subsequently, by adopting the CentiScaPe plugin in Cytoscape, 13 proteins (CETN2, PPP2R1A, HIST3H3, TUBB1, ACTB, OAS1, ACTC1, CANX, ACP1, UFD1L, H6PD, ITPA, EXOSC4) were filtered out from the network with a centrality degree greater than the threshold value of 2.7755 (Figure 6(B)). These were therefore considered the hub proteins. Within the entire PPI network, two interaction modules were mined with use of the MCODE plugin in Cytoscape by setting the cutoff degree to 2 (Figure 6(C,D)). A BP enrichment analysis performed on the two modules showed that Module 1 was more enriched in processes related to DNA assembly and anti-viral activities, whereas Module 2 was more enriched in processes involving metabolism and catabolism (Figure 6(E)).
Gene-environment Interaction in Spherical Equivalent and Myopia: An Evidence-based Review
Published in Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 2022
Xiyan Zhang, Qiao Fan, Fengyun Zhang, Gang Liang, Chen-Wei Pan
Fan et al. found that the relationship between identified SNPs and myopia would benefit from education modification.39 In another study, they found those novel loci that would benefit from understanding how genes and environment interact based on 40,036 European adults and 10,315 Asian adults.31 Also, they31,39 believe that some genetic loci (e.g., SHISA6-DNAH9, GJD2 and ZMAT4-SFRP1, FAM150B-ACP1, LINC00340, FBN1, DIS3L-MAP2K1, ARID2-SNAT1, and SLC14A2, AREG, GABRR1 and PDE10A) showed a substantial association with myopia in population with higher education.