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Herbal and Supplement Use in Pain Management
Published in Sahar Swidan, Matthew Bennett, Advanced Therapeutics in Pain Medicine, 2020
Mechanism of action: according to in vitro and clinical research, the anti-inflammatory properties of Uncaria guianensis and Uncaria tomentosa may result from their ability to inhibit TNF-alpha and, to a lesser extent, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production. In vitro, cat’s claw was a potent inhibitor of TNF-alpha production.3
The Disappearance and Substitution of Native Medicinal Species
Published in Mahendra Rai, Shandesh Bhattarai, Chistiane M. Feitosa, Wild Plants, 2020
There are numerous examples that show us how species can struggle with pressures of the extensive use, especially when they enter a cycle that can be called the “fashion cycle”, as happened with Petiveria alliacea and Momordica charantia that were the objects of an economic interest in Central America. These plants have applied a strong pressure to extractive activities on the natural populations, taking them to the risk of extinction and currently Uncaria tomentosa, which is the object of an intensive international trade that has propitiated domestication activities to satisfy the demand and to reach the correct management of these resources (Ocampo Sánchez and Valverde 2000).
Published in M. Lindsay Grayson, Sara E. Cosgrove, Suzanne M. Crowe, M. Lindsay Grayson, William Hope, James S. McCarthy, John Mills, Johan W. Mouton, David L. Paterson, Kucers’ The Use of Antibiotics, 2017
Matthew D. M. Rawlins, Martyn A. French
When Uncaria tomentosa (one of three species commonly known as cat’s claw) was taken by a single patient in combination with saquinavir–atazanavir–ritonavir 2000/300/100 mg once daily, significant increases in the Cmin values of the protease inhibitors were reported. The saquinavir Cmin increased from 0.64 to 3.4 μg/ml, the atazanavir Cmin from 0.3 to 1.22 μg/ml, and the ritonavir Cmin from 0.92 to 6.13 μg/ml. Although protease inhibitor toxicity was not noted, the authors recommend avoiding the combination because of the potential for such toxicity to occur (Lopez Galera et al., 2008).
Intestinal epithelial damage due to herbal compounds – an in vitro study
Published in Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 2023
Susan M. Britza, Ian F. Musgrave, Rachael Farrington, Roger W. Byard
Coumarin is an aromatic organic compound found in hundreds of plant species and herbal products, most commonly in Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Clusiaceae, Lamiaceae, Oleaceae, Rutaceae and Thymelaeaceae families. Of particular note are common traditional and modern herbal medicines which contain high concentrations of coumarin compounds including Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) DC (Cat’s Claw), Lawsonia inermis L. (Henna), Aeasculus hippocastanum L. (Horse-chestnut), and controversial Hypericum perforatum L. (Saint John’s Wort) (Matos et al.2015). Due to an abundance of coumarin compounds in nature and a high likelihood of dietary exposure, extensive research has been carried out into its toxicological properties (Fentem et al.1992, Loprinzi et al.1997, Lacy and O’Kennedy 2004, Tanaka et al.2016), and though human toxicity is rare, clinical presentations are often associated with hepatotoxic effects (Cox et al.1989, Egan et al.1990). This is largely due to the coumarin toxic metabolite o-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (o-HPA). Metabolism of coumarin is predominantly through cytochrome P450 enzymes, particularly CYP2A6 and CYP3A4, to form nontoxic 7-hydroxycoumarin and 3-hydroycoumarin respectively, and CYP2E1 and CYP1A1–2 forming non-reactive 3, 4-epoxide; o-HPA is formed from the intermediate metabolite, 3, 4-epoxide (Born et al.2000). Hence, the metabolism of coumarin is key to associated cases of toxicity.
The latest automated docking technologies for novel drug discovery
Published in Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 2021
Reverse docking experiments can be also used for identifying and validating macromolecular targets. In this sense, they contribute to explain the exact mechanism of a bioactive compound. Several recent applications of reverse docking for this purpose are cited here. For instance, Lauro et al [59] applied reverse docking to identify potential targets involved in the genesis and progression of cancer for a set of chemically diverse phenolic natural products. They identified the inhibitory activity of xanthohumol and isoxanthohumol on PDK1 and PKC PKs, and tested these results in vitro. In other work, Kozielewicz et al [60] used a VS based on shape screening and reverse docking to identify the protein targets of oxindole pentacyclic alkaloids of the plant Uncaria tomentosa. They found that inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase and mouse double minute 2 homolog may be responsible for the biological activity (induction of cancer cell apoptosis) of these compounds.
An overview of spirooxindole as a promising scaffold for novel drug discovery
Published in Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 2020
Li-Ming Zhou, Ren-Yu Qu, Guang-Fu Yang
Gelsemine is a representative example of indole alkaloids isolated from the genus Gelsemium. It has been found to possess antihyperlipidemic and antioxidative effects [13], as well as have repairing action against cisplatin-produced nephrotoxicity [14]. Spirotryprostatins A and B are identified as potential anticancer drugs due to their potent inhibition against the G2/M phase of cell division and mouse breast cancer cells tsFT210 [15]. Alstonisine is the first macroline-related oxindole alkaloid isolated from Alstonia muelleriana [16], showing moderate in vitro antiplasmodial activity. Besides, this natural product also can be used to design potential murine double minute 2 (MDM2) inhibitors. Naturally occurring oxindole alkaloid Citrinadin A/B and Notoamide B were isolated from Penicillium citrinum N059 strain and Aspergillus species, respectively, which have been widely studied because of their remarkable anticancer efficacy [17,18]. Pteropodine, Isopteropodine, Isomitraphylline, Mitraphylline, and Uncarine F were all obtained from Uncaria tomentosa. Except for mitraphylline, the other four kinds of alkaloids can control the proliferation of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells (CEM-C7H2 cells) [19,20]. Besides, Mitraphylline exhibits an in vivo controlling effect against the cytokines associated with most inflammation processes. Thus, it is considered to be a novel lead compound for anti–inflammatory therapy [21]. Speciophylline isolated from Mitragyna inermis has potential in vitro antiplasmodial property [22]. Cyclopiamine A/B and C/D are fungal hexacyclic spiroindolinone alkaloid isolated from Penicillium cyclopium in 1979 and soilborne strain coded as Penicillium sp. CML 3020 in 2009, respectively. Their related bioactivities are being carried out a detailed investigation [23,24]. Beyond that, there are many other natural products bearing this characteristic structural scaffold (spirooxindole) such as Tabernoxidine, Formosainine, and Marcfortine A/B, which provide abundant structural forms and diverse bioactivities.