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Published in Gia Merlo, Kathy Berra, Lifestyle Nursing, 2023
In addition to the cancer risk of cigarette smoking: Cigar smoking on a regular basis increases risk of cancers of the lung, oral cavity, larynx, and esophagus (American Cancer Society, 2021).Waterpipe (hookah) smoking is linked in emerging data (currently mostly from case-control studies rather than prospective cohorts) with two to four times increased risk of lung and oral cancers (Waziry et al., 2017).Smokeless tobacco products marketed in the US include chewing tobacco and snuff. Use of smokeless tobacco increases risk of oral cancer especially, as well as esophageal and pancreatic cancers (Warnakulasuriya & Straif, 2018; Wyss et al., 2016).E-cigarettes may also be called “e-cigs,” “vapes,” “e-hookahs,” “vape pens,” and “electronic nicotine delivery systems.” Research is still underway regarding long-term health effects. However, it’s well established that e-cigarette aerosol contains nicotine, as well as cancer-causing chemicals and ultra-fine particles that reach deep into lungs (American Cancer Society, 2019; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “About Electronic Cigarettes”).
Basic Research Design:
Published in Lynne M. Bianchi, Research during Medical Residency, 2022
Lynne M. Bianchi, Luke J. Rosielle, Justin Puller, Kristin Juhasz
Examples:A study investigating the possible association between agricultural pesticides and skin cancer. The number of farmers in a county with stage IV skin cancer who lived within 500 feet of soybean fields sprayed annually with the same pesticide for the past 15 years is compared to the number of farmers who lived within 500 feet of soybean fields that were not sprayed with that pesticide during the past 15 years.A study evaluating a potential link between electronic cigarette use and nasal congestion in teenagers. Nasal congestion of at least 7 days duration is compared between a group of teenagers who has used electronic cigarettes weekly for at least 6 months and a group of teenagers who has never used electronic cigarettes.
Prevention and Control Strategies for the COVID-19 Pandemic
Published in Debmalya Barh, Kenneth Lundstrom, COVID-19, 2022
Isfendiyar Darbaz, Gizem Morris, Şükrü Tüzmen
Various mechanisms can increase the risk of respiratory tract infections in smokers. Smoking impairs immune function and has been shown to nearly double the risk of tuberculosis infection, increase the risk 3–5-fold of several types of pneumonia infection, and enhance the risk by approximately 5-fold for influenza virus infection [24, 25]. In terms of COVID-19–related dangers, electronic cigarettes and other alternative devices are unlikely to be a safer choice. They can cause the contagious lung damage seen with conventional cigarettes because they also use tobacco and emit smoke or vapor [1, 26].
Recent advances in the understanding of urothelial tumorigenesis
Published in Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy, 2023
Masato Yasui, Liam Cui, Hiroshi Miyamoto
It is well known that cigarette smoking is the greatest risk factor for bladder cancer, estimating to account for as high as two-thirds of new cases in the US [7]. During the curing and burning of tobacco, nicotine can be transformed to potent bladder carcinogens. Administration of nicotine in rats has also been shown to enhance the development of a chemical carcinogen/N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine-induced bladder cancer [8]. Meanwhile, electronic cigarettes as a ‘safe’ alternative to traditional tobacco smoking (e.g. only 5% of the levels of nicotine metabolites in the urine and saliva, compared with comparable smokers of conventional cigarettes [9]) are gaining popularity. In addition, it has recently been documented that the levels of aromatic amines known as bladder carcinogens in heated tobacco products are considerably lower than those in traditional cigarettes [10].
Evaluation of hazards of electronic -cigarette’s liquid refill on testes of mice, complemented by histopathological and chromatographic analysis
Published in Ultrastructural Pathology, 2023
Raghda Elsherif, Nora Z. Abdellah, Ola A. Hussein, Eman S. Shaltout
Smoking cigarettes is a significant health risk factor worldwide with known harmful effects on respiratory, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. In addition to causing hormonal imbalance and cancer.1,2Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are devices intended to supply nicotine without tobacco smoke by heating a mixture of solutions (vaping). The e-liquid contains a varying percentage of nicotine, flavors, additives, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and other unspecified compounds. E-cigarettes can deliver as much nicotine as a regular cigarette.3,4 Vaping is becoming increasingly popular, particularly among teenagers, and is seen as a safe substitute for traditional cigarettes. Many smokers use electronic cigarettes to help them quit smoking.5
Toxicological assessment of electronic cigarette vaping: an emerging threat to force health, readiness and resilience in the U.S. Army
Published in Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 2022
Marc A. Williams, Gunda Reddy, Michael J. Quinn, Amy Millikan Bell
Concerns regarding the potential health impacts of ENDS devices have prompted Army Installation and Garrison commanders to issue new installation-level regulations or policy memoranda on the use of aerosol-producing devices like e-cigs. This guidance clearly states that due to the nature, appearance, and safety concerns of electronic cigarettes, they are to be considered in the same category as tobacco products and may not be utilized in any public U.S. Government building on the installation. For example, Department of the Army (DA) Garrison Ft. George G. Meade Command Policy #63 (DA 2015) provides guidance regarding the use of all aerosol-producing devices including, but not limited to, e-cigs; see also DA Garrison-Hawaii Policy Memorandum USAG-HI-65 (2014); DA Garrison Policy 05 Fort Leonard Wood (DA 2014). Moreover, Army-wide guidance is prescribed or mandated in Army Regulation 600–63 (DA 2007). Finally, the Army 2020 Campaign Plan, Annex C-10, Program 3–3.1 entitled ‘Promote Tobacco Free Living,’ clearly states an over-arching objective, which is ‘….to substantially decrease tobacco use by changing the Army culture on tobacco (Army Campaign Plan 2013).