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Host Defense and Parasite Evasion
Published in Eric S. Loker, Bruce V. Hofkin, Parasitology, 2023
Eric S. Loker, Bruce V. Hofkin
If allelic versions of genes such as TEP1 associated with refractoriness could be identified, then the possibility of introducing them into vector populations exists, a topic that will be addressed further in Chapter 9. For a variety of reasons, getting these engineered genes to spread in a natural population may be difficult and require the application of a gene drive. A gene drive “enhances the ability of alleles to pass on to the next generation: Thus, the result of a gene drive is the preferential increase of a specific genotype, the genetic makeup of an organism that determines a specific phenotype (trait), from one generation to the next, and potentially throughout the population” (National Academy of Sciences, 2016). Development and use of gene drives for vector or parasite control is discussed further in Chapter 9.
Pest Control in Modern Public Health
Published in Jerome Goddard, Public Health Entomology, 2022
Gene drives rely on the use of a driving endonuclease gene (DEG), which includes CRISPR-Cas9 systems (and a couple of other lesser known technologies). There are two ways gene drives can be applied in fieldwork: (1) suppression of insect populations through targeting genes associated with insect fecundity, lifespan, or mortality, or (2) reduction of vector competency through changing genes of interest associated with pathogen infection of the insect.10,38,39
Balancing social justice and risk management in the governance of gene drive technology
Published in Christine Hauskeller, Arne Manzeschke, Anja Pichl, The Matrix of Stem Cell Research, 2019
The term ‘gene drive’ refers to a form of genetic engineering that allows for the distribution of genetic modifications through biological populations at a pace that is significantly faster than natural reproduction and older forms of genetic engineering. Once a genetic change has been introduced into an organism, this modification then ‘drives’ through a biological population until each organism has inherited the change. This means that the release – accidental or intentional – of a single or a few modified organisms could quite possibly genetically change all populations of a species through the world (Esvelt, 2016). Gene drive technology is associated with important benefits such as agricultural applications (for example the control of invasive species), environmental applications (the conservation of species that would otherwise become extinct), as well as healthcare applications (especially the control of disease infections such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika) (Saey, 2015).
The Promise and Reality of Public Engagement in the Governance of Human Genome Editing Research
Published in The American Journal of Bioethics, 2023
John M. Conley, R. Jean Cadigan, Arlene M. Davis, Eric T. Juengst, Kriste Kuczynski, Rami Major, Hayley Stancil, Julio Villa-Palomino, Margaret Waltz, Gail E. Henderson
ARRIGE’s statements indicate a commitment to wide-reaching PE, which would suggest a commitment to citizen-driven practices. The first publication by its founders—distinguished members of the French science and bioethics establishment—noted their intent to foster a global debate that would achieve unique breadth and depth. ARRIGE’s 2019 and 2020 (virtual) annual meetings included a breakout group on PE, chaired by a bioethicist, and sessions with representatives of patient groups. A 2021 seminar on gene drives featured a roundtable on social and ethical implications with several representatives of major policy groups. Since its founding, ARRIGE has issued two statements, one on gene drives and one on gene editing for crop breeding. The gene drive statement strongly advocates for community and stakeholder engagement. While ARRIGE’s activities have been limited by the pandemic, its practices—in contrast to its aspirations–have thus far been expert-driven, with some participation by civil society. The participants seem limited to experts and civil society representatives who are invited or self-identify and volunteer to take part in the organization’s committees and events.
Non-Human Germline Interventions
Published in The American Journal of Bioethics, 2020
Revisions are common in the world of non-human germline intervention. The Harvard oncomouse—the first patented mammal—was revised to make it more susceptible to cancer; efforts are currently underway to revise genes of animals to make them better sources of organs for xenotransplantation (Gupta and Maurya 2018). More disturbingly, thanks to the advent of CRISPR technology, a number of new efforts at revision involve changes to plants and animals that are then supposed to be released into the wild. Multiple efforts are underway to use gene-drives to eradicate certain mosquito species, or to alter their biology, in order to attack mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, Zika and course malaria. Residents of Nantucket have considered releasing genetically modified mice as a way to attack Lyme disease. Researchers are working to modify trees and plants and coral to make them more robust to environmental stressors such as bleaching and drought. These efforts raise a constellation of ethical issues, including 1) whether releasing such modified creatures into the wild will have unpredictable environmental effects, and 2) whether and through what mechanisms local communities can give consent to be in the pathway of such environmental experimentation (Kofler et al. 2018). Many agricultural animals are revised to increase their productivity (Fridovich-Kell and Diaz 2020). Pets and domestic animals are also being revised to change their character and appearance (Charo and Greely 2015; Shrock and Güell 2017).
Two unresolved issues in community engagement for field trials of genetically modified mosquitoes
Published in Pathogens and Global Health, 2019
Another method prevents mosquitoes from transmitting diseases. Several different research groups have used CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tools to insert genes into Anopheles female mosquitoes that code for proteins which kill or disable the malaria parasite [3,23]. Researchers have also used CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tools to incorporate malaria-resistance genes in gene drive systems to enable them to spread rapidly through the population [3,24].2Gene drives are naturally occurring genetic sequences that bias Mendelian inheritance in favor of those sequences. In theory, a gene incorporated into a gene drive system could become highly prevalent in a mosquito population after multiple generations [3]. Gene drive systems for malaria resistance have been developed in the laboratory but not tested in the field [23].