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General Thermography
Published in James Stewart Campbell, M. Nathaniel Mead, Human Medical Thermography, 2023
James Stewart Campbell, M. Nathaniel Mead
Trapezius muscle strain and Trapezius tendinitis patterns are frequent findings (Figure 10.67). The Trapezius muscles are normally under tension to support the head and arms when in a standing or sitting position. As the Trapezii are large, flat muscles close to the skin surface, thermography can determine which parts of the muscle are inflamed. Muscle tissue or tendinous areas (or both) may be inflamed.
A to Z Entries
Published in Clare E. Milner, Functional Anatomy for Sport and Exercise, 2019
The lateral muscles of the neck are the trapezius and the sternocleidomastoid. Similar to the muscles on either side of the lumbar spine (see lumbar spine and pelvis – muscles), the action of the sternocleidomastoid muscles depends on whether one or both of them are active. Contraction of the muscle on one side of the head bends the neck laterally to the same side or rotates the head towards the opposite side. The action of both muscles together flexes the neck forwards. The trapezius is a large muscle that acts at the shoulder as well as the neck (see shoulder complex – muscles). Its role at the neck is to laterally flex the neck towards the side that is contracting, while rotating the head away from that side; trapezius extends the neck if both sides contract simultaneously.
Head and Neck
Published in Rui Diogo, Drew M. Noden, Christopher M. Smith, Julia Molnar, Julia C. Boughner, Claudia Barrocas, Joana Bruno, Understanding Human Anatomy and Pathology, 2018
Rui Diogo, Drew M. Noden, Christopher M. Smith, Julia Molnar, Julia C. Boughner, Claudia Barrocas, Joana Bruno
The trapezius is usually described as a part of the “superficial muscles of the back” (Plates 4.6) but evolutionarily and developmentally it is a head muscle. The trapezius and the sternocleidomastoid receive motor innervation via a cranial nerve (accessory nerve; CN XI), and originate embryo-logically from the region of the posterior branchial arches, subsequently expanding caudally to attach onto the pectoral (or shoulder) girdle (scapula and clavicle) and sternum. During their caudal expansion, they form connections with the cervical spinal nerves C3 and C4, which provide sensory innervation to them. This pattern of innervation, together with their adult attachments onto the shoulder girdle and sternum, suggest that the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid should be considered head muscles that share features with postcranial muscles. These muscles help to blur the distinction between head and trunk (see also Box 3.2). In fact, the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid played an important role in the origin and early evolution of the neck, which separated the head from the region of the upper limbs in tetrapods, that is, animals with upper and lower limbs (amphibians, reptiles, and mammals) (see Box 3.14).
Reliability and discriminative validity of a screening tool for the assessment of neuromuscular control and movement control in patients with neck pain and healthy individuals
Published in Disability and Rehabilitation, 2022
Robby De Pauw, Eveline Van Looveren, Dorine Lenoir, Lieven Danneels, Barbara Cagnie
Similarly, the procedure for the adapted SHT of the axioscapular region consists of three parts. Participants were first positioned prone with 30° knee flexion and arms resting on the table in a neutral position (as depicted in Figure 2(A)). Both left and right side were tested. In the first part, the examiner manually positioned the scapula in a neutral scapular position which had to be maintained by the patient for three seconds. The lower trapezius muscle was palpated to detect muscle contraction. Additionally, substitution strategies (contraction of the Levator Scapulae, Rhomboids, and Latissimus Dorsi muscle) were assessed. During the second part, participants were instructed to reposition their scapula in a neutral position for five consecutive times with an in between rest period of 15 s. A score was computed based on substitution strategies such as breathing stop, excessive contraction of superficial musculature, and aberrant movement fluency. Lastly, endurance was only evaluated after successful completion of the first and second part of the assessment form, based on the performance of achieving a scapular neutral position for 10 times 10 s. Details on the procedure and assessment forms are included in Supplementary Appendix and a visual representation can be found in Figure 2. In an attempt to increase the reliability both forms include mainly yes/no statements.
Feasibility and significance of stimulating interscapular muscles using transcutaneous functional electrical stimulation in able-bodied individuals
Published in The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 2021
Naaz Kapadia, Bastien Moineau, Melissa Marquez-Chin, Matthew Myers, Kai Lon Fok, Kei Masani, Cesar Marquez-Chin, Milos R. Popovic
The motor points and electrode positioning for FES for the various muscles were as follows (Fig. 1(a,b)): Serratus Anterior (SA): Electrode between the latissimus dorsi and the pectoralis major, on the muscular bulk of the serratus between the 4th and 9th ribs.Upper Trapezius (UT): On the superior aspect of the shoulder blade, away from the supero-medial angle of the scapula to limit stimulation of the levator scapulae muscle.Lower Trapezius (LT): Medially and in line with the muscle fibers next to the spine of T8-T12 vertebrae below the inferior tip of the scapula, to limit stimulation of the rhomboids.Anterior and middle deltoid: on the bulk of the muscle, one proximal and one distal.
Comparison of the electromyographic recruitment of the posterior oblique sling muscles during prone hip extension among three different shoulder positions
Published in Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2021
Second, the trapezius muscle is one of the muscles in the superficial back line, and is aligned with elements of the posterior oblique sling muscles (Myers, 2013). There is evidence that shoulder abduction angles greater than 110° activate lowT (Kim et al., 2013). During PHE with 125° of shoulder abduction, activation of the lowT muscles may facilitate greater co-activation of the myofascial sling muscles that stabilize the thoracic and lumbar spine. In addition, the lowT muscle fibers are oriented upward and outward, and shoulder abduction angles above 125° may help align the muscle movement lines with the muscle fiber lines (Kang et al., 2013). Shoulder extension with less than 90° of abduction contributes to anterior tilting of the scapular motion in the sagittal plane (Borstad and Ludewig, 2002). In contrast, shoulder flexion with more than 100° of shoulder abduction contributes to scapular posterior tilting in the sagittal plane during arm elevation (Borstad and Ludewig, 2002). Therefore, PHE with 125° of shoulder abduction can be performed with posterior tilting of scapular motion by lowT contraction, resulting in greater co-activation of various muscles in the posterior oblique sling muscle such as the MT and GM for serving as guy wires with lumbopelvic stability (McGill, 2015). These results demonstrate the clear effects of shoulder position on pelvic rotational movement.