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Subcoracoid bursa
The subcoracoid bursa is a small sac located beneath the coracoid process of the scapula that is not connected to the shoulder joint. It may become inflamed and filled with fluid, resulting in a condition known as bursitis.From: Musculoskeletal Radiology [2008]
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Is the tendon closely adherent to the undersurface of the coracoid process and scapula? If not, is there fluid between the two (check the sagittal sequences)? If there is fluid between the subscapularis and the scapula, it probably represents a joint effusion. However, if the fluid runs up over and in front of the tendon, this almost certainly represents a grade I tear (or worst). Note that there is a separate subcoracoid bursa, which does not connect to the shoulder joint in normal circumstances and may contain fluid (i.e., bursitis). If it does connect to the joint, then this represents at least a grade I tear.
MRI evaluation of shoulder pathologies in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury and the relation to shoulder pain
Shoulder images were also checked for the presence of subchondral cysts in the humeral head and the glenoid and cysts on the humeral head at the insertion of the rotator cuff. The subacromial and subcoracoid bursa were checked for the presence of fluid or calcifications.