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Nanopharmaceuticals in Alveolar Bone and Periodontal Regeneration
Published in Harishkumar Madhyastha, Durgesh Nandini Chauhan, Nanopharmaceuticals in Regenerative Medicine, 2022
Mark A. Reynolds, Zeqing Zhao, Michael D. Weir, Tao Ma, Jin Liu, Hockin H. K. Xu, Abraham Schneider
The periodontium is comprised of alveolar bone, cementum, periodontal ligament (PDL), and gingiva (Bottino et al. 2012; Sowmya et al. 2013). Cementum and alveolar bone are mineralised tissues. PDL is a fibrous tissue that attaches the root cementum of a tooth to the host alveolar bone (Liu et al. 2019). Periodontal disease is initiated by pathogenic bacteria, which triggers an inflammatory response. Inflammation of the gingiva without clinical evidence of breakdown of the periodontium is considered reversible and characteristic of gingivitis. Periodontitis, however, involves an irreversible breakdown of the connective tissue attachment to the root of the tooth and alveolar bone resorption, attributable primarily to the immune and inflammatory response to bacterial pathogens. Progressive periodontal destruction results in tooth mobility (loose teeth) and tooth loss. In nearly 50% of adults, the host response to oral bacteria leads to periodontitis, with progressive destruction of tooth-supporting apparatus. Severe periodontitis is relatively prevalent, affecting as many as 8–15% of the entire global population (Frencken et al. 2017). Moreover, alveolar bone loss and periodontal defects due to congenital birth defects, traumatic injury, tumours, and other infectious conditions may lead to the need for alveolar bone reconstruction, periodontal regeneration, or both. Indeed, alveolar bone defects have been associated with a decrease in the health and quality of life for millions of people (Bottino et al. 2012).
Other Complications of Diabetes
Published in Jahangir Moini, Matthew Adams, Anthony LoGalbo, Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, 2022
Jahangir Moini, Matthew Adams, Anthony LoGalbo
Periodontal disease develops as inflammation of the gingiva, which extends into the underlying supportive structures of the periodontium. This is started by the presence of plaque on the surfaces of the teeth and related structures. Progression of periodontal disease is influenced by factors such as the host response, microorganisms, systemic health, and the genetic makeup of the individual. Diabetes mellitus and periodontitis cross-influence the clinical outcomes of both diseases. With diabetes, periodontal disease results in increased loss of tooth attachment, more alveolar bone loss, increased bleeding when the gums are probed, increased tooth mobility, and eventually, tooth loss. Basic structural changes that occur in the periodontium of someone with diabetes are tissue degeneration and the existence of calcified bodies, located in and around the small blood vessels of the gingiva.
Introduction to Oral and Craniofacial Tissue Engineering
Published in Vincenzo Guarino, Marco Antonio Alvarez-Pérez, Current Advances in Oral and Craniofacial Tissue Engineering, 2020
María Verónica Cuevas González, Eduardo Villarreal-Ramírez, Adriana Pérez-Soria, Pedro Alberto López Reynoso, Vincenzo Guarino, Marco Antonio Alvarez-Pérez
The periodontium involves all the tissues that are surrounding and supporting the tooth, and can be divided into union tissues composed by the Root Cementum (RC), Alveolar Bone (AB) and periodontal ligament (PDL), and dentogingival tissues (Posnick and Posnick 2014). The periodontium is composed of dynamic tissues because it is a mixed combination of mineralized and soft tissue that makes the periodontium a complex tissue in the field of dental tissue engineering and a challenge for the strategies in its regeneration for the mixed-function development.
Association of nine pathobionts with periodontitis in four South American and European countries
Published in Journal of Oral Microbiology, 2023
Gerard Àlvarez, Alexandre Arredondo, Sergio Isabal, Wim Teughels, Isabelle Laleman, María José Contreras, Lorena Isbej, Enrique Huapaya, Gerardo Mendoza, Carolina Mor, José Nart, Vanessa Blanc, Rubén León
The volunteers were grouped as HS (individuals never diagnosed with periodontitis and free of gingivitis) or PP (patients diagnosed with stage II–IV and grade B or C generalised periodontitis according to the latest classification) [16–18]. Healthy periodontium was defined as non-erythematous and non-oedematous gingiva, absence of bleeding on probing (BOP) or less than 10% of sites with BOP, and no probing pocket depths (PPD) of ≥3 mm, in a non-reduced or reduced periodontium. Periodontitis defined as stage II–IV and grade B or C was diagnosed as interdental clinical attachment loss (CAL) at sites with ≥3 mm, radiographic bone loss of 15% or higher of root length, and a maximum PPD of ≥5 mm. Patients diagnosed with gingivitis, which is defined as >10% of sites with bleeding on probing and PPDs of no more than 3 mm, in a non-reduced or reduced periodontium, were not included in the study [18]. The inclusion criteria comprised systemic health, non-smokers or light smokers (<10 cigarettes/day), retention of at least 18 natural teeth, no previous periodontal treatment, no antibiotic intake in the previous 6 months, no anti-inflammatory intake in the previous 4 months, no regular use of oral antiseptics, and no status of pregnancy or breastfeeding.
aMMP-8 point-of-care - diagnostic methods and treatment modalities in periodontitis and peri-implantitis
Published in Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 2023
Hanna Lähteenmäki, Tommi Pätilä, C Pirjo Pärnänen, Ismo Räisänen, Taina Tervahartiala, Shipra Gupta, Timo Sorsa
The initiation and progression of inflammatory events are consequences of the interaction between pathogenic dysbiotic bacteria in the subgingival biofilm and the host response [8–10]. These inflammatory conditions, periodontitis or peri-implantitis, destroy soft and hard tissues of the periodontium and are common diseases worldwide [11–13]. Periodontal health can be observed in many ways. Clinical diagnostic techniques, such as periodontal probing depth (PPD), bleeding on probing (BOP) and radiological bone level (RBL), are traditionally used to determine the health status of the periodontium and peri-implant tissues [14–16]. These clinical parameters provide information about the disease as it occurred in the past, and hence, while these clinical examination methods are in daily use, new methods are needed to support and define a more accurate diagnosis of active periodontitis and peri-implantitis. Therefore, it is important to develop new research and diagnostic methods to determine the status of inflammation in the tissue in real time [17]. In addition to these traditional measurement techniques, periodontal status can also be adjudged by examining oral fluids. Saliva and mouth rinse are a readily available biofluid, and it can be easily and painlessly utilized for a wide variety of uses [18–20].
miR-200a-3p represses osteogenesis of human periodontal ligament stem cells by targeting ZEB2 and activating the NF-κB pathway
Published in Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2022
Qing Wang, Haiyan Lin, Jinxiang Ran, Ziran Jiang, Qingyuan Ren, Wulin He, Hui Xiao
Periodontium is composed of root cementum, alveolar bone, gingiva and periodontal ligament (PDL), with the main functions of supporting and protecting the tooth, nerve and blood vessels from mechanical loading-caused injury [1]. PDL is a soft connective tissue between cementum and inner wall of alveolar bone, which can maintain teeth in situ, keep tissue homoeostasis and repair injured periodontal tissues [2]. In 2004, Seo et al. first elucidated that PDL has stem cells that may produce cementum/PDL-like tissues in vivo and termed them human periodontal ligament stem cells (hPDLSCs) [3]. hPDLSCs bear multilineage differentiation potential and contribute to the physiological healing of cementum-PDL complex and alveolar bone [4], which are commonly accepted as promising stem cells for periodontal regeneration therapy [1,2]. Despite the immerse interest in hPDLSC-based therapies, the clinical application of hPDLSCs is confined by the deficient understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying their directional differentiation. Hence, elucidating the potential mechanism of osteogenesis of hPDLSCs has practical significance for periodontal regeneration therapy.