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Chemosensory Disorders and Nutrition
Published in Alan R. Hirsch, Nutrition and Sensation, 2023
Carl M. Wahlstrom, Alan R. Hirsch, Bradley W. Whitman
Once an odor passes through the olfactory epithelium, it must stimulate the olfactory nerve, which consists of unmyelinated olfactory fila. Without the benefit of saltatory conduction that nodes of Ranvier provide, the olfactory nerve has the slowest conduction rate of any nerve in the body (Wolfe 2006). The olfactory fila pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and enter the olfactory bulb. Different odors localize in specific areas of the olfactory bulb (Kratskin and Belluzzi 2003). During trauma, damage often occurs in this bulb, resulting in greater impact in identification than threshold (Hirsch and Wyse 1993). See Figure 2.1.
Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Nasal Polyps and Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease
Published in Pudupakkam K Vedanthan, Harold S Nelson, Shripad N Agashe, PA Mahesh, Rohit Katial, Textbook of Allergy for the Clinician, 2021
Farshad N Chowdhury, Todd T Kingdom
The more complete surgical dissection is thought to address the underlying disease of ethmoid cells, improve sinus ventilation, improve mucociliary clearance and significantly improve postoperative topical drug distribution within the sinuses (Senior et al. 1998, Wormald et al. 2004, Harvey et al. 2008).
Anatomy of the head and neck
Published in Helen Whitwell, Christopher Milroy, Daniel du Plessis, Forensic Neuropathology, 2021
The paranasal sinuses are air-filled extensions of the nasal cavity within the frontal, maxillary, sphenoid and ethmoid bones and are named according to each bone. The ethmoidal sinuses consist of ethmoidal cells located within the ethmoid bone between the orbit and nose. The sphenoid air sinuses are unevenly divided like the frontal air sinuses and separated by a bony septum. They occupy the body of the sphenoid bone and are separated by thin bone from the optic chiasma, the pituitary gland, the internal carotid arteries and the cavernous sinuses.
Multi-resistant Enterobacter cloacae dacryocystitis and preseptal cellulitis: case and review of literature
Published in Orbit, 2023
Michael Kvopka, Ezekiel Kingston, Daniel D.H. Nguyen, Jessica Y. Tong, Hayden L. Kirk, Claudia M. Whyte, James D. Dalgliesh, Jennifer J. Danks
A 61-year-old male presented to general emergency with a 2-day history of right eye (RE) irritation, pruritis, conjunctival injection and new periorbital pain, erythema, and oedema that persisted despite topical chloramphenicol 1% treatment. RE conjunctival bacterial and viral swabs had been collected the day prior. Ophthalmic history included bilateral pseudophakia. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/20 in both eyes (BE). He had no pain on extra-ocular movements and slit-lamp examination was limited due to RE periorbital oedema. Blood tests demonstrated elevated white cells (13.2 x 109/L), neutrophils (9.5 x 109/L), and c-reactive protein (25 mg/L). Orbital CT with contrast showed right preseptal soft tissue thickening and fluid with no retro-orbital involvement – consistent with preseptal cellulitis (Figure 2). Images were reviewed by the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) team who identified bilateral maxillary and ethmoid opacification and provisionally diagnosed chronic sinusitis. Previous RE conjunctival swabs returned positive for Streptococcus dysgalactiae, which was sensitive to penicillin and clindamycin, and Coliform spp. (no sensitivities); viral PCR was negative. He was treated with a single dose of intravenous (IV) flucloxacillin 2 g and discharged home with oral amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 875 mg/125 mg twice daily (BD).
Olfactory nerve schwannoma: how human anatomy and electron microscopy can help to solve an intriguing scientific puzzle
Published in Ultrastructural Pathology, 2022
Fabbri Vp, Valentina Papa, Tonon C, Agati R, Toni F, Zoli M, Mazzatenta D, Fioravanti A, Badaloni F, Cenacchi G, Foschini Mp, Asioli S
Another intriguing anatomic theory about the origin of OGS is related to the presence of the nervus terminalis (recognized as cranial pair zero, CN0).8 Originally discovered in 1878 by Fritsch in the brain of the sharks and then described also in humans (1913), this nerve originates in the olfactory placode. It is observed in human embryos and less recognizable in adults. Fibers originating in the nasal cavity passes into the cranium through the middle area of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. The nervus terminalis shows ganglion cells, that sometimes form clusters, normally one or two located at the base of the crista Galli, the so-called ganglion of the nervus terminalis. Its function is uncertain. Despite some studies that did not find Schwann cells in CN0 of mice9 other authors have shown that the migrating GnRH cells of the nervus terminalis are accompanied by the presumptive Schwann cells precursors in the Odontocetes.10
Nanotechnologies for intranasal drug delivery: an update of literature
Published in Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 2021
Rosamaria Lombardo, Teresa Musumeci, Claudia Carbone, Rosario Pignatello
The skin that covers the cartilage has a lot of sebaceous glands, while the nostrils, which are the interior part of the nose and the first part of the nose cavity, are covered by mucosa. The name of this part, which constitutes the interior part of the nose, is vestibule. Inside the nose there are the olfactory region, formed by olfactory cells, and the respiratory region which is covered by pseudostratified ciliate epithelium, where also there are caliciform mucipar cells secreting mucus. The ethmoid bone, which constitutes the internal nose, has horizontal position and a flat shape where resides the cribriform lamina which separates the nasal cavity from the brain. This latter has some perforations, called foramina, through which the olfactory nerve (first cranial nerves) passes to arrive to the nasal cavity. As the nerve is not protected by BBB and by the white substance of Schwann, this is the only site of our body where the CNS is in direct contact with the external environment (Gizurarson 2012).