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Discussions (D)
Published in Terence R. Anthoney, Neuroanatomy and the Neurologic Exam, 2017
The most anterior part of the frontal lobe is the frontal pole, which is part of Brodmann area 10. The other Brodmann areas which extend anteriorly almost to the frontal pole are 9, 11, and 12 (e.g., ibid.). Several authors include as prefrontal cortex only areas 9–11 (e.g., A&B, p. 297 [including Fig. 11–24])3 or areas 9–12 (e.g., B&K, p. 238; CH&L, p. 494; Chus, p. 24).
Application of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Brain Mapping
Published in Yu Chen, Babak Kateb, Neurophotonics and Brain Mapping, 2017
Afrouz Azari-Anderson, Fatima A. Chowdhry, Yasaman Ardeshirpour, Nader Shahni Karamzadeh, Elizabeth G. Smith, Viktor Chernomordik, Amir H. Gandjbakhche
Sixteen sets of Cartesian coordinates (based on source–detector pairs) were registered in the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) atlas and transformed into spherical coordinates. A spherical system is appropriate for fNIRS since measurement is located on the 2-D head surface. The locations were described using two parameters: θ (azimuth angle) and φ (elevation angle), where the origins of this coordinate system are based on an MNI atlas. The activation map for each subject was created from the normalized integrated HRF and interpolated over the surface. The activation map (Figure 3.5a) was created based on the average of 20 individual activation maps. Each pixel of the activation map corresponds to one spherical coordinate in the MNI atlas. The centers of mass of the group activation maps were at the angle θ = 95.0° ± 11.1° and φ = 8.5° ± 6.7° for HbO and at the angle θ = 95.2° ± 9.1° and φ = 8.5° ± 7.0° for HbR (Figure 3.5a). The average of these two angles gives the Cartesian coordinates x = −7, y = 85, and z = 13 in the MNI atlas. The corresponding maxima in the Krueger et al.’s study were at −3, 66, and 19, corresponding to Brodmann area 10 (Krueger et al., 2009). Projection of this location on the surface of the MNI atlas head yields a spherical coordinate location of θ = 93.4° and φ = 11.0°. The group analysis gives a mean activation at the angle θ = 95.0° and φ = 8.5° for HbO and at the angle θ = 95.2 and φ = 8.5° for HbR. The difference between the fMRI activation projected on the surface and our measured activation was 1.3 cm. Finally, the 2-D images were wrapped on the surface of the cortex for better visualization (Figure 3.5b).
Executive Impairments
Published in Tom M. McMillan, Rodger Ll. Wood, Neurobehavioural Disability and Social Handicap following Traumatic Brain Injury, 2017
People who fail to monitor and regulate their behaviour may drift off-task and so again may be perceived as disorganised and unable to follow through with intentions. This may arise from a failure to notice errors (a basic attentional monitoring deficit) or a failure to keep in mind the main thing they are trying to achieve and use this memory to stay on task. In everyday task situations they may be distracted by something unrelated to the main goal they are trying to achieve and so fail to complete things effectively, or may simply forget to switch from one thing to another, despite apparently remembering the overall task goal. This ‘goal neglect’ (Duncan, 1986), is similar to Luria’s description of patients with frontal lobe damage in which he described how an intention (arising from a verbal instruction to do something) remained in their memory but failed to control their actions (Luria, 1966; 1973). This difficulty may result in reports of forgetting to do things (prospective memory difficulties) that arise not because a person has forgotten what has to be done, but because of a failure to keep the intention active so that it is implemented at the right time. This problem may result from lesions in the rostral pre-frontal cortex, or Brodmann Area 10. Burgess, Gilbert, and Dumontheil (2007) have demonstrated that Area 10 is activated in prospective memory tasks in which participants are doing one task, but have to remember to do something different later in the task (akin to the idea of remembering to buy milk on the way home from work). This leads to the development of Burgess’ Gateway hypothesis, which suggests that different regions of Area 10 are responsible for allocating attention to either the external world, or to self-generated or self-maintained thoughts (e.g. intentions). The supervisory attentional gateway ‘operates as a “gateway” between the internal mental life that occurs independently of environmental stimuli, and the mental life that is associated with interaction with the outside world’ (Burgess, Gilbert, & Dumontheil, 2007, p. 292).
Development of a paradigm for studying the effects of brief Goal Management Training with Implementation Intentions
Published in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 2019
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is now widely used to study brain functions with the evidence suggesting that the prefrontal cortex, in particular Brodmann area 10, plays a role in PM (see Burgess, Gonen-Yaacovi, & Volle, 2011 for review). Tests sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction that are typically used to assess PM ability in clinical groups tend to be complex multi-element tests (Burgess, Veitch, Costello, & Shallice, 2000; Levine et al., 2011; Manly, Hawkins, Evans, Woldt, & Robertson, 2002; Wilson et al., 2005). These tests, however, are unsuitable for use with current brain imaging technology due to their complex nature. They are also likely to tap into several cognitive functions making it challenging to separate out the key cognitive processes required for PM. By contrast, simple laboratory paradigms typically used to assess PM in healthy individuals (e.g., Einstein, McDaniel, Richardson, Guynn, & Cunfer, 1995) lack the complexity of clinical assessment measures and are suitable for use in a movement-constrained brain imaging environment. They typically require participants to be engaged in an ongoing task (e.g., decide whether a word is an animal) into which PM targets are embedded (e.g., make a different response when you see the word camel). We have shown that performance on similar laboratory PM paradigms correlate with performance on multi-element tasks following ABI (Baylan, 2014). Whether they are also suited to assessing the effects of cognitive training interventions is not known.
Bax inhibitor-1 overexpression in prelimbic cortex protects rats against depression-like behavior induced by olfactory bulbectomy and reduces apoptotic and inflammatory signals
Published in Neurological Research, 2019
Dao Li, Zhou Cai, Ji Wu, Yan Zhang
It has been reported that inflammation may represent a common mechanism of disease has been extended to include neuropsychiatric disorders including depression [16,33,34]. Associations between inflammatory markers and individual depressive symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and impaired sleep have also been described [35,36]. Inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-α have been reported to be one of the most reliable peripheral biomarkers in major depression [37,38]. Studies have demonstrated that both acute and chronic administration of cytokines or its inducers lipopolysaccharide and vaccination can cause the expression of depression-like behavior [39,40]. It has been reported that functional allelic variants of the genes for IL-1β and TNF-α increase the risk for depression and are associated with reduced responsiveness to antidepressant therapy [41,42]. A study of suicide victims who suffered from depression has shown that the mRNA and protein expression levels of IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α were significantly increased in the brodmann area 10 of cortex as compared with the control individuals [43]. Conversely, the low levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-10, was negatively associated with depressive impairment [44]. In our study, the results show that OB significantly induced the expressions TNF-α and IL-6, and reduced the IL-10 expression, while BI-1 overexpression in PFC-PL significantly suppressed the change of the inflammatory signal in OB rats. Moreover, previous study has reported that BI-1 is associated with pro-inflammatory cytokine release in human osteoblasts [22]. Indicating that BI-1 may effect on the development of depression via both apoptotic and inflammatory signals.
Evaluation of molecular brain changes associated with environmental stress in rodent models compared to human major depressive disorder: A proteomic systems approach
Published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2018
David Alan Cox, Michael Gerd Gottschalk, Viktoria Stelzhammer, Hendrik Wesseling, Jason David Cooper, Sabine Bahn
Thirty-five post-mortem anterior prefrontal cortex (Brodmann area 10 – BA10) brain samples were obtained from the Stanley Medical Research Institute (Torrey et al. 2000). Samples were derived from 12 MDD patients (with purely affective diagnoses and no psychotic features in their disease course) and 23 healthy control (CT) subjects.