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Integrated Continuous-System Modeling and Simulation Environments
Published in Derek A. Linkens, CAD for Control Systems, 2020
Notice that Dymola is not a simulation language in its own right. Dymola can be viewed as a sophisticated macro processor because it can be used as a frontend to a simulation language and thereby (among other things) assumes the role of its macro processor. Dymola can also be viewed as a model generator because it can generate models for a variety of different simulation languages. The currently supported languages are ACSL [31], DESIRE [24], and Simnon [17]. However, the most adequate interpretation is to view Dymola as a modeling language. Dymola has been designed to facilitate the object-oriented formulation of models of complex continuous systems.
Overview on the numerical engineering simulation software
Published in Nicolae Vasiliu, Daniela Vasiliu, Constantin Călinoiu, Radu Puhalschi, Simulation of Fluid Power Systems with Simcenter Amesim, 2018
Nicolae Vasiliu, Daniela Vasiliu, Constantin Călinoiu, Radu Puhalschi
Dymola35 is a physical modeling and simulation tool used for model-based design of complex engineering systems. Multidomain libraries covering the mechanical, electrical, control, thermal, pneumatic, hydraulic, powertrain, thermodynamics, vehicle dynamics, and air-conditioning domains can be coupled together to form a single complete model of the system. Dymola is used by companies operating in many industries, including automotive, aerospace, motorsport, energy, and high tech.
Variational approach for robust design and sensitivity analysis of mechatronic systems
Published in Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2020
Hana Siala, Faïda Mhenni, Jean-Yves Choley, Maher Barkallah, Jamel LouatI, Mohamed Haddar
Moreover, Modelica (Elmqvist, Mattsson, and Otter 1998) includes a mathematical description of models and provides a graphical modeling tool. Since compliance with mathematical modeling should be guaranteed, Modelica language with Dymola software is chosen. It is used for modeling and simulation with major applications in virtual prototyping. The nominal values of variables are given via Modelica simulation. We extract z nominal operating points and insert them in matrices A and B. Each operating point is defined through its variables in a given instant , namely that: .
A systematic review of solar photovoltaic energy systems design modelling, algorithms, and software
Published in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2022
Hussein A. Kazem, Miqdam T. Chaichan, Ali H. A. Al-Waeli, Aslan Gholami
Modelica/Dymola is a hybrid energy model simulator developed by “The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy” (ISE) in Germany using object-oriented programming language. The Modelica/Dymola is similar to IPSYS and HySys but with a different environment. This software is used to model hybrid systems (consisting of PV systems, wind turbines, diesel generators, fuel cells, and batteries). To achieve this modeling, its inputs are weather data and the number of hours of sunshine per day. This software can calculate the annual energy cost and provide an assessment of the life cycle costs of the hybrid system (Aronson, Caskey, and Caskey 1981).
Dynamic Modeling of a Parabolic Trough Solar Thermal Power Plant with Thermal Storage Using Modelica
Published in Heat Transfer Engineering, 2018
Rubén M. Montañés, Johan Windahl, Jens Pålsson, Marcus Thern
Modeling has been done in Modelica, a non-proprietary object-oriented and equation-based language designed for modeling complex multi-domain physical systems, using the commercial modeling and simulation environment Dymola. Modelica models from the Thermal Power Library [15] have been utilized and adapted to build up the CSP plant models: turbine island, steam generator, solar field and thermal energy storage system. In addition, the sun, parabolic trough collector, and storage tank models developed in previous projects by Edman [16], Österholm and Pålsson [17], and Montañés [18] have been utilized and modified.