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Published in Ionuţ Gabriel Ghionea, Cristian Ioan Tarbă, Saša Ćuković, CATIA v5, 2023
Ionuţ Gabriel Ghionea, Cristian Ioan Tarbă, Saša Ćuković
CATIA v5 has a modular structure, which ensures great versatility and transition from one workbench to another, with the possibility of continuous editing of the project in progress. Although the number of workbenches implemented in the program is very large, some of them can be considered as principal, as the following ones: CATIA Sketcher – creates the sketch of a two-dimensional profile, being a starting point in the process of obtaining a three-dimensional feature.CATIA Part Design – is used for the three-dimensional design of parts. This workbench, along with Sketcher, may be considered as core workbenches of the CATIA v5 program.CATIA Assembly Design – allows the generation of an assembly of parts using various mechanical constraints for their positioning and establishing contact between surfaces. As a scalable workbench, Assembly Design can be cooperatively used with other current companion products such as Part Design and Generative Drafting.CATIA Drafting – contains the necessary tools to obtain 2D drawings of the created parts and assemblies.CATIA Knowledge Advisor – is very useful in all the design stages and parameterized management of parts and assemblies, and also in the automation of certain processes of analysis with finite elements, simulation of processing on NC equipment, etc.CATIA DMU Kinematics – creates complex movement simulations based on kinematic couplings established between components of assemblies.CATIA Generative Sheetmetal Design – is used to model sheet metal parts, processed by cold plastic deformation. The user has the opportunity to obtain 2D drawings and their unfolding views.CATIA Generative Structural Analysis – is a powerful environment to perform analyses with finite elements, applied to parts and assemblies, in order to determine their behaviour under defined conditions of static or dynamic loading.CATIA Generative Shape Design – has applicability in creating objects that have complex surfaces and are difficult to design in other workbenches.CATIA Prismatic Machining – serves to simulate mechanical processing on machine tools equipped with NC devices.
Computational study on the potential of aluminium alloy as a candidate material in automotive leaf spring
Published in Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2023
Mayank Kamboj, Amit Chetry, Caneon Kurien, Ajay Kumar Srivastava
The model of the leaf spring that comprises four master leaves and five graduated leaves is as shown in Figures 2 and 3, such configuration of 4 master leaves and 5 graduated leaves were chosen in order to ensure proper distribution of stress over entire spring and to increase the load-bearing capacity of leaf spring, non-effective length of spring is approximately 1.23951 m, along with the initial radius of curvature of 1.6 m, leaf thickness is 10 mm along with the breadth 69 mm, and two eyeball ends modelled in a designing software called as CATIA. CATIA (COMPUTER AIDED THREE-DIMENSIONAL INTERACTIVE APPLICATION) is a multiplatform software suite that supports the COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN (CAD), COMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAM) and COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING (CAE). The 3D model of the spring is created using DS CATIA V5R19 and analysis of the model for various criteria like stresses generated, and total deflection under loading is carried out using ANSYS Workbench 18.1. The standard CAD model is used for both the materials, structural steel and aluminium alloy.