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Password-Authenticated Door Using Bluetooth
Published in Anudeep Juluru, Shriram K. Vasudevan, T. S. Murugesh, fied!, 2023
Anudeep Juluru, Shriram K. Vasudevan, T. S. Murugesh
Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard used for data exchange between devices over short distances operating at 2.45 GHz frequency. HC-05 is the most common Bluetooth module used in building IoT projects or prototypes. There are many types of HC-05 Bluetooth module available in the market like 4-pin HC-05 (with and without button), 6-pin HC-05 (with and without button) and many more. It is always recommended to purchase a 6-pin HC-05 Bluetooth module with a button as shown in Figure 4.1 as it will provide almost all the features.
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Enabled Smart Farming for Sustainable Development: The Future of Agriculture
Published in Utku Kose, V. B. Surya Prasath, M. Rubaiyat Hossain Mondal, Prajoy Podder, Subrato Bharati, Artificial Intelligence and Smart Agriculture Technology, 2022
Bluetooth is a wireless communication standard used in communication between devices of shorter distances. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) consumes less power, is cheaper and easy to use, and is commonly known as Bluetooth Smart. A moisture and temperature sensor with BLE has been introduced for monitoring agricultural environments and weather conditions and checking light and ambience via smartphone. Wi-Fi is also used when LAN communications are employed in smart agriculture.
Fundamentals of Internet of Things
Published in Bhawana Rudra, Anshul Verma, Shekhar Verma, Bhanu Shrestha, Futuristic Research Trends and Applications of Internet of Things, 2022
Sarthak Srivastava, Anshul Verma, Pradeepika Verma
Bluetooth is one of the most commonly known wireless communication protocols, working on data link layer of TCP/IP network model and communication layer of IoT network architecture, used to connect two devices for one-to-one communication for data exchange and to build the personal area networks (PANs) in short-range using short wavelength UFH radio waves (2.4 to 2.485 GHz). Bluetooth 5 is the latest version of this communication protocol, with about 800% more data broadcasting frequency compared to its earlier version and it’s four times longer range and doubled speed make it a very smart choice for the IoT systems. Low power consumption, cheaper cost, fast and secured connection, and low interference characteristics make it a very prominent device to be used for wireless networks [34] (Figure 1.9).
Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Review of Enabling Technologies, Architecture, and Challenges
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2018
Bhagya Nathali Silva, Murad Khan, Kijun Han
NFC is a set of communication protocols used to communicate between two devices within the range of 10 cm [29]. In general, one device is portable for the purpose of getting the appropriate proximity. Full NFC-enabled device can read information stored in passive NFC tags, exchange information between two NFC-enabled devices and act as a smart card to perform transactions. Thus, it can be stated that NFC acts as an identification and communication technology [32]. Bluetooth is a technology that uses short wavelength radio signals to communicate among devices in a narrow proximity while reducing the power consumption [30]. Bluetooth works according to the master–slave architecture, and is primarily designed for low power consumption. The communication range varies with the propagation conditions, antenna configuration, battery conditions, etc.
Heterogeneous Wireless Network for IoT Applications
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2019
Sagar Shriram Salwe, Karamtot Krishna Naik
Different mechanisms for coexistence are discussed in Section 2, where we consider AWMA control approach. The Bluetooth data is sent over the Wi-Fi channel. It is possible by alternating the MAC and PHY layer as proposed in [13]. The Bluetooth and Wi-Fi differ in transmit power level, range of operation, and operating frequency. The heterogeneous wireless network formed by using RSS parameter which varies depending on the gain, power of transceivers, and range of operation.
IoTPulse: machine learning-based enterprise health information system to predict alcohol addiction in Punjab (India) using IoT and fog computing
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2022
Arwinder Dhillon, Ashima Singh, Harpreet Vohra, Caroline Ellis, Blesson Varghese, Sukhpal Singh Gill
(1)Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication methodology that equipped with several smart devices including laptops, wearables, a smartphone etc. This technology is most appropriate for transfer of data among various devices.