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Circular economy solutions for industrial wastes
Published in Klára Szita Tóthné, Károly Jármai, Katalin Voith, Solutions for Sustainable Development, 2019
Klara Szita Tóthné, Zs. István, R.S. Bodnárné, A. Zajáros
The R4R project is co-funded by the ERDF’s INTERREG IVC programme. The aim of the project is to improve municipal waste recycling performance at regional level. The key actors implement a circular economy concept into waste management at regional level by local authorities in charge of waste management. Thus, also many legal, economic and educational instruments are decided at this decentralised level. The project covers: waste of electric and electronic, battery and hazardous waste collection; door to door selective collection; development of other collection systems; communication and advising initiatives; legal and economic instruments and bio waste collection. The R4R partners have agreed on a new notion, on the so called “DREC” (Destination RECycling) that includes: the municipal waste streams separated at source and collected separately with the purpose of recycling. The output from the sorting facilities, including bulky waste sorting centres, is going directly to facilities for recycling. The output from mechanical biological treatment installations is going directly to facilities for recycling. There 13 partners shared their experience in treatment and management of municipal waste. http://www.regions4recycling.eu/R4RTheProject
Environmental Protection
Published in Lawrence S. Chan, William C. Tang, Engineering-Medicine, 2019
According to a government report, about 85% of medically related waste taken from hospitals are not hazardous in nature (Kaplan et al. 2012). Since the hazardous waste disposal requires more labor-intense, more costly procedures, and more pollution emission-processes (from incinerations) than non-hazardous waste disposal, it makes good sense for accurate waste sorting so as to reduce the burden of hazardous waste disposal (Kaplan et al. 2012). It would be greatly beneficial if healthcare professionals and environmental engineers could work together to find solutions in this regard, as healthcare professionals would be able to delineate their daily operations in relationship to medical waste generation and environmental engineers would be able to utilize their engineering skills to deduce user-friendly and fool-proofed methodology for an accurate waste sorting, in line with healthcare professionals’ daily activities.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Approach to Evaluate Different Waste Management Opportunities
Published in Rajeev Pratap Singh, Vishal Prasad, Barkha Vaish, Advances in Waste-to-Energy Technologies, 2019
Ashkan Nabavi-Pelesaraei, Ali Kaab, Fatemeh Hosseini-Fashami, Fatemeh Mostashari-Rad, Kwok-Wing Chau
Landfills are the most widely utilized solid waste management option. An area of landfill is also known as a tip, evacuation and historically known as a mine. This is an old form of waste treatment (although the burial section is new and novel; historically, the rejection is only in piles or thrown into holes) (Faitli et al. 2015). Historically, landfill is the usual way to dispose of waste and remains in many parts of the world. In some landfill sites, it is also applied for waste management purposes such as temporary storage, stabilization, and transfer or processing of waste (sorting, processing, or recycling). Apart from being fixed, there might be shaking or drenching soil in a large earthquake (Emmi et al. 2016).
Waste sorting practices of cambodians during covid-19
Published in International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2022
Respectively, Cambodia is no exception to this daunting phenomenon. Waste management is a severe concern to Cambodia’s urban and rural residents. It is no longer viewed as a merely technical issue but rather as a social one requiring institutional and human change (Fagan 2003; Vergara and Tchobanoglous 2012). Sorting household waste is frequently the beginning point for waste management (Tai et al. 2011; Vergara and Tchobanoglous 2012). Effective waste sorting significantly improves resource sustainability and decouples human progress from the environment (Nizami et al. 2017; Singh and Ordoñez 2016). Also, the proper disposal of waste is essential from a sanitation perspective because of the environmental and economic benefits (Rathi 2006). Thus, scholars and practitioners are becoming increasingly interested in the impact of government action on waste management behaviour. Other studies have also found that the perception of government activity influences individual environmental attitudes and behaviour (de França Doria 2010; Weber 2010). Even though views of environmental governance are crucial for understanding human behaviour in environmental contexts, there has been little research on the impact of public attitude on waste sorting, particularly in Cambodia. Contradictory results have been found in a limited number of studies. Hence, this study used the constructs through the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to establish which factors leading, attitudes, subjective norms, and moral norms impact the intention to perform solid waste separation behaviour and, consequently, waste separation attitude in the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic.