- A-frames
- AASHO Road Test
- Abitibi Greenstone Belt
- Ablation zone
- Abundance
- Abutments
- Accelerated curing
- Accelerated life testing
- Accelerograph
- Accretionary wedge
- Acicular
- Acid rain
- Acrylic resin
- Activated sludge
- Active faults
- Active fire protection
- Active mobility
- Adaptability
- Adaptive management
- Adigrat sandstone
- ADMS 3
- Adobe
- Advanced oxidation process
- Aeolian processes
- Aerated lagoon
- Aerobic digestion
- Aerobic treatment system
- Aerodromes
- Aethalometer
- Afforestation
- African plate
- Aftershocks
- Agbogbloshie
- Aggradation
- Aggregate
- Aggregate base
- Agricultural pollution
- Agricultural waste
- Agulhas Current
- Air barrier
- Air conditioning
- Air entrainment
- Air guns
- Air pollutant concentrations
- Air pollution
- air pollution in India
- air pollution in the United States
- Air pollution measurement
- Air purifiers
- Air Quality Health Index
- Air source heat pump
- Air sparging
- Air stripping
- Airports
- Akaganeite
- Albite
- Alkali-aggregate reaction
- Alkali-carbonate reaction
- Alkali-silica reaction
- Alleys
- Alluvial fans
- Alluvial plains
- Alluvial rivers
- Alluvium
- Alpha diversity
- Alpide belt
- Alpine Fault
- Alternative technology
- Ammoniacal nitrogen
- Amphibolite
- Anabranch
- Anaerobic lagoons
- Anaerobic membrane bioreactor
- Anatexis
- Anchor plates
- Anchorage
- Anorthite
- Anorthoclase
- Antarctic ice sheet
- Antarctic Plate
- Antarctica
- Antecedent moisture
- Anticlines
- Antidunes
- Antigorite
- Applied element method
- Aqueducts
- Aquifer storage and recovery
- Aquifer test
- Aquifers
- Arbuscular mycorrhiza
- Arch dam
- Arch-gravity dam
- Arches
- Archie's Law
- Architectural engineering
- Arenite
- Argillic alteration
- Argillite
- Arias intensity
- Aridity index
- Arkose
- Arsenic contamination of groundwater
- Artificial stone
- Asbolane
- Ash
- Ash ponds
- Ashlar
- Asperity
- Asphalt concrete
- Asphalt plant
- Assimilative capacity
- Asymmetric valley
- Atmospheric dispersion modeling
- Atolls
- Atterberg limits
- Austenitic stainless steel
- Autoclaved aerated concrete
- Automatic fire suppression
- Avenues
- Avoided burden
- Avulsion
- Awaruite
- Azores High
- Back-arc basins
- Backflow
- Backflow prevention device
- Backwashing
- Badlands
- Bake-out
- Ball valve
- Banded iron formation
- Bandelier Tuff
- Bank
- Barchan
- Base course
- Base level
- Base metals
- Base tunnel
- Baseflow
- Basement
- Batholiths
- Bathymetry
- Battens
- Bauxite
- Bays
- Beach
- Beach evolution
- Beach nourishment
- Beach ridges
- Beam
- Beam and block
- Bearing capacity
- Beaver dams
- Bed load
- Bed material load
- Bedrock
- Bedrock river
- Beds
- Bell towers
- Belt filter
- Benches
- Bents
- Bergschrund
- Berlinite
- Bicycle boulevards
- Bicycle parking
- Bicycle-friendly
- Bights
- Bike lanes
- Bill of quantities
- Bimodal volcanism
- Bioassays
- Biochar
- Biocontainment
- Biodegradable plastic
- Biodiversity
- Biodiversity loss
- Biodrying
- Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
- Biogenic sulfide corrosion
- Biogeochemical cycles
- Biological integrity
- Biomedical waste
- Bioplastic
- Bioreactor landfill
- Bioremediation
- Biosolids
- Biosphere
- Bioswales
- Biotic homogenization
- Biotic index
- Biotopes
- Bioturbation
- Bischofite
- Bitumen
- Bituminous coal
- Black carbon
- Blackwater
- Block paving
- Blue carbon
- Boiler water
- Boilers
- Bollards
- Borate minerals
- Boreal
- Botryoidal
- Bottom ash
- Boudinage
- Bouguer anomaly
- Boulder clay
- Bouma sequence
- Bound water
- Box corer
- Box girder
- Braced frame
- Bradyseism
- Braided rivers
- Breaker
- Breakwaters
- Breccia pipe
- Bricks
- Brickwork
- Bridge bearing
- Bridge maintenance
- Bridge scour
- Bridge tower
- Bridges
- Brief
- Brise soleil
- Brownmillerite
- Brunton compass
- Bubbles
- Bucket elevator
- Buckling-restrained brace
- Buffer strips
- Building automation
- Building codes
- Building design
- Building diagnostics
- Building envelope
- Building life cycle
- Building lifecycle management
- Building material
- Building performance
- Building performance simulation
- Building services engineering
- Buoyancy
- Buoyancy engine
- Burma Plate
- Bus lanes
- Bus stops
- Bushveld Igneous Complex
- Buttes
- Buttress dam
- Cable car
- Cable tray
- Calcareous
- Calcium aluminate cement
- Calderas
- Calender
- Canal lining
- Canals
- Canary Current
- Cantilever method
- Cantilevers
- Cap carbonate
- Capacitance probe
- Capacitive deionization
- Capillary bridges
- Capillary fringe
- Capillary surface
- Capricorn Plate
- Caprock
- Carbon accounting
- Carbon budget
- Carbon emission trading
- Carbon footprint
- Carbon monitoring
- Carbon sequestration
- Carbonate minerals
- Carbonate rock
- Caribbean Current
- Carpenter
- Carpenters
- Carpool
- Carrying capacity
- Carsharing
- Cartography
- Cascade
- Caspian Depression
- Cast iron pipe
- Cast stone
- Cast-in-place concrete
- Castellated beam
- Cat's eyes
- Cataclastic rock
- Catastrophic failure
- Catastrophism
- Catchment hydrology
- Caulk
- Cavity walls
- Cellulose insulation
- Cement
- Cement accelerator
- Cement board
- Cement chemist notation
- Cement clinker
- Cement kiln
- Cement render
- Cementation
- Centre for Digital Built Britain
- Centring
- Chain extenders
- Chairlifts
- Chalcedony
- Chalk group
- Chamosite
- Chandler wobble
- Chatter marks
- Check dams
- Check valves
- Chemical transport model
- Chemical waste
- Chert
- Chipseal
- Chloramination
- Chlorite
- Chlorite group
- Chronology
- Chronostratigraphy
- Chutes
- Cirques
- Civil engineering
- Civil engineers
- Cladding
- Clarifier
- Clarifying agents
- Clarion-Clipperton Zone
- Clean technology
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund
- Cleaner production
- Clearing
- Cliff
- Cliff dwelling
- Cliff stabilization
- Climate change
- climate change in Australia
- climate change in California
- climate change in China
- climate change in India
- climate change in the Arctic
- Climate resilience
- Climate system
- Climbing formwork
- Clinker
- Clock towers
- Coagulation
- Coal combustion products
- Coal measures
- Coal slurry
- Coaling
- Coastal engineering
- Coastal erosion
- Coastal management
- Coastal morphodynamics
- Coastal plains
- Cobblestone
- Code for Sustainable Homes
- Cold ironing
- Cold seeps
- Cold-formed steel
- Collision zone
- Colluvium
- Column
- Combined sewer
- Commercial waste
- Commissioning
- Commodity plastics
- Community fingerprinting
- Compaction
- Compaction simulation
- Complete streets
- Composting toilets
- Compressible flow
- Compression fittings
- Concentrated solar still
- Concrete
- Concrete blocks
- Concrete cone failure
- Concrete cover
- Concrete degradation
- Concrete mixers
- Concrete pavement restoration
- Concrete pump
- Concrete recycling
- Concrete slabs
- Concrete slump test
- Concretions
- Conductive elastomers
- Cone calorimeter
- Cone of depression
- Confluence
- Conglomerate
- Consolidation
- Constructability
- Constructed wetlands
- Construction 3D printing
- Construction aggregate
- Construction communication
- Construction delay
- Construction engineering
- construction industry in India
- Construction management
- Construction partnering
- Construction trailers
- Construction waste
- Consumables
- Contaminants of emerging concern
- Contaminated land
- Continental crust
- Contour crafting
- Controlled low strength material
- Controlled waste
- Convection
- Conventional pollutant
- Convergent boundary
- Copper tubing
- Corbel arch
- Core
- Core samples
- Cornubian Batholith
- Cotton mills
- Coulees
- Cove
- Cover meter
- Cradle-to-cradle design
- Crane
- Craters
- Cratons
- Crawl space
- Crenulation
- Crevasse splay
- Critical infrastructure
- Critical state soil mechanics
- Crocodile cracking
- Crop coefficient
- Crop diversity
- Cross bracing
- Cross slope
- Cross-bedding
- Cross-cutting relationships
- Cross-linked polyethylene
- Cruck
- Crumb rubber
- Crushed stone
- Crust
- Cryosphere
- Culverts
- Current meter
- Curtain walls
- Curve fitting
- Cuspate forelands
- Custody transfer
- Cut
- Cut and fill
- Cutting
- Cycle track
- Cycling
- Cycling infrastructure
- D-shape
- Daily cover
- Dales
- Dam failure
- Dam removal
- Damage tolerance
- Damp
- Damp proofing
- Dams
- Darcy
- Darcy's law
- Dark septate endophyte
- Dead-ice
- Decline curve analysis
- Decomposed granite
- Deconstruction
- Deep foundation
- Deep time
- Deficit irrigation
- Defluoridation
- Defoliants
- Deforestation
- Deformation monitoring
- Deglaciation
- Degradation
- Degree of curvature
- Dematerialization
- Demolition
- Denver Basin
- Depleted uranium
- Deposition
- Depressions
- Desalination
- Desert varnish
- Desertification
- Design for the environment
- Detailed engineering
- Detention basins
- Detention dam
- Detritus
- Diagrid
- Diamond grinding
- Diamond interchange
- Diapers
- Diastrophism
- Diatremes
- Die forming
- Digging
- Dikes
- Diluvium
- Dimension stone
- Direct air capture
- Direct shear test
- Discharge
- Disinfection by-products
- Displacement ventilation
- Dissected plateau
- Dissipator
- Dissolved air flotation
- Dissolved load
- Distributary
- Disturbances
- Ditches
- Diversion dam
- Docks
- Dolomite
- Dolomitization
- Double junction
- Double tees
- Dougong
- Dowel bar retrofit
- Downcutting
- Downspout
- Downtime
- Drainage basin
- Drainage divide
- Drainage gradient
- Drainage tunnel
- Drawdown
- Drill cuttings
- Drilling and blasting
- Drilling rigs
- Drinking fountains
- Drop structure
- Drop tower
- Drop tube
- Dropstones
- Drumlins
- Druses
- Dry dam
- Dry distillation
- Dry lake
- Dry ports
- Dry stone
- Dry well
- Drywall
- Ductile iron pipe
- Dugout
- Dunes
- Duplex stainless steel
- Dust abatement
- Dustiness
- Dynamic positioning
- Dynamic topography
- Earth
- Earth Gravitational Model
- Earth materials
- Earth structure
- Earth system science
- Earth tide
- Earth's crust
- Earth's energy budget
- Earth's mantle
- Earthflows
- Earthquake cycle
- Earthquake early warning
- Earthquake engineering
- Earthquake forecasting
- Earthquake prediction
- Earthquake rupture
- Earthquake scenario
- Earthquake swarms
- Earthquake-resistant structures
- Earthworms
- East Greenland Current
- Ebro Basin
- Eco-cement
- Eco-efficiency
- Ecohydrology
- Ecological design
- Ecological economics
- Ecological footprint
- Ecological forecasting
- Ecological indicators
- Ecological resilience
- Ecological stability
- Ecological succession
- Ecological threshold
- Ecological urbanism
- Economic geology
- Ecoregions
- Ecosystem diversity
- Ecosystem engineers
- Ecosystem services
- Ecotones
- Edingtonite
- Eemian
- Effective porosity
- Effective stress
- Efflorescence
- Effluent
- Ejecta
- Elastic-rebound theory
- Elastomeric
- Electrocoagulation
- Electrode array
- Electrode boiler
- Electrodialysis reversal
- Electronic waste
- Elevation
- Elevators
- Embankment
- Embankment dam
- Emission intensity
- Emission inventory
- Encasement
- Endmember
- Endorheic basin
- Endorheic lake
- Energy conversion efficiency
- Energy flows
- Engineered cementitious composite
- Engineering geologists
- Engineering geology
- Engineering plastic
- Enhanced weathering
- Environmental accounting
- Environmental degradation
- Environmental design
- Environmental economics
- Environmental effects of aviation
- Environmental effects of mining
- Environmental engineering
- Environmental geology
- Environmental health
- Environmental impact of concrete
- Environmental issues
- Environmental performance index
- Environmental remediation
- Environmental science
- Environmental stress cracking
- Environmental technology
- EPDM rubber
- Epicentral distance
- Epiphytes
- Equator
- Equatorial counter current
- Equigranular
- Equilibrium level
- Erionite
- Erodability
- Erosion
- Erosion control
- Erosion prediction
- Erosion surface
- Escarpments
- Eskers
- Estidama
- Estuary
- Eurasia Tunnel
- Eurasian Plate
- Eurocodes
- European emission standards
- Europium anomaly
- Eutrophication
- Evaporation ponds
- Evaporators
- Evaporites
- Evapotranspiration
- Evergreen
- Exfoliation
- Exhaust gas
- Expandable graphite
- Expanded metal
- Expansion joints
- Expansive clay
- Experimental petrology
- Extended aeration
- Extended producer responsibility
- Extensional fault
- Extensional tectonics
- External render
- External wall insulation
- Fabric structures
- Factory
- Facultative lagoon
- Failure analysis
- Fall cone test
- Falling weight deflectometer
- Falsework
- Fast fracture
- Faucet aerator
- Fault friction
- Fault scarps
- Fault trace
- Faults
- Fauna
- Feldspathoid
- Felsic
- Felsite
- Feroxyhyte
- Ferricrete
- Ferritic stainless steel
- Ferrocement
- Fiamme
- Filter cake
- Final cover
- Fire detection
- Fire doors
- Fire dynamics simulator
- Fire escapes
- Fire extinguishers
- Fire hoses
- Fire protection
- Fire protection engineering
- Fire pumps
- Fire retardant
- Fire safety
- Fire sprinkler
- Fire suppression systems
- Fire-resistance rating
- Firefighting foam
- Firestop
- Firewater
- Firn
- First flush
- Fischer assay
- Fissures
- Fjords
- Flame detector
- Flame spread
- Flange
- Flashing
- Flat roofs
- Flood basalt
- Flood forecasting
- Flood pulse concept
- Flood stage
- Flood wall
- Floodgates
- Floodplains
- Floor
- Flora
- Florida Current
- Flow net
- Flow table test
- Flowstone
- Flue gas
- Flue-gas condensation
- Fluid flow through porous media
- Fluid inclusion
- Fluid mechanics
- Fluid power
- Flumes
- Fluorapatite
- Fluvial processes
- Fly ash
- Fly ash brick
- Flysch
- Foam concrete
- Foam glass
- Fog collection
- Fold and thrust belt
- Folding
- Food biodiversity
- Food loss and waste
- Food miles
- Foothills
- Forced circulation boilers
- Fords
- Forearc
- Foredunes
- Foreland basins
- Foreset beds
- Foreshocks
- Forest cover
- Forest degradation
- Forest floor
- Forest management
- Forest restoration
- Formwork
- Forward osmosis
- Fossil beach
- Fossil water
- Fouling
- Foundations
- Fourth national climate assessment
- Fourth power law
- Frame
- Francolite
- Free surface
- Freight trains
- French drain
- Fresh water
- Frost damage
- Frost heaving
- Frost line
- Fuel line
- Fugitive dust
- Fugitive emissions
- Fumaroles
- Furring
- Fuse plugs
- Gale
- Gale warning
- Ganister
- Gantry
- Gantry cranes
- Garbage
- Garbage patches
- Gas-fired power plant
- Gate fee
- Gate valves
- Gault
- Gawler Craton
- General contractor
- Generalised beam theory
- Geodesy
- Geodetic Reference System 1980
- Geodiversity
- Geodynamics
- Geofoam
- Geography
- Geological hazards
- Geologist
- Geology
- Geomatics
- Geomechanics
- Geomembranes
- Geomorphology
- Geomorphometry
- Geoneutrinos
- Geophones
- Geophysical fluid dynamics
- Geophysical survey
- Geophysics
- Geosphere
- Geostrophic currents
- Geotechnical centrifuge modeling
- Geotechnical engineering
- Geotechnical investigation
- Geotextiles
- Geothermal gradient
- Geotraces
- Geysers
- Girders
- Glacial landforms
- Glacial period
- Glacier mass balance
- Glaciofluvial deposits
- Glaciolacustrine deposits
- Glaciology
- Global heritage stone resource
- Global relief model
- Global surface temperature
- Global warming potential
- Globe valves
- Gore
- Gossan
- Gotthard Tunnel
- Graben
- Grade
- Grade separation
- Graded bedding
- Grader
- Grading
- Grain flow
- Grain for Green
- Grain size
- Gratings
- Gravel
- Gravimetry
- Gravitational field
- Gravity anomaly
- Gravity dams
- Gravity gradiometry
- Gravity of earth
- Gravity sewer
- Grease trap
- Great Dyke
- Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- Green buildings
- Green engineering
- Green infrastructure
- Green Star
- Green urbanism
- Green waste
- Greenhouse effect
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Greenhouse gas inventory
- Greenhouse gases
- Greenstone belts
- Greywacke
- Greywater
- Gridshells
- Gritstone
- Ground motion
- Ground reinforcement
- Ground-level ozone
- Groundwater
- Groundwater banking
- Groundwater discharge
- Groundwater flow
- Groundwater flow equation
- Groundwater models
- Groundwater pollution
- Groundwater recharge
- Grout
- Groynes
- Guard rails
- Gulf
- Gulf Stream
- Gunmetal
- Gusset plates
- Gypsum block
- Gypsum concrete
- Half-grabens
- Happy Planet Index
- Harbor
- Harbours
- Hard hat
- Hard infrastructure
- Hardscape
- Hardy Cross method
- Harmonic tremor
- Hazardous waste
- Haze
- HDPE pipe
- Head cuts
- Headwall
- Headward erosion
- Healthy building
- Heat detector
- Heat traps
- Heavy equipment
- Heavy equipment operator
- Heavy metals
- Heavy minerals
- Height above mean sea level
- Hempcrete
- Herringbone pattern
- High water mark
- High-density polyethylene
- High-performance buildings
- High-performance plastics
- High-water mark
- Highway engineering
- Hills
- Hilsenhoff Biotic Index
- Historical geology
- Holistic management
- Holmquistite
- Holocene
- Holocene Climatic Optimum
- Home automation
- Home energy rating
- Honeycomb structures
- Hornblendite
- Horst and graben
- Horsts
- Hot spots
- Hot springs
- Hot tapping
- Hotel
- Hotspots
- House
- Household air pollution
- Household hazardous waste
- Human waste
- Humboldt Current
- Hydraulic accumulators
- Hydraulic conductivity
- Hydraulic cylinders
- Hydraulic diameter
- Hydraulic drop
- Hydraulic engineering
- Hydraulic fill
- Hydraulic fluid
- Hydraulic head
- Hydraulic lime
- Hydraulic motor
- Hydraulic redistribution
- Hydraulics
- Hydric soil
- Hydrodemolition
- Hydrogeology
- Hydrograph
- Hydrography
- Hydroinformatics
- Hydrologic evaluation of landfill performance
- Hydrology
- Hydrometeorology
- Hydrometry
- Hydrosphere
- Hydrostatic
- Hydrostatic equilibrium
- Hydrostatic head
- Hydrothermal circulation
- Hydrothermal vents
- Hyetograph
- Hypalon
- Hyperconcentrated flow
- Hypersaline lake
- Hyporheic zone
- Hypsometry
- I-beams
- Ice
- Ice ages
- Ice lenses
- Ice navigation
- Ice segregation
- Ice wedges
- Igneous intrusion
- Igneous rocks
- Ignimbrite
- Illinois Basin
- Imbrication
- Imhoff tank
- Immersed tubes
- Impact craters
- Implosion
- In situ chemical oxidation
- In situ chemical reduction
- In-vessel composting
- iNaturalist
- Incineration
- Incinerator bottom ash
- Inclusions
- Incompressible flow
- Incremental Dynamic Analysis
- Indian Plate
- Indicators
- Indo-Australian Plate
- Indoor air quality
- Induced demand
- Induced gas flotation
- Induced polarization
- Induced seismicity
- Industrial ecology
- Industrial symbiosis
- Industrial waste
- Industrial wastewater treatment
- Industrialization of construction
- Inert waste
- Infill wall
- Infiltration
- Infiltration basin
- Informal waste collection
- Infrastructure
- Infrastructure asset management
- Inhalation exposure
- Injection wells
- Inland seas
- Inlet
- Inorganic waste
- Instability
- Insulating Concrete Form
- Intake tower
- Integrated project delivery
- Interbasin transfer
- Interbedding
- Interchanges
- Interferometric synthetic-aperture radar
- Interflow
- Interglacial
- Intermittent water supply
- Internal erosion
- Internal flow
- International Desalination Association
- International Green Construction Code
- International Plumbing Code
- Interplate earthquakes
- Intersections
- Interstitial condensation
- Intraclasts
- Intraplate earthquakes
- Introduced species
- Intrusive rock
- Iron cycle
- Iron oxide adsorption
- Ironstone
- Islands
- ISO 14031
- Isolation valves
- Isopach map
- Isostasy
- Isotope hydrology
- Ixiolite
- Jade
- James Parker
- Jetty
- Joint compound
- Joists
- Jonglei Canal
- Juan de Fuca Plate
- Junctions
- Kames
- Kankar
- Karst
- Karst springs
- Kerbside collection
- Kerogen
- Kettles
- Keuper
- Keuper marl
- Key biodiversity area
- Klippe
- Knickpoint
- Kukersite
- Kunlun Fault
- Lacustrine deposits
- Lagoon
- Lahars
- Lakes
- Lamella clarifier
- Land change science
- Land consumption
- Land degradation
- Land reclamation
- Land rehabilitation
- Land restoration
- Landfarming
- Landfill fire
- Landfill gas
- Landfill gas migration
- Landfill gas utilization
- Landfill liner
- Landfill restoration
- Landfill tax
- Landfills
- Landscape
- Landscape architecture
- Landscape assessment
- Landscape design
- Landscape ecology
- Landscape planning
- Landscaping
- Landslide dam
- Landslide mitigation
- Lapilli
- Large woody debris
- Larnite
- Laser level
- Last Glacial Maximum
- Lateral earth pressure
- Laterite
- Lath
- Lath and plaster
- Latitude
- Lattice girder
- Launching gantry
- Lava
- Lava channels
- Lava tubes
- Law of superposition
- Leachate
- Leaks
- Lean construction
- Least-squares adjustment
- Leonardite
- Lepidocrocite
- Leucoxene
- Levees
- Level crossings
- Level of service
- Levelling
- Life cycle thinking
- Life safety code
- Life-cycle assessment
- Light rail
- Lighting control system
- Lignite
- Lime
- Lime mortar
- Lime plaster
- Lime render
- Lime softening
- Limit load
- Limit state design
- Limiting oxygen index
- Lineaments
- Lineation
- Liptinite
- Lithic sandstone
- Lithification
- Lithology
- Lithosphere
- Lithospheric mantle
- Litracon
- Litter
- Little Ice Age
- Living Building Challenge
- Living streets
- Lizardite
- Load line
- Load-bearing walls
- Loader
- Locks
- Loess
- Long period ground motion
- Long-term pavement performance
- Longshore drift
- Lookout
- Loop current
- Loss on ignition
- Low-energy house
- Low-impact development
- Low-temperature distillation
- Low-temperature thermal desalination
- Low-velocity zone
- Lower oceanic crust
- Lower shoreface
- Luster
- Lustre
- Lutite
- Maars
- Macadam
- Magma
- Magma chambers
- Magmatism
- Magnetorheological elastomer
- Main Himalayan Thrust
- Maltenes
- Mangroves
- Manning formula
- Mantle
- Mantle plumes
- Mantle wedge
- Map
- Marangoni effect
- Marginal abatement cost
- Mariana Trench
- Marinas
- Marine clay
- Marine debris
- Marine heatwaves
- Marine outfalls
- Marine plastic pollution
- Marine pollution
- Marine sediment
- Marine snow
- Marine transgression
- Marker horizon
- Marmorino
- Marshes
- Martensitic stainless steel
- Masonry
- Masonry veneer
- Mass concrete
- Mass wasting
- MasterFormat
- Material efficiency
- Material flow analysis
- Materiality
- Materials recovery facility
- Maximum bubble pressure method
- Maximum magnitude
- Mean down time
- Meander scars
- Meanders
- Mechanical biological treatment
- Media filter
- Medieval Warm Period
- Mediterranean Sea
- Megacrysts
- Megathrust earthquakes
- Melamine resin
- Melt
- Melt inclusions
- Melt ponds
- Meltwater
- Membrane bioreactor
- Membrane fouling
- Membrane scaling
- Membranes
- Mercury cycle
- Metakaolin
- Metal powder
- Metal profiles
- Metal toxicity
- Metallotolerant
- Metamorphic core complexes
- Metamorphic facies
- Metamorphic rock
- Metamorphism
- Metasomatism
- Meteorites
- Methane emissions
- Metocean
- Metro station
- Metrocable
- Miami Limestone
- Mica
- Microbial biodegradation
- Microplastics
- Microseisms
- Microtunneling
- Middens
- Migmatite
- Mike 11
- Mike 21C
- Mike She
- Mildew
- Mineral alteration
- Mineral resource classification
- Mineral wool
- Mineralization
- Mineralogy
- Mineraloids
- Minor actinides
- Mission critical
- Modacrylic
- Model building code
- Modular building
- Modular construction
- Moisture
- Moisture recycling
- Molasse
- Molasse basin
- Moment-resisting frame
- Monocline
- Moody chart
- Mooring
- Moraines
- Mosaic
- Mouth bars
- Mudbrick
- Mudrock
- Mudstone
- Mullite
- Multi-stage flash distillation
- Multiphase flow
- Municipal solid waste
- Namib
- Nankai Trough
- Nanoconcrete
- Nanofiltration
- Nappes
- National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
- National Pollutant Release Inventory
- National Spatial Reference System
- Nationally determined contribution
- Native metals
- Native species
- Natural arch
- Natural building
- Natural capital accounting
- Natural environment
- Natural history
- Natural uranium
- Nature-based solutions
- Navigation
- Near-surface geophysics
- Neotectonic
- Nepheline syenite
- Net zero emissions
- NetCDF
- Neutral axis
- Neutral buoyancy
- Neutron reflector
- New Madrid Seismic Zone
- New source performance standards
- Newmark's sliding block
- Non-ferrous metal
- Non-shrink grout
- Nonconformity
- Nonpoint source pollution
- Nontronite
- North American Plate
- North American Vertical Datum of 1988
- North Anatolian Fault
- North Atlantic Current
- North Equatorial Current
- North West Shelf
- NOx
- Nuclear winter
- Oases
- Oasis effect
- Obduction
- Obstacles
- Occupancy
- Ocean
- Ocean currents
- Ocean heat content
- Ocean surface topography
- Ocean temperature
- Oceanic crust
- Oceanography
- Oedometer tests
- Off-site construction
- Offshore construction
- Oil shale
- Oil shale reserves
- Okinawa Trough
- Onlap
- Ooids
- Oolite
- Open burning of waste
- Open-channel flow
- OpenDAP
- OpenSees
- Optical mineralogy
- Opus spicatum
- Ordnance datum
- Organic food
- Organic mineral
- Orocline
- Orthometric height
- Outburst flood
- Outfalls
- Outwash fan
- Outwash plain
- Overbank
- Overconsumption
- Overdeepening
- Overexploitation
- Oxide minerals
- Ozone-depleting
- P waves
- Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Pacific Ocean
- Pacific Rim
- Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
- Packaging waste
- Packing
- Pagodas
- Paired metamorphic belts
- Palaeochannel
- Paleo-Tethys Ocean
- Paleocurrent
- Paleoseismology
- Paleosols
- Paleosurface
- Palm oil
- Palmer Drought Index
- Pan evaporation
- Panel building
- Paradox Basin
- Paragenesis
- Parapets
- Parasequence
- Parent rock
- Park and ride
- Parking lot
- Parshall flume
- Partial melting
- Particulate pollution
- Particulates
- Pascal's law
- Passenger trains
- Passive fire protection
- Passive margins
- Passive seismic
- Passive smoking
- Passive survivability
- Patio
- Patterned ground
- Pavement
- Pavement engineering
- Pavement management
- Pavers
- Payne effect
- Peak ground acceleration
- Peak oil
- Peat
- Peatlands
- Pedestrian
- Pediplain
- Pelagic sediment
- Peneplain
- Penetrant
- Perennial stream
- Periphyton
- Permeability
- Permeable paving
- Permissible stress design
- Perthite
- Pervious concrete
- Pesticide application
- Pesticide drift
- Petrography
- Petroleum reservoir
- Petrology
- Phase-change material
- Phengite
- Phenocrysts
- Phosphate minerals
- Phosphorite
- Phosphorus cycle
- Photoinitiator
- Photosynthetic efficiency
- Phreatic
- Phreatic zone
- Phreatomagmatic eruptions
- Physical geodesy
- Physical geography
- Physical plant
- Physics of failure
- Physiographic regions
- Piers
- Pile
- Pile cap
- Pile driver
- Pillars
- Pillow lava
- Pioneer species
- Pipe
- Pipe cutting
- Pipe dope
- Pipe flow
- Pipe support
- Pipeflow
- Pipeline
- Piperno
- Pipes
- Piping
- Piping and instrumentation diagram
- Pisolite
- Piston effect
- Planetary boundaries
- Planks
- Plant cover
- Plastic
- Plastic containers
- Plastic hinge
- Plastic lumber
- Plastic moment
- Plastic mulch
- Plastic pollution
- Plasticizers
- Plastics industry
- Plastisol
- Plate tectonics
- Plateaus
- Plates
- Plucking
- Plumbing
- Plumbing code
- Plumbing fixtures
- Plumes
- Plunge pool
- Plutonism
- Pneumatic cylinders
- Pneumatics
- Point source pollution
- Polar amplification
- Polar lows
- Polar motion
- Polar wander
- Polarized light microscopy
- Polders
- Polished concrete
- Polje
- Pollutants
- Pollution
- Polyamide-imide
- Polybutylene
- Polyetherimide
- Polyglycolide
- Polyhydroxyalkanoates
- Polyhydroxybutyrate
- Polyimide
- Polyisocyanurate
- Polylactic acid
- Polymer concrete
- Polyoxymethylene
- Polyphenyl ether
- Polypropylene
- Polypropylene carbonate
- Polystyrene
- Polysulfone
- Polyurethane
- Polyvinyl chloride
- Polyvinylidene chloride
- Ponding
- Ponds
- Ponors
- Pool
- Population density
- Population growth
- Population size
- Porcelain tile
- Pore structure
- Pore water pressure
- Pores
- Porosity
- Porphyroblasts
- Port reception facilities
- Portland cement
- Ports
- Portuguese pavement
- Positioning system
- Post and lintel
- Post-consumer waste
- Potholes
- Powder coating
- Pozzolan
- Pozzolana
- Pozzolanic activity
- Precast concrete
- Precipitationshed
- Preconsolidation pressure
- Prefabricated buildings
- Pressure grouting
- Pressure regulator
- Pressure ridges
- Pressure sewer
- Pressure solution
- Pressuremeter test
- Prestressed concrete
- Principle of original horizontality
- Prirazlomnoye field
- Proctor compaction test
- Product lifetime
- Progradation
- Project delivery method
- Project finance
- Project manager
- Propylitic alteration
- Prospecting
- Protolith
- Proving grounds
- Psammite
- Pseudomorphs
- Pseudorange
- Public capital
- Public infrastructure
- Public transport
- Pull off test
- Pull-apart basins
- Pumpellyite
- Pure shear
- Pyramids
- Pyrobitumen
- Pyroclastic flows
- Pyroclastic rock
- Pyroclastic surges
- Pyrolysis
- Qanats
- Quadruple glazing
- Quantity surveyors
- Quantity take-off
- Quarry tile
- Quartz arenite
- Quartz monzonite
- Quartzite
- Quick clay
- Quicksand
- Quiet areas
- Raceway ponds
- Radiative forcing
- Radioecology
- Rafters
- Rail transport
- Railway electrification
- Railway engineering
- Rain gardens
- Rainbowing
- Rainscreen
- Rainwater harvesting
- Raised beach
- Rammed earth
- Rare-earth elements
- Rating curve
- Ravines
- Ready-mix concrete
- Real estate development
- Rebar
- Reclaimed water
- Recovery boiler
- Red beds
- Red mud
- Reefs
- Reflection seismology
- Reflective crack
- Reflective surfaces
- Reforestation
- Refuges
- Regenerative design
- Regolith
- Reinforced concrete
- Reinforced concrete column
- Release agents
- Relicts
- Relief
- Relief ratio
- Remanufacturing
- Repointing
- Reservoir modeling
- Residence time
- Residuum
- Resilience
- Resin casting
- Resonant column test
- Response spectrum
- Retention basin
- Return period
- Revegetation
- Reverse osmosis
- Reverse osmosis plant
- Revetment
- Rhizosphere
- Rhythmite
- Rice hulls
- Ridge push
- Ridges
- Riffles
- Rift valleys
- Rift zones
- Rifts
- Rip currents
- Riparian buffer
- Riparian zones
- Ripple marks
- Riprap
- Risers
- River channel migration
- River deltas
- River engineering
- River mouths
- Rivers
- Riveting machines
- RL
- Road
- Road junction
- Road surface
- Road trains
- Roadworks
- Rock bolts
- Rock fragment
- Rockfall
- Rockslides
- Roman aqueducts
- Roman cement
- Roman concrete
- Roof
- Roof coating
- Roof pitch
- Roof shingles
- Roof tiles
- Root microbiome
- Rossby waves
- Rotating biological contactor
- Rotunda
- RTV silicone
- Rubberized asphalt
- Rubble
- Rubble masonry
- Ruderal species
- Ruins
- Rumble strips
- Runoff
- Runoff curve number
- Runway
- Rut
- Saddle
- Sag
- Salt marshes
- Salt pans
- Salt tectonics
- Saltation
- Saltwater intrusion
- Sand boils
- Sand engine
- Sand sheet
- Sand waves
- Sandcrete
- Sandstone
- Sandwich panels
- Sanidine
- Sanitary engineering
- Sanitary sewer
- Sanitary sewer overflow
- Saprolite
- Sarking
- Satellite geodesy
- Saturated-surface-dry
- Scaffold
- Scaffolding
- Scarp retreat
- Schmidt hammer
- Schmutzdecke
- Sclerometer
- Scoria
- Scouring
- Scree
- Screed
- Screen filter
- Screw piles
- Sea level
- Seafloor spreading
- Seagrass
- Sealed road
- Seam
- Seawalls
- Seaweed
- Seaweed farming
- Secondary
- Secondary forests
- Secondary treatment
- Sediment
- Sediment basin
- Sediment control
- Sediment transport
- Sediment traps
- Sedimentary basins
- Sedimentary organic matter
- Sedimentary rock
- Sedimentary structures
- Sedimentation
- Sedimentology
- Seep2d
- Segregation in concrete
- Seikan Tunnel
- Seismic analysis
- Seismic anisotropy
- Seismic arrays
- Seismic base isolation
- Seismic code
- Seismic hazard
- Seismic interferometry
- Seismic inversion
- Seismic loading
- Seismic migration
- Seismic moment
- Seismic noise
- Seismic refraction
- Seismic risk
- Seismic site effects
- Seismic stratigraphy
- Seismic tomography
- Seismic waves
- Seismic zones
- Seismicity
- Seismite
- Seismograms
- Seismology
- Seismotectonics
- Self-build
- Self-consolidating concrete
- Self-healing concrete
- Semi-monocoque
- Sense of place
- Septic tank
- Sequence stratigraphy
- Sericite
- Serpentinite
- Serviceability
- Settling basin
- Sewage
- Sewage farms
- Sewage treatment
- Sewer mining
- Shake
- Shakes
- Shale
- Shale oil
- Shale oil extraction
- Shallow foundation
- Shanghai Tower
- Shared space
- Shared transport
- Shared-use paths
- Shear velocity
- Shear walls
- Shear zones
- Sheet erosion
- Sheeted dyke complex
- Shelf angle
- Shelters
- Shields parameter
- Shock metamorphism
- Shotcrete
- Shower
- Sial
- Siberian High
- Sick building syndrome
- Side valley
- Sidestream smoke
- Sidewalk
- Siding
- Silicate minerals
- Siliceous ooze
- Siliciclastic
- Silicification
- Sill plate
- Sills
- Silt
- Silt density index
- Siltation
- Siltstone
- Simple shear
- Simplified sewerage
- Single points of failure
- Site plan
- Skid-steer loaders
- Slab pull
- Slabs
- Slaking
- Slate
- Slates
- Slenderness ratio
- Slickensides
- Slip forming
- Sliplining
- Slope stability
- Slope stability analysis
- Sloughs
- Slow earthquakes
- Sludge
- Sludge bulking
- Sludge volume index
- Sluice
- Slurry
- Slurry transport
- Smart mobility
- Smectite
- Smog
- Smoke
- Smoke control
- Smoke detectors
- Smoothing
- Snags
- Snow hydrology
- Snowmelt
- Soapstone
- Social progress index
- Socio-hydrology
- Sod
- Soft infrastructure
- Soil acidification
- Soil biology
- Soil cement
- Soil consolidation
- Soil crust
- Soil ecology
- Soil erosion
- Soil gradation
- Soil mechanics
- Soil mesofauna
- Soil quality
- Soil regeneration
- Soil respiration
- Soil sealing
- Soil vapor extraction
- Soil-structure interaction
- Solar chimney
- Solar desalination
- Solar still
- Solid earth
- Somali current
- Soot
- Sorel cement
- Source reduction
- Source rock
- South Atlantic Anomaly
- South Equatorial Current
- Space frame
- Space sustainability
- Span
- Species diversity
- Species pool
- Specific speed
- Specific storage
- Specifications
- Spectral acceleration
- Speleothems
- Spent caustic
- Spent shale
- Spillage
- Spillways
- Splash zone
- Sporinite
- Spot height
- Spray
- Spray foam
- Spray towers
- Springs
- Stack effect
- Stagnation point flow
- Stainless steel
- Stalactites
- Stalagmites
- Standard Assessment Procedure
- Standard dimension ratio
- Standard penetration test
- Standard step method
- Standpipe
- Static load testing
- Station
- Stave
- Steam accumulator
- Steam generators
- Steam traps
- Steel buildings
- Steel catenary riser
- Steel fibre-reinforced shotcrete
- Steel frame
- Steel plate shear wall
- Stemflow
- Stepped spillway
- Stepping stones
- Stilt
- Stilts
- Stockwork
- Stone carving
- Stone mastic asphalt
- Stone veneer
- Stone walls
- Stonemasonry
- Stopcocks
- Storage effect
- Storey
- Storm beach
- Storm drains
- Stormwater
- Stormwater harvesting
- Story
- Straits
- Strand jack
- Strata
- Strategic environmental assessment
- Straths
- Stratification
- Stratigraphic column
- Stratigraphic section
- Stratigraphic units
- Stratigraphy
- Stratotype
- Straw-bale construction
- Streak
- Stream
- Stream bed
- Stream gauge
- Stream load
- Stream order
- Stream restoration
- Streamflow
- Striations
- Strike and dip
- Strong ground motion
- Structural engineering
- Structural engineers
- Structural geology
- Structural insulated panels
- Structural mechanics
- Structural robustness
- Structural steel
- Structural system
- Stucco
- Subcontinental lithospheric mantle
- Subgrade
- Submarine earthquake
- Submerged floating tunnel
- Submittals
- Subsidence
- Substructure
- Subsurface flow
- Subways
- Suction caisson
- Sulfur cycle
- Sump pump
- Sunda Megathrust
- Sunlight
- Supercontinents
- Superficial deposits
- Supergene
- Superplasticizer
- Superstreet
- Superstructure
- Supraglacial lakes
- Surface engineering
- Surface runoff
- Surface rupture
- Surface water
- Surficial aquifer
- Surge
- Surge control
- Surge tank
- Survey
- Surveying
- Suspended load
- Suspended structure
- Sustainability accounting
- Sustainable architecture
- Sustainable design
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable engineering
- Sustainable forest management
- Sustainable landscaping
- Sustainable living
- Sustainable products
- Sustainable refurbishment
- Sustainable transport
- Swales
- Swamps
- Swarm
- SWAT model
- Sylvinite
- Synclines
- Syngas fermentation
- Tabby concrete
- Taconite
- Tailings
- Tailings dams
- Tainter gates
- Tap
- Tarns
- Teardowns
- Tectonic
- Telluric current
- Temperature cycling
- Tensegrity
- Tephra
- Terminal moraines
- Terrain
- Tethys
- Thalweg
- Thermal bridges
- Thermal depolymerization
- Thermal desorption
- Thermal pollution
- Thermal subsidence
- Thermal treatment
- Thermoeconomics
- Thermokarst
- Thermonatrite
- Thermoplastics
- Thermostatic mixing valve
- Thin sections
- Third Pole
- Threaded pipe
- Threatened species
- Throughfall
- Throughflow
- Thrust faults
- Tide
- Tie rods
- Tile drainage
- Till
- Till plains
- Tilt-up
- Tiltmeters
- Timber framing
- Time of concentration
- Topographic maps
- Topography
- Torbanite
- Total stations
- Tournaisian
- Tower
- Tower blocks
- Toxic waste
- Toxics use reduction
- Trachyte
- Track
- Track bed
- Traffic barrier
- Traffic calming
- Traffic conflict
- Traffic engineering
- Trails
- Train
- Train on train
- Train station
- Train track
- Trams
- Transfer stations
- Transform faults
- Transient recovery voltage
- Transition zone
- Translucent concrete
- Transpiration
- Transportation demand management
- Transportation engineering
- Transpression
- Transtension
- Trap rock
- Trash
- Tremie
- Trench
- Trial pit
- Tributary
- Trickling filters
- Trolley
- Troughs
- Trusses
- Tsunami deposit
- Tsunami earthquakes
- Tsunamis
- Tube bending
- Tube wells
- Tuff
- Tunnel network
- Tunnels
- Turbidite
- Turbidity currents
- Twin bridges
- U-shaped valleys
- Ultrasonic nozzle
- Unconformity
- Underfloor air distribution
- Underground construction
- Underpinning
- Undulose extinction
- Uniform Building Code
- Uniform Plumbing Code
- Unit trains
- Unreinforced masonry buildings
- Upper mantle
- Uranium market
- Uranium ore
- Uranium-238
- Urban heat islands
- Urban metabolism
- Urban mining
- Urban runoff
- Urban streams
- Urban villages
- Urea-formaldehyde
- Utility tunnels
- Vacuum evaporation
- Vacuum sewer
- Vadose zone
- Valleys
- Valves
- Vapor intrusion
- Vapor-compression desalination
- Varves
- Vena contracta
- Venturi scrubbers
- Vertical deflection
- Vertical electrical sounding
- Vespel
- Vicat softening point
- Vinyl siding
- Virtual design and construction
- Virtual globes
- Vitrinite
- Volcanic
- Volcanic ash
- Volcanic belts
- Volcanic gas
- Volcanic glass
- Volcanic hazards
- Volcanic pipe
- Volcanic rock
- Volcaniclastics
- Volcano observatory
- Vugs
- Waffle slab
- Walkway
- Wall footing
- Warren trusses
- Wash load
- Waste
- Waste characterisation
- Waste collection
- Waste collector
- Waste compaction
- Waste hierarchy
- Waste management
- Waste pickers
- Waste sorting
- Waste stabilization ponds
- Waste treatment
- Waste-to-energy plants
- Wastewater treatment
- Water balance
- Water chlorination
- Water cycle
- Water distribution system
- Water extraction
- Water fluoridation
- Water hammer
- Water heating
- Water industry
- Water level
- Water pollution
- Water potential
- Water purification
- Water quality modelling
- Water reducer
- water resources in China
- Water scarcity in India
- Water softening
- Water stagnation
- Water supply network
- Water table
- Water testing
- Water towers
- Water treatment
- Water year
- Water-cement ratio
- Water-tube boilers
- Waterfalls
- Waterproofing
- Watershed delineation
- Watershed management
- Watersheds
- Waterways
- Wattle
- Wattle and daub
- Wave overtopping
- Wave run-up
- Wayfinding
- Wearing course
- Weathering
- Weathering steel
- Weep
- Weir
- Weld access hole
- Welded wire mesh
- Well building standard
- Well drainage
- Wetlands
- Wetted perimeter
- Wetting
- Wetting transition
- Wharf
- White Portland cement
- Whitetopping
- Wilderness
- Wind engineering
- Wind setup
- Wing walls
- Wisconsin glaciation
- Wood preservation
- Wood-plastic composite
- Wool insulation
- World Happiness Report
- Wythe
- Xenoliths
- Yilgarn Craton
- Younger Dryas
- Zebra crossing
- Zeolite
- Zeolite facies
- Zero waste
- Zero-energy building
- Zigbee
- Zone valve
- ZSM-5