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Processing of Complex Industrial Effluents and Gaseous Mixtures through Innovative Membrane Technology
Published in Sundergopal Sridhar, Membrane Technology, 2018
Solvay’s sulfone polymers have been used to make membranes for a wide variety of applications including UF and gas separation (Figure 1.10 (b)). Due to properties of high-temperature resistance, high fiber strength, toughness, rigidity and hydrolytic stability, Udel polysulfone is found to be the most cost-effective amongst the sulfone polymers and has become an industrial standard. Asymmetric polysulfone fibers prepared by a phase inversion technique have excellent hydrolytic stability and are compatible in pH ranging from 2 to 13. A PVC tube with 45 mm OD and a length of 55.5 cm was used as housing to assemble fibers. The potting of hollow fibers was done by inserting a bundle of fibers in the housing and applying epoxy glue on both ends for perfect sealing. After complete drying of the glue, fibers were cut carefully. The module was fitted with end caps having provision for gas inlet and outlet.
Polymeric Biomaterials
Published in Joseph D. Bronzino, Donald R. Peterson, Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals, 2019
Hai Bang Lee, Gilson Khang, and Jin Ho Lee
Udel®: Polysulfone made by General Electric. Valence electrons: e outermost (shell) electrons of an atom. van der Waals bonding: A secondary bonding arising through the uctuating dipole-dipole interactions. Vinyl polymers: ermoplastic linear polymers synthesized by free radical polymerization of vinyl
Surface modification of polysulfone reverse osmosis membrane with chitosan-modified zinc oxide for water desalination
Published in Environmental Technology, 2023
Ahmad Nasibiselahchin, Fariba Soltanolkottabi
Polysulfone in granule form (PSf, Udel® P-1700, Solvay Advanced Polymers, Brussels, Belgium with an average molecular weight) of Mw) of 62973 and with a density of 1.24 g.cm −3) was used. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) with a purity of 95%, Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) with a purity of 97%, Chitosan (Deacetylation> = 75%, medium molecular weight chitosan (Product 448877) is 190,000–310,000 Da.), and Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticle were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The Other materials purchased from Merck KGaA were acetic acid (CH3COOH), Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), Hydrochloric acid (HCl), Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), Magnesium chloride (MgCl2), Sodium chloride (NaCl), and Calcium chloride (CaCl2) with a purity of 99.5%. Distilled water was used as a non-solvent for the coagulation bath during membrane synthesis.
Determination of the effect of proteoliposome concentration on Aquaporin Z incorporated nanofiltration membranes
Published in Environmental Technology, 2020
Reyhan Sengur-Tasdemir, Enise Pekgenc, Gulsum Melike Urper-Bayram, Tulay Ergon-Can, Havva Esra Tutuncu, Bihter Zeytuncu, Nevin Gul-Karaguler, Esra Ates-Genceli, Ismail Koyuncu
Polysulfone (PS) Udel® P-3500 was supplied from Solvay Specialty Polymers, USA. N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) was purchased from Ak-Kim Chemicals (Turkey). Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K30 (Mw: 40,000 g/mol), K15 (Mw: 10,000 g/mol) was used pore formers (Sigma Aldrich).