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Impact of Well Remediation Chemicals on Water Quality and Deterioration
Published in Joseph A. Cotruvo, Gunther F. Craun, Nancy Hearne, Providing Safe Drinking Water in Small Systems, 2019
Sodium tripolyphosphate (Na5P3O10), also known as STP, is a dry granular material (74% PO4) that is safe to handle and nontoxic. It sequesters iron/manganese dissolved during acid cleaning and disperses mineral oxides removed during well cleaning. It is effectively applied at ¼ pound per gallon of water in the well. In phosphorus-limited groundwater quality (low PO4 content), use of phosphate cleaners may contribute to regrowth, unless all the chemical residual is flushed out. Phosphate solubility should not be exceeded and it should be mixed thoroughly with water before use.
Expandable Graphite in Polyethylene: The Effect of Modification, Particle Size and the Synergistic Effect with Ammonium Polyphosphate on Flame Retardancy, Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties
Published in Combustion Science and Technology, 2020
Jianing Liu, Xiuyan Pang, Xiuzhu Shi, Jianzhong Xu
Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) is a good binder and additive used in refractory materials (Goberis et al., 2005). We have found it can significantly improve the GIC dilatability when EG is prepared with H2SO4 as main intercalator and STPP as assistant intercalator (Zhai et al., 2015). In view of the influence of FR size on flame retardancy and the modification on EG expansion performance, in this study, we further prepared four different sizes of STPP-modified EG (EGP) of EGP50, EGP80, EGP100, and EGP150. The size effect of EGP on combustibility, thermal stability, and mechanical properties of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) was investigated by limiting oxygen index (LOI), UL-94 vertical burning level, cone calorimeter test (CCT), thermogravimetry/differential thermogravimetry (TG/DTG), and tensile test, respectively.