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Potash And Other Salts
Published in Earle A. Ripley, E. Robert Redmann, Adèle A. Crowder, Tara C. Ariano, Catherine A. Corrigan, Robert J. Farmer, L. Moira Jackson, Environmental Effects of Mining, 2018
A. Ripley Earle, Robert E. Redmann, Adèle A. Crowder, Tara C. Ariano, Catherine A. Corrigan, Robert J. Farmer, Earle A. Ripley, E. Robert Redmann, Adèle A. Crowder, Tara C. Ariano, Catherine A. Corrigan, Robert J. Farmer, L. Moira Jackson
Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) is used primarily as a component of detergents (40%), and in the pulp and paper (35%), glass (5%), and textile-dyeing industries (Morel-à-l’Huissier 1992). While it is produced around the world in a variety of ways, including as a by-product of various chemical operations, the largest single source of sodium sulphate is naturally occurring brines and evaporites. At the end of 1992, there were six Canadian plants in operation, all in Saskatchewan (Morel-à-l’Huissier 1993).
Beneficiation of Denizli - Acıgöl sodium sulphate ore by exploiting its structural properties
Published in Gülhan Özbayoğlu, Çetin Hoşten, M. Ümit Atalay, Cahit Hiçyılmaz, A. İhsan Arol, Mineral Processing on the Verge of the 21st Century, 2017
Sodium sulphate is an important industrial chemical. The main uses of sodium sulphate are in the pulp and paper, powder detergent, glass and textile dying industries. Sodium sulphate is widespread in occurrence and is a common constituent of many mineral waters, as well as seawater. Many of the saline lakes throughout the world contain varying amounts of sodium sulphate (Weisman, 1983). Sodium sulphate in its natural form is found as the hydrous salt mirabilite (commonly called glauber’s salt), and as thenardite, the anhydrous variety, mirabilite, Na2SO4.10H2O, contains 55,9 % water of crystallisation. It is efflorescence or spontaneous loss of water. On dehydration it changes to anhydrous form, Na2SO4. Thenardite, the anhydrous mineral, Na2SO4, contains 43,68 % Na2O and 56,32 % SO3.
Phase-Change Materials
Published in George A. Lane, Solar Heat Storage: Latent Heat Materials, 1986
The principal concern about stability for PCM usage is the incongruent-melting behavior, resulting in phase segregation. As with other salt hydrates, water of hydration is lost upon heating, unless the material is encapsulated in a well-sealed, impermeable container. Chemically, sodium sulfate is a very stable material and can be heated well above the melting point of the anhydrous salt, 880°C(1630°F), without decomposition.
Photocatalytic degradation of caffeine using metal ion-modified pillared interlayered clays and H2O2 under UV radiation
Published in Chemical Engineering Communications, 2023
Can Serkan Keskin, Beytullah Eren, Abdil Özdemir
HPLC (Shimadzu) was used to analyze treated solutions with a multiwavelength diode array detector (DAD). The used column was an InertSustain C18 Column 5 μm, 4.6 mm × 250 mm. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min, and the injection volume was 3.0 μL. The calibration curve was obtained using four standards ranging from 5.0 to 30.0 mg/L CAF concentration. The equation is summarized in Table 1. The mobile phase consisted of acetate buffer (pH 4) and acetonitrile (V/V, 50:50). The buffer solution was prepared daily and filtered through a 0.45 μm membrane filter. The characterizations of zeolite and synthesized Fe-Ti-PILCs were performed by SEM JEOL (JSM- 6060LV) microscope. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of zeolite and Fe-Ti-PILCs were recorded by Rigaku D/Max 2200 equipped with graphite monochromatized Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å). The electrochemical analyses were carried out on a Gamry Interphase 1000 potentiostat. The three-electrode system consists of a platinum electrode as the counter electrode, a silver/silver chloride electrode as the reference electrode, and Fe-Ti-PILCs coated ITO glass as the working electrode. The analyses were performed in 0.5 M sodium sulfate solution.
Effect of Alkaline Types on the Production of Calcium Carbonate Particles from Gypsum Waste for Fixation of CO2 by Mineral Carbonation
Published in International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 2018
The carbonation of DG can be performed via the addition of a range of alkali sources. When NaOH was used in the MC (Bang et al. 2014; Cardenas-Escudero et al. 2011), sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) solution was obtained as a co-product that can be used in detergent and paper industries because of its purity (Cardenas-Escudero et al. 2011). Another alkali source used for the carbonation of DG is NH4OH (Azdarpour et al. 2014, 2015; Bao et al. 2017; Cheng, Zhang, and Song 2014; Lee et al. 2012) and ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) is obtained as a co-product for use in a fertilizer industry. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) particles obtained from the carbonation of DG can be evaluated in various industrial applications such as paint, plastic, paper, cement, food, and pharmaceuticals, as well as to capture CO2 at high temperatures (Eloneva et al. 2008). PCC with different polymorphs -calcite, aragonite, amorphous calcium carbonate, and vaterite- is prepared depending on the production conditions such as solution pH, reaction temperature and time, ion concentration and ratio, and additives (Chang et al. 2017). For example, the properties of PCC are strongly influenced by NH4+ ions. An increase of NH4+ ions in the solution led to producing vaterite crystals within the calcite crystals in PCC. Aragonite crystals can be prepared in the presence of Mg2+ ions (Altiner and Yildirim 2017; Park et al. 2008). These polymorphs of PCC were important parameters to determine their usage area in the industry. For example, cubic calcite particles can be used as a filler material instead of titanium dioxide (TiO2) in the coating and paint industry, while needle-like aragonite particles are used in the plastic sector to increase the strength property of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (Wang et al. 2001). Furthermore, hollow spherical calcite particles are used as a drug carrier in the biomedical industry as it is not harmful to the human body (Boyjoo, Pareek, and Liu 2014).