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Liquefied Natural Gas
Published in Arthur J. Kidnay, William R. Parrish, Daniel G. McCartney, Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing, 2019
Arthur J. Kidnay, William R. Parrish, Daniel G. McCartney
Regasification of the stored LNG is the final step in the operation of LNG peakshaving and off-load terminal storage facilities. The regasification, or vaporization, is accomplished by addition of heat from ambient air, ambient water, or fired vaporizers. The cost of the regasification system generally represents only a small fraction of the cost of the storage plant; however, the availability of the system is critical because failure or breakdown would defeat the purpose of the facility.
Energy Markets’ Future
Published in Anco S. Blazev, Global Energy Market Trends, 2021
Once liquefied, the LNG is typically transported by specialized ships with cryogenic, or insulated, tanks. Once LNG reaches an import (regasification) terminal, it is unloaded and stored as a liquid until ready for sendout. The regasification terminal warms the LNG to return it to a gaseous state and then sends it into the pipeline transportation network for delivery to consumers.
Carbon capture and storage using low-temperature post-combustion technologies
Published in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2021
Tala Rifka, Tatiana Morosuk, George Tsatsaronis
One method that can be used for the cryogenic separation of CO2 is the use of low-temperature energy of liquefied natural gas (LNG). After the transportation, the LNG is regasified at regasification plants (import terminal) and sent by pipelines to the customers (Shell Global n.d.). The regasification technologies currently used are not very efficient and approximately 1.5% of the delivered LNG is required for the regasification process. Therefore, the goal is to use low-temperature energy of LNG during the regasification in order to separate the CO2 from the rest of the combustion gases. Another advantage of using LNG is that the temperature is low enough to achieve the separation of CO2 at any initial concentration. The flowsheet of the process is shown in Figure 1. The LNG was assumed to be composed of pure methane.
A multi-period linear programming model for the natural gas distribution network of Thailand
Published in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2022
N. Tuchinda, S. Moryadee, C. U-tapao, L. Laokhongthavorn
Overall, the demand for natural gas supply can be met by a state-owned monopoly, which is 2016 supplied 4,677 MMSCFD. Of this supply, approximately 69% is natural gas which comes from the reserves located under the Gulf of Thailand, while 15% of the supply is imported to Thailand via pipeline from Myanmar. A number of other LNG-exporting countries account for the remainder of the natural gas imported by Thailand. However, these LNG imports must, first of all, undergo conversion to natural gas via the regasification process which is carried out at the LNG terminal before the gas is then distributed to end-users.