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Mineral-driven industrialisation of Africa
Published in Francis P. Gudyanga, Minerals in Africa, 2020
It is important for Africa to realise that FULL beneficiation/extraction of every mineral must be done before its exporting, if the continent’s mineral-driven industrialisation is to be achieved. This is particularly so for minerals that require various sequential stages of processing. For example, chromite requires concentration to make chrome concentrates which are exportable. But concentration is only the first stage of beneficiation. Historically chrome concentrates have been exported from African countries. Subsequent to that concentration the chrome concentrate can be processed to ferrochrome by smelting. Export of ferrochrome products is not to the full benefit of African countries. The ultimate product of chrome is stainless steel. This is achieved by further processing of the ferrochrome. For example, nickel or manganese may be added to produce superalloys with specific properties required for particular uses such as jet engines or gas turbines.
Performance assessment of ferrochrome slag as partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete
Published in European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2021
Manoj Kumar Dash, Sanjaya Kumar Patro
Limited research work has been carried out to utilise the ferrochrome slag as fine aggregate in concrete production. Ferrochrome (FeCr) is an alloy of chromium and iron. The ferrochrome is produced from chromites mineral, which contains chrome and iron oxides by smelting in electric arc furnace. The smelted products obtained from the smelting furnaces are slag and ferrochrome alloy. For production every ton ferrochrome alloy, 1.0–1.2 ton solid waste slag is generated. The waste slag material can be made available under various cooling conditions in various sizes. Air cooled slag after alloy recovery is available in 10–20 mm size, which had been used as coarse aggregate by many researchers. Water cooled slag is available as granulated having more or less similar grain size like natural sand which has been utilised as fine aggregate in this study.
Influence of process parameters on impurity level in ferrochrome production-An industrial-scale analysis
Published in Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2022
Pankaj Kumar, Nilamadhaba Sahu, Aditya Roshan, Biranchi Narayan Rout, Sunil Kumar Tripathy
The primary raw material for ferrochrome production is chrome ore, coke and quartz or lime, depending on the ore characteristics. The most critical parameters for the Si in the alloy has been considered for the study. The chromite ore and quartz are the two major source of SiO2 in the burden material. The Si in the ferrochrome metal is contributed mainly due to in-situ reduction of SiO2 with C according to Equation 1 (Ranganathan et al. 2005; Tsuchiya, Tokuda and Ohtani 1972; Vazarlis and Lekatou 1993).