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Impact of Limescale on Home Appliances in a Building
Published in Salah-ddine Krit, Mohamed Elhoseny, Valentina Emilia Balas, Rachid Benlamri, Marius M. Balas, Internet of Everything and Big Data, 2021
Hajji Abdelghani, Ahmed Abbou, El Boukili Abdellah
Temperature has a significant influence on the solubility of calcium carbonate. The latter increases the presence of carbon dioxide. Indeed, the increase in temperature decreases the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide and causes the precipitation of calcium carbonate. [Hadfi, 2012]
Membrane Fouling and Scaling in Reverse Osmosis
Published in Andreas Sapalidis, Membrane Desalination, 2020
Nirajan Dhakal, Almotasembellah Abushaban, Nasir Mangal, Mohanad Abunada, Jan C. Schippers, Maria D Kennedy
Addition of acid is one of the earliest techniques to prevent the precipitation of calcium carbonate. The solubility of calcium carbonate is increased when pH of the water is lowered. Acidification is also not an attractive approach since massive amount of acid is needed to lower the feedwater pH when the concentration of bicarbonate is high.
Antarctic Marine Biodiversity: Adaptations, Environments and Responses to Change
Published in S. J. Hawkins, A. J. Evans, A. C. Dale, L. B. Firth, I. P. Smith, Oceanography and Marine Biology, 2018
Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain the decrease in skeleton size towards the poles. The first is that on physical environmental and energetic considerations the cost of shell production increases towards the poles. Most marine ectotherm skeletons are made from calcium carbonate (CaCO3). As temperature decreases in the sea, the solubility of calcium carbonate increases (Revelle & Fairbridge 1957). As a consequence, the saturation state of CaCO3 (ΩCaCO3) in seawater decreases, where saturation state is defined as: the product of the concentrations of dissolved calcium and carbonate ions in seawater divided by their product at equilibrium. At lower temperatures, the ions used to make skeletons are more soluble, and more thermodynamic work is required to remove them from seawater. This has been proposed by several authors to be the possible reason why skeletons are smaller at high latitude because it increases the energy needed to complete shell production (Graus 1974, Vermeij 1978, Clarke 1983, Clarke 1990, Clarke 1993c, Vermeij 1993). This argument has been combined with the poleward decrease in metabolic rates in marine ectotherms described earlier, and elsewhere (e.g. Peck 2016), to show not only should the costs of building skeletons increase in real terms at lower temperatures, but this effect should be greater in relation to metabolic costs (Clarke & Johnston 1999, Peck & Conway 2000, Watson et al. 2017).
On the impact of zero-point vibrations in calcium carbonate
Published in Phase Transitions, 2021
R. Belkofsi, G. Chahi, O. Adjaoud, I. Belabbas
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a widespread natural mineral [1]. It has attracted much interest in several scientific fields, such as geology, biology and climatology, as well as in industry. As being one of the most abundant minerals in the Earth's crust, getting information on its properties, stability and behavior allows for rationalizing the seismic data and thus understanding the dynamics of plate tectonics [2]. In climatology, CaCO3 has been recognized as the most relevant geochemical reservoir of inorganic carbon which plays the role of buffer for cycling CO2 between earth, oceans and the atmosphere. It has thus a deep impact on the global warming phenomenon [3]. In biology, many living organisms, such as mollusks and gastropods, use calcium carbonate to build shells for protecting their bodies [4]. Otherwise, calcium carbonate is being utilized in various industrial domains [5]. For instance, in paper industry CaCO3is usually employed as filler in order to create high whiteness. In construction industry, it is used as a building material as well as a component of cement. Due its biocompatibility and its low toxicity, CaCO3 is widely utilized in pharmaceutical industry, as material for medicinal tablets and more recently as a drug delivery system.
Application of hydrophobic particles in the formation kinetics of methane hydrate in water-in-oil emulsion
Published in Petroleum Science and Technology, 2020
Rencong Song, Liyan Shang, Ping Li, Li Zhou, Zhe Wang, Zhiming Liu, Jie Xu
Calcium carbonate is one of the common minerals under the sea, which is slightly soluble in pure water (pH = 7). When calcium carbonate is dissolved in water, there will be complex ionization balances such as Ca2+, CO32−, and HCO3−. With the decrease of temperature, the scaling rate of calcium carbonate in the system becomes slower, and the solubility increases proportionally with the increase of pressure (Al Nasser et al. 2016). In addition, the degree of turbulence also has a great influence on the solubility of calcium carbonate. Stirring increases the number of collisions between particles and water molecules and slows down the deposition rate. The reaction of calcium carbonate in water is as follows:
Investigation of Crystallization Fouling on Novel Polymer Composite Heat Exchanger Tubes
Published in Heat Transfer Engineering, 2022
Sebastian Schilling, Heike Glade, Thomas Orth
Crystallization fouling often occurs in heat exchangers, especially when using aqueous solutions. The most prevalent type of crystallization fouling is precipitation and deposition of salts, also referred to as scaling. The solubility of salts exhibiting an inverse solubility, such as calcium sulfate (CaSO4), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2), decreases with increasing temperature. Therefore, these salts have a tendency to precipitate on heated surfaces, additionally promoted by heterogeneous nucleation mechanisms.