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Biomechanics of Chest and Abdomen Impact
Published in Joseph D. Bronzino, Donald R. Peterson, Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals, 2019
David C. Viano and Albert I. King
A simple, but relevant, lumped-mass model of the chest was developed by Lobdell et al. (1973) and is shown in Figure 14.5. e impacting mass is m1 and skin compliance is represented by k12. An energyabsorbing interface was added by Viano (1987) to evaluate protective padding. Chest structure is represented by a parallel Voigt and Maxwell spring-dashpot system, which couples the sternal m2 and spinal m3 masses. When subjected to a blunt sternal impact, the model follows established force-deection corridors. e biomechanical model is eective in studying compression and viscous responses. It also simulates military exposures to high-speed, nonpenetrating projectiles (Figure 14.6), even though the loading conditions are quite dierent from the cadaver database used to develop the model. is mechanical system characterizes the elastic, viscous, and inertial components of the torso.
Designing for Upper Torso and Arm Anatomy
Published in Karen L. LaBat, Karen S. Ryan, Human Body, 2019
As the head is the control center for the body, the torso contains organs to pump and aerate blood and to process nutrients and water. Upper torso and lower torso structures and functions overlap. For purposes of this chapter, the upper torso includes the skeletal structures from the neck to the back of the pelvis at the rim and internal organs most pertinent for designers: heart, lungs, stomach, liver, and major portions of the small and large intestines, plus the kidneys and spleen. This chapter also discusses the entire spine from the head to the tailbone, and upper torso nervous system structures.
Posture and belt fit in reclined passenger seats
Published in Traffic Injury Prevention, 2019
Matthew P. Reed, Sheila M. Ebert, Monica L. H. Jones
Landmark data from the hard seat and vehicle seat were used to characterize participant posture. Figure 2 illustrates the primary variables, which are based on the posture models reported by Reed et al. (2002) and Park et al. (2016a, 2016b). The torso posture was defined based on a kinematic linkage consisting of pelvis, lumbar, thorax, neck, and head segments. The pelvis segment connects the hip joints with L5/S1. The lumbar segment spans L5/S1 to T12/L1 and the thorax segment connects T12/L1 with C7/T1. Note that these spine “joints” are defined as the estimated center of the intervertebral disk (see Reed et al. 2002). The neck segment spans C7/T1 to the estimated atlanto-occipital joint location. The mean hip location (average of left and right hip joint centers) was computed with respect to the seat H-point location. The side-view orientations of the pelvis, lumbar, thorax, and neck segments were computed with respect to vertical (positive values indicate reclined from vertical). Head orientation was defined as the angle of the Frankfurt plane with respect to forward horizontal (positive with eyes up). The thigh angle was computed in side view with respect to forward horizontal, and the leg angle was reported positive rearward of vertical. Overall torso recline was quantified by the angle of the side-view vector from mean hip to eye (estimate of the center of the left eyeball) with respect to vertical.
Experimental investigation of biodynamic human body models subjected to whole-body vibration during a vehicle ride
Published in International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2019
Yener Taskin, Yuksel Hacioglu, Faruk Ortes, Derya Karabulut, Yunus Ziya Arslan
Qassem et al. [32] implemented their lumped-parameter human body model (Model 2), which includes masses representing the lower arm, upper arm, cervical spine, head, torso, thorax, diaphragm, abdomen, thoracic spine, lumbar spine and pelvis, by modifying the model proposed by Muksian and Nash [30–33]. Unlike the Muksian and Nash model, the modified model included the damping and elasticity constants of more body segments, namely the upper and lower arms and cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. The numerical values of the spring and dashpot elements were drawn from the literature.
Various vehicle speeds and road profiles effects on transmitted accelerations analysis to human body segments using vehicle and biomechanical models
Published in Cogent Engineering, 2018
Somaye Jamali Shakhlavi, Javad Marzbanrad, Vahid Tavoosi
As regards, the vibration transmissibility function is related to comfort feeling and since, is presented the exact model of the human body, can be calculated the vibration transmissibility for all human body segments. The vibration transmissibility for all human body parts consisted of m1 to m3 (pelvis, abdomen and diaphragm, chest), and m4 to m6 (torso, back, head and neck) are shown in Figures 10 and 11 respectively.