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Behavior for Relieving Pressure
Published in J G Webster, Prevention of Pressure Sores, 2019
Tactile sensory substitution is using tactile sensing to receive information normally received by another sense or at a different area of skin. There are many reports on tactile vision or hearing substitution in which visual or audio signals are converted to digital patterns and transferred to the skin to aid the blind or deaf. Tactile substitution is also used in transferring pressure patterns under the insensate foot of diabetic patients to sensate skin (Wertsch et al 1989). The same concept applies in hand sensory substitution in which pressure patterns on the glove or robotic arm are transferred to sensate skin (Bach-y-Rita et al 1987). There are different ways to stimulate the skin: Mechanical vibrationElectric currentVariable pressure (used for transferring pressure-time pattern).
Nonspeech Auditory and Crossmodal Output
Published in Julie A. Jacko, The Human–Computer Interaction Handbook, 2012
The most popular example of crossmodal interaction can be seen in sensory substitution research. Sensory substitution systems take environmental data, which would normally be processed by one sensory system, and translate this data into stimuli for another sensory system (Lenay, Canu, and Villon 1997). The main application of these systems is increasing accessibility for those with sensory impairments. This class of systems includes tactile vision substitution, tactile auditory substitution, and teletouch.
Effects of Auditory Feedback on Visually-Guided Movement in Real and Virtual Space
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2023
VR environments without haptic interfaces render the user effectively anaptic and akinesthetic to external stimuli. There is a long history of research in sensory substitution, where impairments of one sense may be partially mitigated by the presentation of environmental information to another, for example, tactile aids for people with blindness (Bach-y-Rita et al., 1969; Bach-y-Rita, 2006). It may therefore be possible in VR to replace the haptic cues normally experienced with cues in another modality. Over 60 years ago, von Békésy (1959) identified similarities between the senses of hearing and touch. More recently, sound has been shown to modulate the perception of touch (Lee & Spence, 2008) and there is evidence that both touch and hearing share temporal frequency channels (Yau et al., 2009). Results of this kind find parallels in our current understanding of the neurophysiology of sound and touch. It is known, for example, that there are extensive connections between auditory and somatosensory cortices (Ro et al., 2013). Furthermore, touch has been demonstrated to activate auditory cortex (Foxe et al., 2002; Kayser et al., 2005; Schürmann et al., 2006) and likewise, sound has been shown to activate somatosensory cortex (Pérez-Bellido et al., 2018). Taken together, these results suggest that the auditory system may be an effective substitute for somatosensation when tactile sensitivity is lost.
Developments in the human machine interface technologies and their applications: a review
Published in Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 2021
Harpreet Pal Singh, Parlad Kumar
The general functional principle of the sensory substitution system is to transmit the stimuli characteristic of one sensory medium into stimuli of another sensory medium such as touch to vision or any other form [168,169]. A sensory substitution system can be fragmented into three distinct components such as sensor, electronic coupler and stimulator. Sensor permits the conversion of a certain form of energy into signals that can be interpreted by an electronic coupler system that is responsible for the coordinated activation of a stimulator [170]. The term sensory substitution describes the tendency of the central nervous system to integrate with sensory substitution devices thereby learning through a new mode of perception [171]. By using a tactile vision sensory substitution (TVSS) system, blind subjects are able to orient to a specific direction and to locate simple targets including moving ones and other perceptions of depth estimates, zooming, perspective parallax, etc. Equipped with TVSS blind persons are able to recognise simple geometrical shapes after learning some special techniques [170,172,173].
Social Glasses: Simulating Interactive Gaze for Visually Impaired People in Face-to-Face Communication
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2020
Shi Qiu, Jun Hu, Ting Han, Hirotaka Osawa, Matthias Rauterberg
Although the Social glasses system benefits blind people, it still has an inadequacy. Blind people cannot receive the feedback of gaze signals from sighted people in conversations. Griffin’s Uncertainty Reduction theory (Griffin, 2006) suggested that, during face-to-face communication, blind people suffer from uncertainty about sighted people’s attitudes, due to a lack of visual cues in social interactions, especially gaze and eye contact. They often experience communication breakdown in conversations, causing their low self-confidence and feelings of social isolation (Naraine & Lindsay, 2011) . In our future work, we will improve the Social glasses system to let blind people also feel gaze and “eye contact” in face-to-face communication. If the Social glasses could give the prompt of the gaze from the sighted, it could be used to help blind people to participate in a more effective social interaction. Many sensory substitution systems help improve the quality of blind people’s lives by transferring visual signals into auditory signals (Mengucci, Watten, Hamilton-Fletcher, Obrist, & Ward, 2016; Tanveer, Anam, Yeasin, & Khan, 2013). However, using auditory feedback seems not suitable in a conversation scenario. It may increase the hearing load of blind people and make conversations annoying. Therefore, it will be very interesting to explore different modalities regarding the feedback for the “eye contact,” such as vibrations, a sense of pressure, and even a change of temperature.